
Tool | Resource

New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

The U.S. Geological Survey has released a new nationwide landslide susceptibility map that indicates nearly 44% of the U.S. could potentially experience landslide activity. The new assessment provides a highly detailed, county-by-county picture of where these damaging, disruptive and potentially deadly geologic hazards are more likely as well as areas where landslide hazards are negligible. ...
SAMUDRA App Benefitting Fishing Communities

SAMUDRA App Benefitting Fishing Communities

The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), operating under the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), has launched a mobile application named ‘SAMUDRA’ (Smart Access to Marine Users for Ocean Data Resources and Advisories). “SAMUDRA” is envisioned to give easy access for users to the ocean information and advisory services. This app serves as ...
French Watchdog Publishes Map Of Beaches Where Swimmers Risk Illness

French Watchdog Publishes Map Of Beaches Where Swimmers Risk Illness

You can now consult a list of places to avoid or target as an environmental watchdog has published a map showing the water quality at 1,854 beaches in France. The map comes from environmental association Eau et Rivières de Bretagne (ERB), which recently published a study showing that one in five beaches in France was ...

New App Maps Out Addis Ababa’s Public Transport Routes

Seven-year-old company Bandira AddisMap Enterprise (BAME) has launched a public transport route management app after comprehensively mapping out the capital’s public transport network. Boosted by a $30,000 fund secured by winning the Digital Transport 4 Africa Innovation Challenge two years ago and a collaboration with the Trufi Association, an international NGO promoting easier access to ...
Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

The Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP) is a collaborative environment designed to support the development and implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for mitigating hydro-meteorological hazards. It facilitates access to data, tools, and knowledge exchange, aiding decision-making for citizens, policymakers, companies, scientists, and other users. Developed within the OPERANDUM project (2018-2022), the platform promotes sustainable solutions ...
“Balady Maps”, A Navigation Feature Enabling Users To Quickly Access Locations Within Saudi Cities

“Balady Maps”, A Navigation Feature Enabling Users To Quickly Access Locations Within Saudi Cities

Balady App provides users with an advanced navigation system through the “Balady Maps” feature, which includes a set of data and information updated daily, needed by city residents and visitors for easy navigation and reaching their destinations. This feature is part of the efforts of the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing to enhance ...
New Map Reveals Red Zones For Pedestrian Safety Risks

New Map Reveals Red Zones For Pedestrian Safety Risks

“Speed kills” is such a well-known mantra in transportation advocacy circles it’s at risk of becoming trite. So how can activists find new ways to communicate the crucial linkage between speeding drivers and the fatal crashes they cause? One answer to that question comes from a project by Portland Community College Student Jake Veto. Veto ...
Felt Upgrades GIS Platform

Felt Upgrades GIS Platform

Felt has introduced Felt 3.0, which includes new features and native database integrations to improve Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capabilities. The goal of Felt 3.0 is to make data more accessible and actionable for stakeholders. It provides modern GIS tools for teams to visualize, analyze and present important insights and map data relevant to their ...
New Map Shows The Highest Heat Risk Isn’t Always Where Temperatures Are Hottest

New Map Shows The Highest Heat Risk Isn’t Always Where Temperatures Are Hottest

An interactive map created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rates each ZIP code in the mainland U.S. to identify areas “most likely to experience negative health outcomes from heat.” But CDC’s Heat and Health Index shows that heat risk is about much more than temperatures. Heat vulnerability varies sharply within cities and ...
Interactive Map Shows Future Climate Of Your City Based On Emissions Scenarios

Interactive Map Shows Future Climate Of Your City Based On Emissions Scenarios

The impacts of climate change are being felt all over the world, but how will it impact how your hometown feels? An interactive web application from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science allows users to search 40,581 places and 5,323 metro areas around the globe to match the expected future climate in each ...
Karte Zeigt Hitze-Hotspots Für FußgängerInnen In Salzburg

Karte Zeigt Hitze-Hotspots Für Fußgänger:Innen In Salzburg

Die hohen Temperaturen machen gemütliche Spaziergänge durch Salzburg zu einer Herausforderung. Die Sonne heizt Gehwege und Straßen extrem auf, und schattenspendende Bäume für Fußgängerinnen und Fußgänger sind vielerorts Mangelware. Der Verkehrsclub Österreich (VCÖ) ruft daher die Bevölkerung dazu auf, Hotspots in einer Online-Karte zu markieren. Die Hitze belastet nicht nur die Gemüter, sondern auch die ...
New GIS Tool Offers Maps Of Safest Bike Routes, City Capital Improvement Projects, More In Menlo Park

New GIS Tool Offers Maps Of Safest Bike Routes, City Capital Improvement Projects, More In Menlo Park

Have you ever wondered who provides your sewer services, when your street is scheduled to be swept, what average daily traffic volumes are on streets near you or when the sidewalk in front of your house was last replaced? Menlo Park residents can now find the answer to these questions and more on Menlo Park’s ...
A New Google Maps Layer Shows Public Restrooms In NYC

A New Google Maps Layer Shows Public Restrooms In NYC

There’s no elegant way to say this: going to the bathroom in New York is a nightmare. Public restrooms in the city are hard to find and are often either out of order or require you to buy something at a store or café to be able to use. The problem is so bad that ...
Scientists Map Biodiversity Changes In The World's Forests

Scientists Map Biodiversity Changes In The World’s Forests

A group of EPFL and ETH Zurich scientists have mapped the biodiversity in forests worldwide. Their data, when combined with climate projections, reveal trends that could support ecosystem conservation and restoration efforts. According to the latest figures from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, forests cover just over 4 billion hectares of ...
NASA Releases New High-Quality, Near Real-Time Air Quality Data

NASA Releases New High-Quality, Near Real-Time Air Quality Data

NASA has made new data available that can provide air pollution observations at unprecedented resolutions – down to the scale of individual neighborhoods. The near real-time data comes from the agency’s TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution) instrument, which launched last year to improve life on Earth by revolutionizing the way scientists observe air quality ...
New US Map Shows The Abandoned Farms That Could Help Fight Climate Change

New US Map Shows The Abandoned Farms That Could Help Fight Climate Change

Farmland is often a battleground in the fight against climate change. Solar panels and energy crops are pitted against food production, while well-intended policy choices can create incentives for farmers to till up new lands, releasing even more heat-trapping gas into the atmosphere. That’s why strategies for sustainable plant-based fuels focus on marginal lands — ...
Mapas Da UFRGS Mostram Dimensão Da Enchente No Rio Grande Do Sul

Mapas Da UFRGS Mostram Dimensão Da Enchente No Rio Grande Do Sul

Enquanto o Rio Grande do Sul ainda vive a tragédia da maior enchente da história, uma das contribuições necessárias para entender toda a catástrofe é o uso de informações a partir de mapas e análises técnicas do que está acontecendo. Como forma de contribuição acadêmica, pesquisadores da UFRGS e colaboradores lançaram o “Repositório de informações ...
Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

A Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) lançou um mapa interativo que permite visualizar áreas com risco de desastre no Brasil. Nesse sistema, é possível localizar informações sobre áreas com alto e muito alto risco de deslizamentos de terra, inundações, enxurradas e queda de rochas em mais de 1.600 municípios brasileiros. A plataforma interativa ...
Digitale Karte Soll Erinnerungsorte Sichtbar Machen

Digitale Karte Soll Erinnerungsorte Sichtbar Machen

Das Projekt DERLA macht Erinnerungsorte und -zeichen an die Opfer und Orte des Terrors des Nationalsozialismus in Österreich sichtbar. Die digitale Plattform bietet selbstgeführte, aufbereitete Rundgänge zu diesen Orten an und bietet direkt auf der Seite didaktische Hilfestellung zur Nutzung der Webseite. Vor allem Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen sollen von der Webseite profitieren: So sind hier ...
CLCP Develops New Tools To Support Land Protection Decisions In Florida

CLCP Develops New Tools To Support Land Protection Decisions In Florida

The University of Florida’s Center for Landscape Conservation Planning (CLCP) and GeoPlan Center have developed two new tools to support land protection decisions in Florida – a web map viewer and web-based dashboard for the Florida Ecological Greenway Network (FEGN). The FEGN is a statewide database that identifies and prioritizes a functionally connected statewide ecological ...
AWS Introduces CloudWatch Internet Weather Map

AWS Introduces CloudWatch Internet Weather Map

AWS recently announced the availability of the Internet Weather Map, a new feature of CloudWatch that displays a 24-hour global snapshot of internet latency and availability outages. This new map offers a worldwide perspective on Internet conditions, allowing users to zoom in and analyze performance and availability problems in specific cities or with particular service ...
Chornobyl Reserve Unveils New Online Mapping Portal Providing In-Depth Insights Into Exclusion Zone

Chornobyl Reserve Unveils New Online Mapping Portal Providing In-Depth Insights Into Exclusion Zone

The Chornobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve has launched a geoportal with information on 38 years of activity of various departments on the territory of the exclusion zone: from research and education to accounting for land, forest and water resources, reported the Chornobyl Reserve. “Here you will find a map of modern, anthropogenic landscapes of the territory, ...

Esri Releases Latest Land Cover Map With Updated Sentinel-2 Satellite Data

Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, in its partnership with Impact Observatory, has released an updated global land-use/land-cover map of the world based on the most up-to-date 10-meter Sentinel-2 satellite data. In the update, the Sentinel-2 10m Land Use/Land Cover Time Series includes new data from 2023, expanding the series to include global coverage ...
Los Puertos De Baleares Incorporan Tecnología Geoespacial Para Controlar El Alto Volumen De Escalas

Los Puertos De Baleares Incorporan Tecnología Geoespacial Para Controlar El Alto Volumen De Escalas

La Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares (APB) ha incorporado tecnología geoespacial para gestionar «de manera más eficiente» la información sobre sus infraestructuras y operaciones portuarias en en tiempo real. No en vano, las Islas lideran el ránking nacional de escalas con más de 50.000 entradas y salidas de ferries, barcos de mercancías y cruceros. A todo ...
Aerial Photos Of London And Surrounding Counties Give Glimpse Into City's History

Aerial Photos Of London And Surrounding Counties Give Glimpse Into City’s History

A new app featuring more than 10,000 aerial photos from London and surrounding counties shows what the region looked like from the air in the last 100 years. Developed by Eunice Chu, a fourth-year geographic information systems (GIS) student who works as a student library assistant at the Map and Data Centre at Western University’s ...

Overture Maps Foundation Releases The First Beta Of Its Open Map Dataset

The Overture Maps Foundation today launched the first beta of its global open map dataset. With this, the foundation, which is backed by the likes of Amazon, Esri, Meta, Microsoft and TomTom, is getting one step closer to launching a production-ready open dataset for developers who need geospatial data to power their applications. “This Beta ...

Geospatial Mapping And AI To Help Tackle Energy Gap In Africa

Energy modellers and researchers have developed a geospatial mapping model they say can help address the electricity access gap in Africa. The model has been developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Electricity Growth and Use In Developing Economies. By mapping which buildings are ...

Organic Farms Can Have Mixed Effects On Pesticide Use Depending On Their Neighbors

Organic agriculture may be as old as dirt, but that doesn’t mean its impacts are fully understood. A team of scientists in the United States and Canada are doing their part to change that. Researchers at UC Santa Barbara, University of British Columbia, and University of Colorado Boulder discovered that organic farming significantly affects the ...
Romania’s Energy Ministry Makes Map Of EV Charging Points Available

Romania’s Energy Ministry Makes Map Of EV Charging Points Available

A map with charging points for electric cars was recently unveiled by Romania’s Energy Ministry. The map is featured on the website of the institution, and was made in partnership with local authorities across the country. Romanian energy minister Sebastian Burduja said that the map is part of the EU-wide project of reaching 75 million ...
Online Map For Ground Mounted Solar Plants In China

Online Map For Ground Mounted Solar Plants In China

Scientists led by the China Agricultural University have created a national-scale map and dataset of ground-mounted PV power stations in China. The data is based on Sentinel-2 imagery from 2020 and has a spatial resolution of 10 meters. According to the researchers, the publicly available data set can assist capacity estimation and prediction tasks, site ...