
OGC Seeking Public Comment On Update To GeoSPARQL Standard

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is seeking public comment on the adoption of GeoSPARQL v1.1 as an OGC Standard. OGC GeoSPARQL extends W3C’s SPARQL to provide a geographic query language for RDF data. Comments are due by 11 January, 2023. Version 1.1 of GeoSPARQL extends the originally published standard in 2012 that is used for representation and querying of geospatial linked data for the Semantic Web in new ways. GeoSPARQL does not define a comprehensive vocabulary for representing spatial information. Instead GeoSPARQL defines a core set of classes, properties, and datatypes that can be used to construct query patterns. Many useful extensions to this vocabulary are possible, and the chairs of the OGC GeoSPARQL Standards Working Group intend for the Semantic Web and Geospatial communities to develop additional vocabularies for describing spatial information.