
Social Determinants Of Health Associated With Asthma Morbidity In Children

Study results published in Pediatrics showed that adverse social determinants of health (SDOH) were significantly associated with increased at-risk rates (ARRs) of pediatric asthma morbidity and that these ARRs varied widely across census tracts in Washington, DC. Researchers aimed to evaluate the associations between pediatric asthma morbidity and SDOH in the different census tracts using ARRs, which account for underlying variations in asthma prevalence. They calculated ARRs for pediatric asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations based on the number of children with asthma in each tract of the city. Examining the associations between census-tract ARRs and SDOH allows for the identification of specific place-based SDOH that could be targeted to reduce pediatric asthma morbidity.