

LINZ experts tackle geospatial tasks in Antarctica

LINZ experts tackle geospatial tasks in Antarctica

Experts from Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) have recently conducted work in Antarctica that will, amongst other things, help scientists monitor the effects of climate change. The hydrographic, surveying and positioning team members undertook a range of activities aimed at maintaining the flow of key data, for which precise annual recalibration is ...

China’s MSS Unveils A New Case On Illegal Surveying And Mapping

China’s Ministry of State Security unveiled on Tuesday a new case based on a real-life story about a taxi driver reporting some suspicious activities to the national security authorities. It was discovered that these activities involved illegal surveying and mapping to steal a large amount of sensitive geographic information and classified geological data. The taxi ...
Iran, Tajikistan Sign MoU To Boost Coop. In Geomatic Sciences

Iran, Tajikistan Sign MoU To Boost Coop. In Geomatic Sciences

The director general of the National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC) Ali Javidaneh and the chairman of the State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy of Tajikistan inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Tehran aimed at developing cooperation in the field of the geomatic sciences. Javidaneh said the MoU is a turning point in ...

NGS Multi-year CORS Solution 3 Coming Later This Year

In order to maintain consistency with the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service (IERS) and the International GNSS Service (IGS) reference frames, NGS has been working to implement the new International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2020 (ITRF2020) and IGS20 realizations in the U.S. National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). This will result in updated North American ...
Mosaic, Movella Improve Mobile Mapping And Geospatial Analysis

Mosaic, Movella Improve Mobile Mapping And Geospatial Analysis

Mosaic and Movella have collaborated to combine the Mosaic 51 and Mosaic X camera systems with Movella’s Xsens Vision Navigator (XVN). The collaboration aims to bolster GIS platform integration and allow for extensive and precise 3D reconstruction. It uses inertial measuring unit (IMU) data generated by XVN and directly connects to the OBD port. The ...
Maptek Introduces Geospatial Manager For Mining Workflow

Maptek Introduces Geospatial Manager For Mining Workflow

At Geo Week 2024 in Denver, Maptek unveiled its latest innovation: Maptek GeoSpatial Manager. This groundbreaking solution simplifies and streamlines workflows, revolutionizing how mining and civil engineering projects manage data from laser scans and drones. Maptek is a leading provider of innovative software, hardware, and services for the mining industry. GeoSpatial Manager effortlessly connects users ...

Launch Of The Geospatial Innovation Awards 2024

Geovation, Ordnance Survey’s (OS) award-winning open innovation hub, has opened nominations for round two of its Geospatial Innovation Awards to showcase the best in geospatial innovation and the impact it has on people, places and planet. The 2024 awards, which are open to international entries, build on the success of the inaugural awards earlier this ...

سومین نمایشگاه بین المللی «ایران ژئو» دی‌ماه برگزار می‌شود

این نمایشگاه با هدف ارتقای سطح فناوری و توسعه کسب و کارهای حوزه ژئوماتیک و همچنین ژئوانفورماتیک جمهوری اسلامی ایران هم در داخل و هم در گسترش صادرات خدمات فنی و مهندسی با استفاده از هم افزایی و به کارگیری حداکثر ظرفیت قابل دسترسی بین بخشی برپا شده است. رییس سازمان جغرافیایی خاطرنشان کرد: این ...

Oregon State University To Receive $6.5 Million For Geospatial Coordinate System Update Work

Oregon State University will receive $6.5 million in federal funding over a five-year period for research related to updating the National Spatial Reference System, a coordinate system that defines geographical elements ranging from longitude and latitude to height and orientation, the college said. OSU officials said common uses for the NSRS include surveying and mapping ...

Calgary Gears Up For The Inaugural GoGeomatics Expo

Canada’s geospatial community is gearing up for the country’s inaugural national geospatial exposition. The GoGeomatics Expo is scheduled to take place from 6-8 November at the iconic Calgary Stampede grounds. The GoGeomatics Expo’s highlights encompass speaking programmes featuring renowned experts in the geospatial field who will share their insights on industry trends, challenges and future ...

Porozumienie GGK Ze Stowarzyszeniem Geodetów Polskich

Główny Geodeta Kraju Alicja Kulka zawarła porozumienie ze Stowarzyszeniem Geodetów Polskich (SGP), w którym wyrażono wolę i gotowość dalszej współpracy na rzecz rozwoju geodezji i kartografii w Polsce. Porozumienie, które zawarto 18 października 2023 r. dotyczy współpracy między innymi w zakresie: rozwoju geodezji i kartografii w Polsce, a w szczególności wykorzystania w pracach geodezyjnych oraz ...

Trimble Monitoring Software Expands Sensor Support To Deliver Broader Rail And Structural Deformation Analytics

Trimble announced today at the INTERGEO conference the latest release of Trimble® 4D (T4D) Control™ software, version 6.5, expanding rail track monitoring capabilities to address a wider range of standards and specifications. This update also adds support for Syscom Instruments acceleration sensors for event-based monitoring of ground motion, as well as updating authentication methods for ...

Cuba Se Apresta A Celebrar La X Convención De Agrimensura 2023

El citadino Hotel Tryp Habana Libre, acoge la X Convención de Agrimensura 2023, cuyas sesiones de debates y feria expositiva se extenderán desde este 25 al 30 de septiembre próximos, informó el Comité Organizador. Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez, presidente de la Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba (UNAICC), organizador del encuentro, ...
1Spatial Launches Configurable GIS Mobile App For Surveying

1Spatial Launches Configurable GIS Mobile App For Surveying

1Spatial — a global provider of geospatial software and solutions for improved data governance — has launched the 1Capture, a customizable mobile application for data capture. 1Capture is a mobile GIS editing application that is multi-use and configurable. It provides accurate and reliable GIS data collection and editing in the field for a multitude of ...
„Aktionswoche Geodäsie“ Mit Rund 200 Schülern

„Aktionswoche Geodäsie“ Mit Rund 200 Schülern

Vom 13. bis 21. Juli fand in Baden–Württemberg die „Aktionswoche Geodäsie“ statt. Insbesondere die staatlichen Stellen beziehungsweise die kommunalen Arbeitgeber waren dabei aufgefordert, das Berufsbild der Vermessung einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen und junge Menschen für den Beruf und dessen Tätigkeitsbereiche zu begeistern. Höhenbestimmung mittels Nivellierinstrumenten und mit dem Tachymeter, Positionsbestimmung mit Satelliten, Bauabsteckung ...

Berlin Gears Up For Geospatial Excellence

As the host city of Intergeo 2023 this October, Berlin promises to deliver the perfect kick-start for the geospatial industry in these rapidly changing times. The vibrant German capital is renowned for its innovating and entrepreneurial spirit, and the event itself is being held in Berlin’s biggest and most modern venue, Hub27. Earth observation, unmanned ...

A&M-Corpus Christi Initiative To Create K-12 STEM, Geospatial Programs

A new Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi initiative aims to foster the next generation of land surveyors and geospatial scientists. The initiative aims to develop a curriculum for high school students and develop training workshops for high school STEM educators, as well as geospatial camps for middle school teachers. “We’ve seen a decline in the number ...
Geospatial World Forum 2023 To Be Held In Rotterdam In May

Geospatial World Forum 2023 To Be Held In Rotterdam In May

The Geospatial World Forum (GWF) is gearing up for its 14th edition, and it promises to be a must-attend event for professionals in the geospatial industry. With expected participation of 800+ attendees from more than 75 countries, the GWF is set to be a global gathering of industry leaders, innovators, and experts. More than 300 ...
Trimble Opens First Trimble Technology Lab In New Zealand At The University Of Auckland

Trimble Opens First Trimble Technology Lab In New Zealand At The University Of Auckland

Trimble and the University of Auckland announced the opening of the first Trimble Technology Lab in New Zealand. The lab builds upon the university’s leadership in training and research in engineering and construction-related disciplines. The University of Auckland joins a network of nearly 30 universities around the world with Trimble Technology Labs. The Trimble Technology ...
Launch Of Trimble Unity AMS Provides Electric Utilities With Enterprise Asset Management Solution To Improve Reliability And Efficiency

Launch Of Trimble Unity AMS Provides Electric Utilities With Enterprise Asset Management Solution To Improve Reliability And Efficiency

Trimble announced today the launch of its latest enterprise asset management solution designed for electric utilities worldwide to improve their service reliability and operational success. Built on Trimble’s industry-leading Cityworks® enterprise asset management platform, Trimble Unity® AMS enables utilities to manage the complete lifecycle of their asset infrastructure—from permits and construction to operations, maintenance and ...

IOGP Releases Land Survey Data Model

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers has released its Land Survey Data Model (LSDM), continuing the practice of its Geomatics Committee of maintaining an “out-of-the-box” data model template to manage survey data within a geodatabase. The LSDM is an industry standard template for operators to maintain land survey data, mainly acquired for the ...

Leica Geosystems Launches New Locator Technology

Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, announced its latest solution for utility and excavation professionals. The new Leica DD175 utility locator and Leica DA175 signal transmitter complement the existing Leica DD100 series and help operators easily detect underground utilities to ensure site workers’ safety. Locating the position of underground cables and pipes before excavation is paramount ...
Riegl’s Latest Terrestrial Laser Scanner Is A Fast, Integrated And Versatile System

Riegl’s Latest Terrestrial Laser Scanner Is A Fast, Integrated And Versatile System

Premiered at Intergeo Trade Fair and Exhibition in Germany in October, the Riegl VZ-600i is the company’s latest addition to its terrestrial laser scanning portfolio. The “i” in the product name stands for “integrated” and refers to an integrated second high performance processor that allows for automatic onboard registration of scan data in the field. ...
광산구 ‘드론지적 측량’ 시범사업 실시

광산구 ‘드론지적 측량’ 시범사업 실시

광주 광산구(구청장 박병규)는 무인비행장치(드론)를 활용해 지역측지계에서 세계측지계로 변환하는 시범사업을 실시한다고 밝혔다. 이번 항공 드론 촬영 지역은 평동2차산업단지이며 총 403필지 171만8763.6㎡이다. 세계측지계 변환사업은 기존 일본 동경원점을 기준으로 설정된 지역 측지계에서 세계적으로 통용할 수 있는 지구 중심을 원점으로 지역적 오차가 없는 국제 표준 세계측지계로 변환하는 국책사업이다. 광산구 관계자는 “고해상도 드론 항공사진을 활용한 지적측량 시범사업은 지적기준점의 현황을 명확하게 ...
New Mobile Mapping System Integrates Underground Radar And 3D Digital Twin Creation

New Mobile Mapping System Integrates Underground Radar And 3D Digital Twin Creation

Tesmec’s mobile mapping system, announced at bauma 2022, is a lidar scanner that is designed to be placed atop their georadar explorer 2.0, a ground probing radar system. With this attachment on the top of the radar system, users are able to detect underground utilities using the ground probing radar while simultaneously capturing high-precision digital ...
Trimble Introduces Innovative Rail Module For Real-time Monitoring Software

Trimble Introduces Innovative Rail Module For Real-time Monitoring Software

Trimble announced today Trimble® 4D Control™ (T4D) software version 6.4, featuring an add-on rail-specific monitoring solution. T4D is a software suite for real-time displacement monitoring and detection. The rail module simplifies the data collection process and reduces up to 95 percent of the office work required to automate movement detection.
Satlab Prezentuje Odbiornik GNSS Z Kamerami Do Tyczenia I Pomiarów

Satlab Prezentuje Odbiornik GNSS Z Kamerami Do Tyczenia I Pomiarów

Możliwość taką oferuje zaprezentowany w tym tygodniu odbiornik Eyr. Urządzenie wyposażone jest w dwie kamery – boczną i dolną. Pierwsza posiada matrycę 5 Mpx i pozwala na wykonywanie pomiarów na zdjęciach z poziomu kontrolera. Zasięg takiej funkcji wynosi od 2 do 15 metrów, a deklarowana dokładność – 2-4 cm. Rozwiązanie takie może się sprawdzić chociażby ...
Il Modello Digitale Di Palazzo Pitti È Pronto

Il Modello Digitale Di Palazzo Pitti È Pronto

Se n’era cominciato a parlare un anno e mezzo fa, del progetto dedicato ai grandi edifici storici nell’era della transizione tecnologica. Oggi gli Uffizi presentano il gemello digitale del più grande edificio storico civile fiorentino, ed è la prima volta che un complesso antico così vasto e articolato viene integralmente riprodotto ad altissima definizione, “fedele ...
New Trimble Terraflex Software Edition Simplifies GIS Data Capture

New Trimble Terraflex Software Edition Simplifies GIS Data Capture

Trimble announced today the release of Trimble® TerraFlex Premium edition, a new tier of Trimble’s flagship Geographic Information System (GIS) data collection software. The edition provides customers with offline GNSS corrections, a new automated workflow that works exclusively with Trimble GNSS receivers—including the Trimble DA2 receiver for the Trimble Catalyst™ positioning service—to provide high-accuracy GIS ...
Garuda Aerospace sets record by mapping 7,000 villages in U.P. using drones

Garuda Aerospace sets record by mapping 7,000 villages in U.P. using drones

The Chennai-based drone start up Garuda Aerospace has successfully mapped 7,000 villages in Uttar Pradesh under the Svamitva Scheme. It had won the tender from the nodal agency, the Survey of India in September 2021. As per the tender, it was authorised to deploy drones for large-scale mapping and digitisation of land records in rural ...