
Social Science

High heat is preferentially killing the young, not the old, research finds

High heat is preferentially killing the young, not the old, research finds

Many recent studies assume that elderly people are at particular risk of dying from extreme heat as the planet warms. A new study of mortality in Mexico turns this assumption on its head: it shows that 75% of heat-related deaths are occurring among people under 35―a large percentage of them ages 18 to 35, or ...
Ottawa Launches Residential School Map To Help In Search For Missing Children

Ottawa Launches Residential School Map To Help In Search For Missing Children

The Canadian government has launched a new interactive online map pinpointing the location of residential schools, and experts say it will help in the search for unmarked or forgotten graves of children forced to go to the institutions. Many residential school buildings have been torn down, paved or built over since the first one opened ...
Stormwater Hits D.C.'S Poorest Neighborhoods Hardest, Study Finds

Stormwater Hits D.C.’S Poorest Neighborhoods Hardest, Study Finds

A new University of Maryland study suggests that Washington, D.C.’s most socioeconomically vulnerable neighborhoods are less equipped to handle runoff from heavy rainfalls made more frequent by climate change. Published this month in Cities, the study reveals that the most densely populated communities in the District of Columbia, particularly in historically Black Southeast D.C., lack ...

New Smart Data Human Mobility Research Project

University of Liverpool researchers have been awarded funding from Smart Data Research UK (SDR UK) for a new project that aims to quantify and adjust existing biases in smart data on human mobility. Called DEBIAS, the project is led by Professor Francisco Rowe, who specialises in population data science with specific expertise in human mobility, ...
Digitale Karte Soll Erinnerungsorte Sichtbar Machen

Digitale Karte Soll Erinnerungsorte Sichtbar Machen

Das Projekt DERLA macht Erinnerungsorte und -zeichen an die Opfer und Orte des Terrors des Nationalsozialismus in Österreich sichtbar. Die digitale Plattform bietet selbstgeführte, aufbereitete Rundgänge zu diesen Orten an und bietet direkt auf der Seite didaktische Hilfestellung zur Nutzung der Webseite. Vor allem Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen sollen von der Webseite profitieren: So sind hier ...
Cultural Map Will Document TBM’s Unique History

Cultural Map Will Document TBM’s Unique History

The Town of The Blue Mountains will soon have its own online and interactive Cultural Map. For the past several months, the town’s museum staff and the town’s GIS department have been working together on the cultural mapping project. Together, they are creating a comprehensive record of the cultural, natural and intangible features that define ...

Coinvolge Anche Il Friuli L’audio-Mappa Digitale Dei Dialetti

Una mappa interattiva open con migliaia di file audio, registrati dai cittadini, in 18 dialetti e lingue minoritarie darà vita alla più grande banca dati digitale mai realizzata dedicata allo studio, alla documentazione e alla ricerca sui dialetti e le varietà linguistiche con status di lingua minoritaria parlate nelle regioni del Nord Italia. Questo uno ...
Cartographie Des Traditions Orales Terrastories Arrive Sur Le Maroni

Cartographie Des Traditions Orales : Terrastories Arrive Sur Le Maroni

Déjà testée et approuvée au Suriname, l’application Terrastories est désormais en train d’être introduite sur le Haut-Maroni et Papaïchton, afin que les communautés Wayana et Aluku puissent cartographier leurs traditions orales sur des lieux qui ont une signification ou une valeur importante pour elles. Terrastories est une application mobile permettant aux communautés de cartographier, protéger ...
University Of Richmond ‘Mapping Inequality’ Project Releases New Redlining Maps And Other Features

University Of Richmond ‘Mapping Inequality’ Project Releases New Redlining Maps And Other Features

The Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond has released an updated version of its popular “Mapping Inequality” project. The award-winning, open-access project focuses on redlining — the practice of denying financial services to residents based on race or ethnicity. Mapping Inequality is the largest collection of maps produced by the Home Owners’ Loan ...

Crowd-sourced Project To Map NSW’s ‘Creepy’ And ‘Safe’ Spots In Bid To Improve Women’s Safety

Dark streets and risky intersections as well as well-lit parks and vibrant night-time destinations will be mapped in New South Wales for the first time in an effort to improve women’s safety. Women and gender diverse people are being asked to contribute to a digital crowd-mapping project by anonymously identifying places where they have felt ...
Open Access To Evidence On Family, Domestic And Sexual Violence

Open Access To Evidence On Family, Domestic And Sexual Violence

From today, anyone around the world will be able to access an Australian-led data initiative aimed at reducing the rates of family, domestic and sexual violence. The Evidence Portal is a new online tool created and maintained by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), one of the leading research organisations in Australia on ...
Giovani Che Non Studiano Né Lavorano Oxfam Lancia Una Mappa Online Delle Opportunità

Giovani Che Non Studiano Né Lavorano: Oxfam Lancia Una Mappa Online Delle Opportunità

In Toscana ancora oggi oltre il 13,8% dei giovani tra i 15 e i 29 anni non studiano e non lavorano, né partecipano ad attività di formazione. Sono i cosiddetti “Neet”, ragazzi e ragazze che rischiano di restare indietro e non riuscire a costruire il proprio futuro a causa principalmente delle tante disuguaglianze territoriali, di ...
Plataforma De Monitoramento Sobre Povos Indígenas Isolados Na Amazônia Brasileira É Lançada

Plataforma De Monitoramento Sobre Povos Indígenas Isolados Na Amazônia Brasileira É Lançada

O Observatório dos Povos Indígenas Isolados e de Recente Contato (Opi) lançou a plataforma Mopi de monitoramento dos povos em isolamento voluntário que vivem na porção brasileira da Amazônia. Conforme esclarece o observatório, o Mopi é uma plataforma geoespacial, que abrange os 114 povos isolados reconhecidos pelo Estado brasileiro, além de um povo que vive ...
Researchers Use Geospatial Mapping To Assist Burn Patients

Researchers Use Geospatial Mapping To Assist Burn Patients

University of Texas at Dallas researchers are using geospatial mapping techniques to identify social and environmental obstacles in communities that might impede burn injury survivors’ reentry into society. The project is designed to help patients with burn injuries better adapt to their lives after medical discharge, including improving patient access to transportation, employment, food and ...
Project Aims To Help Address The Loss Of Cultures Worldwide Caused By Climate Change

Project Aims To Help Address The Loss Of Cultures Worldwide Caused By Climate Change

A team of international researchers, led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), has announced the initial findings of a project to address the loss of cultures by measuring the impact that climate change has on communities. One finding from the joint project, titled Climate Crisis and Cultural Loss, or 3CL, is the practice of ...

Una Mappa “Digitale” Della Lettura In Città: Al Via Un Questionario Online Per La Ricognizione

Una mappa per rendere i luoghi della lettura di Firenze visibili e accessibili, questo è il progetto che il Comune di Firenze attraverso le Biblioteche Comunali Fiorentine sta disegnando. La mappa raccoglierà sia i luoghi della lettura più conosciuti, ma anche quelli più insoliti, in cui la lettura è presente come veicolo di socialità e ...
Calvin University's 'Returning Citizens Map' Aims To Connect Former Inmates To Resources

Calvin University’s ‘Returning Citizens Map’ Aims To Connect Former Inmates To Resources

Central to the mission of Calvin University is restorative justice; and for years, it has helped inmates get a degree through the Calvin Prison Initiative. Calvin also developed valuable resources, like the “Returning Citizens Map,” an interactive web page that helps people chart a new path forward after they serve their time. In 2018, a ...

Esri Maps Ireland’s Summer 2023 Festival Circuit

Esri Ireland, the market leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), has created a digital map highlighting some of the best-loved and lesser-known festivals happening across the island of Ireland this summer. Using Esri’s ArcGIS digital mapping system, the interactive map has something for all tastes and interests, allowing you to plan your ultimate festival adventure ...

인천시, 동네 서점 연계한 문화 행사 활성화 추진…서점 지도 제작

인천시가 책 읽는 문화 확산을 위해 동네 서점과 연계한 다양한 도서 문화 정책을 추진한다. 인천시는 시민들이 가까운 곳에 서점을 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 서점 현황이 담긴 ‘인천 책 지도’를 만들어 배포하고 동네 서점에서 책을 빌려 볼 수 있도록 대출 서비스를 시행한다고 5일 밝혔다. 또 공공도서관이 동네 서점과 연계 주민들이 원하는 책을 가까운 서점에서 바로 빌려볼 ...

Geospatial Startup Partners With World’s Largest Mapping Company To Improve Urban Planning To Create Happier And Healthier Cities

A “pioneering” British tech startup aims to improve urban planning for towns and cities by helping planners to better respond to local needs for community facilities, spaces and events. Yeme Tech, has created a highly sophisticated Community Data Platform (CDP) to help planners and developers instantly identify social infrastructure, facilities, and community spaces which are ...
Pesquisa De Mestrado Mapeia Aspectos Socioculturais Das Tranças Afro

Pesquisa De Mestrado Mapeia Aspectos Socioculturais Das Tranças Afro

“O mestrado da Layla é inovador porque propõe um duplo sentido. Primeiro o de repensar a historiografia do DF, considerando a presença e o protagonismo das pessoas negras. Depois, contribui do ponto de vista do patrimônio e dos debates de história, ajudando a qualificar como um ofício o trabalho das trancistas”, destaca a orientadora da ...
‘A Network Of Belonging’ Meet The Woman Mapping Out The ’60s Scoop

‘A Network Of Belonging’: Meet The Woman Mapping Out The ’60s Scoop

Until she was in college, Colleen Cardinal thought she and her sisters were the only Indigenous people taken from their families at birth and adopted by a white family. Since learning she isn’t alone, Cardinal wants to make sure her story, and the stories of thousands of others, are heard. “I wanted to find all ...
Un Equipo De Investigación Creará La Primera Cartografía De Afrodescendientes Y Africanos En La Argentina

Un Equipo De Investigación Creará La Primera Cartografía De Afrodescendientes Y Africanos En La Argentina

El proyecto se titula “Africanos y sectores populares en la Argentina. Cartografía de la desigualdad, racialidad y género”. Es dirigido por la historiadora Florencia Guzmán y lo integran los antropólogos Lea Geler y Alejandro Frigerio, junto a siete investigadores e investigadoras provenientes de diferentes disciplinas. El equipo forma parte del Grupo de Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos (Geala), ...
El Gobierno De Castilla-la Mancha Terminará De Cargar Toda La Información Sobre Patrimonio Cultural En El Sistema De Información Geográfica A Finales De 2023

El Gobierno De Castilla-la Mancha Terminará De Cargar Toda La Información Sobre Patrimonio Cultural En El Sistema De Información Geográfica A Finales De 2023

La consejera de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Rosa Ana Rodríguez; el director de Sostenibilidad de Red Eléctrica, Antonio Calvo; y el delegado en la región de Red Eléctrica, Roberto Arranz, han rubricado hoy el tercer y último convenio de colaboración para la elaboración de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) en el que se incluyan ...
Swiss Unis Develop Population Density Tool To Help Humanitarian Work

Swiss Unis Develop Population Density Tool To Help Humanitarian Work

EPFL researchers, along with scientists from the Federal Technology Institute ETH Zurich and Qatar’s Bin Khalifa University, thus worked on an artificial intelligence tool which can estimate population density and help reconstruction or crisis management efforts. The programme – as outlined in the Scientific Reports journal – uses data gleaned via remote sensing concerning factors ...

디지털지도 POI 데이터 활용해 유동인구 및 상권 분석 추출

국토연구원 국토모니터링연구센터 국토데이터랩 이영민 부연구위원은 워킹페이퍼를 통해 세종시를 사례로 POI(관심지점) 데이터를 활용한 활동 중심지 추출 및 분석 방법을 소개했다. 이영민 부연구위원은 “이번 연구는 사람들의 활동을 나타내는 POI 데이터를 활용해 도시공간의 활동 중심지를 추출하고 분석하는 방법을 제안한 것으로 해당 방법을 통해 세종시의 공간구조나 중심지 체계 구상을 위한 방향 설정에 기여하고자 한다”고 밝혔다.
Se Creará Un Mapa Interactivo Con Información De Las Organizaciones Civiles De Todo El País

Se Creará Un Mapa Interactivo Con Información De Las Organizaciones Civiles De Todo El País

La Secretaría de Relaciones con la Sociedad Civil y Desarrollo Comunitario de la Jefatura de Gabinete de Ministros de la Nación y la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche relevarán las organizaciones civiles de todo el país y confeccionarán un mapa interactivo. El acuerdo se firmó la semana pasada. El trabajo final, que contendrá la geolocalización y ...
High-Tech Map Promotes Access To Medicine And Pharmacy Services

High-Tech Map Promotes Access To Medicine And Pharmacy Services

USC’s Dima M. Qato spent more than a decade working as a community pharmacist and public health advocate in underserved refugee and immigrant communities in Chicago. Through her experiences and public health training, Qato — the daughter of a pharmacist and now an associate professor at the USC School of Pharmacy — has come to ...

Study Finds Neighborhood Features Impact Mental And Physical Health For Better Or Worse

Sidewalks, single-lane roads and street signs could all be part of the path to a community’s mental and physical health, for better or worse, according to a new University of Maryland-led study. The research analyzed Google Street View images of diverse regions of the United States to correlate elements of the built environment to health ...
New Interactive Online Map Shows Needy People Where They Can Get Reliable Food And Resource

New Interactive Online Map Shows Needy People Where They Can Get Reliable Food And Resources

As many as half a million people face hunger and food insecurity in South Carolina. Now a new tool from Clemson University and the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control aims to direct resources to address the problem within local communities. The Food Access Map can direct people to food pantries, community organizations and ...