

New Method For Mapping Air Pollution Reveals Disproportionate Burden In Disadvantaged Communities

New Method For Mapping Air Pollution Reveals Disproportionate Burden In Disadvantaged Communities

In recent years, environmental justice researchers have uncovered wide disparities in exposure to toxic pollutants between people living in low-income neighborhoods and those living in wealthier communities. Much of the research has focused on air pollution emitted from factories, along with diesel truck and automobile exhaust from highways—which are generally situated far from high-income neighborhoods. ...
Use Berkeley’s Emergency Map To Get Critical Information And Act Quickly On Warnings, Orders

Use Berkeley’s Emergency Map To Get Critical Information And Act Quickly On Warnings, Orders

Learn how to use the City’s emergency map to quickly see how neighborhoods, including your own, may be directed to evacuate, shelter in place, or take other protective action. When possible, the City will also use the map to identify evacuation routes, road closures, shelters, or other critical information to guide you to your next ...
New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

The U.S. Geological Survey has released a new nationwide landslide susceptibility map that indicates nearly 44% of the U.S. could potentially experience landslide activity. The new assessment provides a highly detailed, county-by-county picture of where these damaging, disruptive and potentially deadly geologic hazards are more likely as well as areas where landslide hazards are negligible. ...
Coastal Cities’ Growing Hurricane Vulnerability Is Fed By Both Climate Change And Unbridled Population Growth

Coastal Cities’ Growing Hurricane Vulnerability Is Fed By Both Climate Change And Unbridled Population Growth

Warm water in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico can fuel powerful hurricanes, but how destructive a storm becomes isn’t just about the climate and weather – it also depends on the people and property in harm’s way. In many coastal cities, fast population growth has left more people living in areas at high ...
Oklahoma City Addresses Extreme Heat Using Dynamic GIS-Powered Tools for Climate Action

Oklahoma City Addresses Extreme Heat Using Dynamic GIS-Powered Tools for Climate Action

The Oklahoma City Office of Sustainability’s first deep dive into digital mapping showed just how important spatial awareness can be—especially when it comes to extreme summer heat. For context, this state capital is similar in size to New York City at 621 square miles. But its population of about 750,000 is more spread out than ...
Investigadores De La Universidad De Sevilla Ponen Fecha A La Desaparición De Doñana

Investigadores De La Universidad De Sevilla Ponen Fecha A La Desaparición De Doñana

Los investigadores de la Universidad de Sevilla José Lázaro Amaro Mellado y Emilio Ramírez Juidias, en colaboración con el Laboratorio de Teledetección de la Universidad Tecnológica de Perú, han publicado un estudio que alerta sobre los efectos del cambio climático en las marismas de Doñana. Según los investigadores, el aumento de las temperaturas junto con ...

DENR Targets 3 Million Hectares Of Forest Cover By 2028

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources targets to increase the country’s forest cover by an additional three million hectares by 2028 as part of efforts to minimize the impact of climate change, DENR Secretary Maria Antonia Yulo Loyzaga revealed. “We have four targeted areas for reforestation, 1.2 million hectares that can be made available ...
OSU Researchers Complete Electrical Mapping Project Critical To Protecting The U.S. Power Grid

OSU Researchers Complete Electrical Mapping Project Critical To Protecting The U.S. Power Grid

A nearly 20-year effort to map the electrical properties of Earth’s crust and mantle across the contiguous United States, viewed as critical to protecting the electrical grid during extreme solar storms and against damage from electromagnetic pulses used as weapons, is now complete. The 3-D geoelectric map produced by researchers provides vital information to scientists, ...

North Macedonia’s DSO Launches Interactive Map Of Free Capacity For Connecting Solar Power Plants

North Macedonia’s distribution system operator Elektrodistribucija is probably the first in the Western Balkan region and beyond to produce an interactive map of free capacity for connecting solar power plants to the distribution grid. The interest among households, firms and investors all over the world in installing photovoltaic plants to become prosumers or suppliers is ...
Tube Map Redesigned By Essex Lecturer Goes Viral

Tube Map Redesigned By Essex Lecturer Goes Viral

A new version of the London Underground map designed by a University of Essex lecturer has gone viral. Harry Beck’s 1933 Tube map is the one people usually use, but Maxwell Roberts, from Walton-on-the-Naze, created his own version in 2013. Mr Roberts has now updated his creation, and it has had a million engagements within ...
How You Can Use Google Maps To Track Wildfires And Air Quality

How You Can Use Google Maps To Track Wildfires And Air Quality

Climate change has brought an increasing number of wildfires and air quality problems. In the US, the West Coast has seen more than its fair share of fires over the past several years. Here on the East Coast, we were affected by wildfires in Canada last year, creating a haze across the skies and warnings ...
Estudo Com Participação De Professor Da UFPB Aponta Perda De Habitat Vital Em Rio Nos Estados Unidos

Estudo Com Participação De Professor Da UFPB Aponta Perda De Habitat Vital Em Rio Nos Estados Unidos

Um estudo realizado com a participação de um docente da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) aponta que entre os anos de 2001 e 2019, houve uma perda contínua de habitat vital no rio Mobile-Tensaw do Alabama nos Estados Unidos. Os dados utilizados no estudo foram obtidos por meio de sensoriamento remoto, modelagem geoespacial e análises ...
Las Médulas Impulsan Su Turismo Ecológico Gracias A Una Beca RALBAR

Las Médulas Impulsan Su Turismo Ecológico Gracias A Una Beca RALBAR

Raquel Vega, estudiante del grado en Ingeniería Geomática y Topografía en el campus de Ponferrada de la Universidad de León (ULE), presentó su proyecto ‘Médulas Bioreseve: conservación de la biodiversidad y turismo ecológico’ al programa de Becas RALBAR de la ULE y la Fundación Banco Sabadell y fue seleccionado para desarrollarlo durante este verano en ...
La Agencia Nacional De Seguridad Vial Lanza Nueva Herramienta Para La Seguridad Vial

La Agencia Nacional De Seguridad Vial Lanza Nueva Herramienta Para La Seguridad Vial

El Centro de Gestión de Seguridad Vial (CGSV) es una herramienta avanzada que, a través de un visor web, permitirá a los usuarios visualizar datos de seguridad vial en mapas, tableros de control y reportes de manera intuitiva y amigable. Este aplicativo es auspiciado por la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial (ANSV) y desarrollado por ...
La Lucha Contra Los Incendios Suma IA Y Tecnología Geoespacial Para Identificar Los Focos De Manera Temprana Y Precisa

La Lucha Contra Los Incendios Suma IA Y Tecnología Geoespacial Para Identificar Los Focos De Manera Temprana Y Precisa

La época estival es la más crítica del año en lo que a incendios se refiere, por ello contar con un sistema que permita identificar los focos de manera temprana y que geolocalice con precisión la ubicación de las llamas puede inclinar la balanza hacia el éxito en la lucha contra el fuego. Una red ...
Where Is Plastic Produced

Where Is Plastic Produced?

There is a lot of concern about microplastics, as they have been found just about everywhere- from isolated Rocky Mountain lakes to the deepest part of the ocean, as well as in our own bodies. When we think about microplastics, most people think about broken down bits of larger plastic items. However, the origin of ...
CopernicusLAC Chile Lanza Inéditos Servicios De Mapas De Cobertura Y Uso De Suelos Y Atlas Urbano Para América Latina Y El Caribe

CopernicusLAC Chile Lanza Inéditos Servicios De Mapas De “Cobertura Y Uso De Suelos” Y “Atlas Urbano” Para América Latina Y El Caribe

De libre acceso, inicialmente con 12 tipos de superficies de datos (7 de suelos y 5 de ciudades) y diseñados en el Centro de Modelamiento Matemático de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile. El Centro Regional Copernicus para América Latina y el Caribe (CopernicusLAC Chile), anunció el inicio de ...
SAMUDRA App Benefitting Fishing Communities

SAMUDRA App Benefitting Fishing Communities

The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), operating under the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), has launched a mobile application named ‘SAMUDRA’ (Smart Access to Marine Users for Ocean Data Resources and Advisories). “SAMUDRA” is envisioned to give easy access for users to the ocean information and advisory services. This app serves as ...
TÜBİTAK Updates Türkiye's Earthquake Map With Active Fault Data

TÜBİTAK Updates Türkiye’s Earthquake Map With Active Fault Data

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) is working on updating Türkiye’s earthquake hazard map, TÜBİTAK President Hasan Mandal reported recently, to share a comprehensive list of active and live fault lines with the public by the end of 2025. Under the leadership of TÜBİTAK, in collaboration with the Disaster and Emergency Management ...
French Watchdog Publishes Map Of Beaches Where Swimmers Risk Illness

French Watchdog Publishes Map Of Beaches Where Swimmers Risk Illness

You can now consult a list of places to avoid or target as an environmental watchdog has published a map showing the water quality at 1,854 beaches in France. The map comes from environmental association Eau et Rivières de Bretagne (ERB), which recently published a study showing that one in five beaches in France was ...

Land Records To Be Digitised Separately For Urban And Rural Areas: FM Sitharaman

Recorded manually ever since the charting of land rights began, land records are awaiting a digital makeover. Thanks to the Geographic Information System (GIS), land record digitization has become possible. Coupled with methods such as Satellite Imagery and Airborne Surveys, accurate mapping of land has been on the cards for over a decade in India. ...

New App Maps Out Addis Ababa’s Public Transport Routes

Seven-year-old company Bandira AddisMap Enterprise (BAME) has launched a public transport route management app after comprehensively mapping out the capital’s public transport network. Boosted by a $30,000 fund secured by winning the Digital Transport 4 Africa Innovation Challenge two years ago and a collaboration with the Trufi Association, an international NGO promoting easier access to ...

QU Leads Research To Enhance Food, Water Security In Arid Regions

Qatar University (QU) is directing research into improving the sustainability of food and water security in arid regions. Dr Ammar Abulibdeh, an associate professor of geography and GIS (geographic information system) at the QU’s College of Arts and Sciences, leads the research team focused on developing a comprehensive model to interconnect food, water, and ecosystems ...

Seychelles To Introduce National Addressing System, Pilot Rollout Planned For March 2025

The Seychelles’ Cabinet of Ministers has approved the implementation of the National Addressing System (NAS) to provide a standardised, accurate, and efficient addressing framework to improve service delivery. In a cabinet decisions press briefing on Thursday, Vice President Ahmed Afif said that Seychelles, unlike other countries, does not have a postal code, which is a ...
Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

The Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP) is a collaborative environment designed to support the development and implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for mitigating hydro-meteorological hazards. It facilitates access to data, tools, and knowledge exchange, aiding decision-making for citizens, policymakers, companies, scientists, and other users. Developed within the OPERANDUM project (2018-2022), the platform promotes sustainable solutions ...
Designing A Decision-Support Tool For Climate Adaptive Urban Planning

Designing A Decision-Support Tool For Climate Adaptive Urban Planning

Heat stress and air pollution ravages cities more and more. In a new Horizon Europe project, researchers will develop a digital twin that supports decision makers to design resilient urban areas that can cope with the changing climate. Researchers from TU Delft and 18 other partners receive the Horizon Europe grant for their project called ...
Project To Show Insights Into New Zealand’s Exotic Forests

Project To Show Insights Into New Zealand’s Exotic Forests

A research project to capture an inventory of all exotic planted forests in New Zealand could provide a valuable tool for commercial forestry decisions. Crown Research Institute Scion showed Forest Insights at its stand at Mystery Creek in June, as part of the 2024 Fieldays Forestry Hub. Grant Evans is Scion’s new value digital forests ...
China And Malaysia Collaborate On “Digital Twin Cities” Project To Drive Data Innovation

China And Malaysia Collaborate On “Digital Twin Cities” Project To Drive Data Innovation

China’s Lingang New Area and Malaysia’s Cyberjaya have joined forces to launch the “Digital Twin Cities” project, marking a significant step forward in global data innovation collaboration. This initiative, signed on July 9th, establishes a framework for cooperation in eight key areas, including data economy, cross-border data flows, and policy support. The project leverages the ...
“Balady Maps”, A Navigation Feature Enabling Users To Quickly Access Locations Within Saudi Cities

“Balady Maps”, A Navigation Feature Enabling Users To Quickly Access Locations Within Saudi Cities

Balady App provides users with an advanced navigation system through the “Balady Maps” feature, which includes a set of data and information updated daily, needed by city residents and visitors for easy navigation and reaching their destinations. This feature is part of the efforts of the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing to enhance ...
This Is How Much Hotter Urban Sprawl Makes US Cities Feel

This Is How Much Hotter Urban Sprawl Makes US Cities Feel

Nearly 34 million people across 65 US cities — roughly one in 10 Americans — live in a place where the built environment makes temperatures feel at least 8 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than it would without that urban sprawl. That’s according to a new study by the nonprofit Climate Central, which mapped the impact of ...