

First Sentinel-1C radar images released

First Sentinel-1C radar images released

Less than a week after its launch, the Copernicus Sentinel-1C satellite has delivered its inaugural radar images of Earth. Three stunning images captured by the satellite, showcasing diverse landscapes across the European continent, have been released by the European Space Agency (ESA). They highlight the satellite’s potential for advanced environmental monitoring. Launched aboard a Vega-C ...
CATALYST expands support for ultra-high-resolution satellite imagery

CATALYST expands support for ultra-high-resolution satellite imagery

CATALYST, a PCI Geomatics Enterprise Inc. brand has announced that its CATALYST Professional, CATALYST Enterprise, and CATALYST OnBoard software now support imagery from Maxar’s WorldView Legion, the latest ultra-high-resolution Earth observation satellite constellation. This significant development enables CATALYST users to harness the exceptional clarity of WorldView Legion’s 30 cm-class data for precise analysis and decision-making ...
GSFC Data Science Group Releases Innovative Foundation Model SatVision Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA)

GSFC Data Science Group Releases Innovative Foundation Model: SatVision Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA)

At Goddard Space Flight Center, the GSFC Data Science Group has completed the testing for their SatVision Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) Foundation Model, a geospatial foundation model for coarse-resolution all-sky remote sensing imagery. The team, comprised of Mark Carroll, Caleb Spradlin, Jordan Caraballo-Vega, Jian Li, Jie Gong, and Paul Montesano, has now released their model for wide ...
Dual-branch model enables better crop-type mapping in scattered farmlands

Dual-branch model enables better crop-type mapping in scattered farmlands

In many Asian regions, especially in China, agricultural fields are typically small, scattered, and lack clear boundaries, which complicates effective crop distribution and agricultural analysis using remote sensing technology. Now, a research group from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has addressed this challenge with a novel dual-branch deep learning model ...
New Thermal Map Sheds Light On The Effect of Brno’s Blue-Green Infrastructure

New Thermal Map Sheds Light On The Effect of Brno’s Blue-Green Infrastructure

A new, up-to-date thermal map of Brno has just been released, the result of a collaborative project between the City of Brno and the Czech Globe agency (part of the Czech Academy of Sciences). Aerial photography for the project took place during the summer. “The city has been cooperating with scientific organizations on surface imaging ...
New Mapping Shows 80% Of Pacific Atolls Deforested By Coconut Palms

New Mapping Shows 80% Of Pacific Atolls Deforested By Coconut Palms

The Nature Conservancy and UC Santa Barbara release the first comprehensive maps of coconut agriculture, and the subsequent loss of native forests, on atolls throughout the tropical Pacific. Over the last 200 years, this pervasive land cover change has profoundly altered ecosystems and hydrologic resources, potentially affecting atoll communities’ resilience to climate change and other environmental ...

Kenya Space Agency and Expertise France Forge Landmark Partnership to Advance Space Innovation

The Kenya Space Agency (KSA) Director General Brig. Hillary Kipkosgei hosted an executive delegation from Expertise France, led by its Director General, Jeremy Pellet. During this meeting, the two leaders signed a landmark cooperation agreement aimed at fostering greater synergy in space-related collaborations. KSA, a state corporation mandated to promote, coordinate, and regulate space activities ...
Arianespace successfully launches Sentinel-1C Earth observation satellite for European Union's Copernicus program

Arianespace successfully launches Sentinel-1C Earth observation satellite for European Union’s Copernicus program

On Thursday December 5, 2024, the Vega C launcher (VV25 mission) lifted-off from the Guiana Space Center, French Guiana, at 6:20 pm local time (9:20 p.m. UTC, 10:20 p.m. CET). Vega C successfully placed the Copernicus Sentinel-1C satellite into Sun-synchronous orbit (SSO) at an altitude of 700 km. Spacecraft separation occurred 1 hour and 43 minutes ...
Satellite data show human fingerprint on forest disturbance across regions

Satellite data show human fingerprint on forest disturbance across regions

Humans are leaving consistent patterns in forest disturbance structures across the world, according to a new study from the University of Leicester, the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) and the University of Birmingham, based on remote sensing data. Forests play a critical role in maintaining biodiversity, regulating the climate, and supporting ecosystems. However, disturbances ...
What to Know About Google’s Breakthrough Weather Prediction Model

What to Know About Google’s Breakthrough Weather Prediction Model

The Sun’ll come out tomorrow, and you no longer have to bet your bottom dollar to be sure of it. Google’s DeepMind team released its latest weather prediction model this week, which outperforms a leading traditional weather prediction model across the vast majority of tests put before it. The generative AI model is dubbed GenCast, and it ...
NASA Flights Map Critical Minerals from Skies Above Western US

NASA Flights Map Critical Minerals from Skies Above Western US

On a crystal-clear afternoon above a desert ghost town, a NASA aircraft scoured the ground for minerals. The plane, a high-altitude ER-2 research aircraft, had taken off early that morning from NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. Below pilot Dean Neeley, the landscape looked barren and brown. But to the optical sensors installed on the ...
Mapping marine heatwaves to understand their impacts

Mapping marine heatwaves to understand their impacts

Marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent in a warming world, as rising ocean temperatures trigger these mysterious and damaging phenomena. The profound effects of marine heatwaves on ecosystems – from coral bleaching to disruptions in biodiversity – explain why scientists believe great urgency is required to understand their development and longevity. As we grapple with the challenges of climate change, ...
Expanded AI Model with Global Data Enhances Earth Science Applications

Expanded AI Model with Global Data Enhances Earth Science Applications

NASA, IBM, and Forschungszentrum Jülich have released an expanded version of the open-source Prithvi Geospatial artificial intelligence (AI) foundation model to support a broader range of geographical applications. Now, with the inclusion of global data, the foundation model can support tracking changes in land use, monitoring disasters, and predicting crop yields worldwide.  The Prithvi Geospatial foundation model, ...

US Eases Satellite Remote Sensing Export Controls

According to the US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), the updated space-related export controls will promote the USA’s innovation and technology leadership while protecting its national security and foreign policy interests. The relaxed restrictions also apply to the United Kingdom and Canada. Specifically, the new ruling removes licensing requirements for items involving ...
Remote-Sensing Large-Wood Storage Downstream From Reservoirs After Dam Removal

Remote-Sensing Large-Wood Storage Downstream From Reservoirs After Dam Removal

For nearly a century, two dams on the Elwha River blocked the natural flow of sediment and wood, leading to a highly altered river environment. Removal of the dams unleashed large quantities of sediment and wood that had been trapped behind the reservoirs. This debris was carried downstream, reshaping the river’s course and impacting its ...
Australia And Greece Sign Landmark Space Agreement

Australia And Greece Sign Landmark Space Agreement

A landmark agreement has been signed between Australia and Greece, as both countries look to enhance their work in the field of space. Both nations are new to space technology but are hoping to work together to go further faster and help solve challenges common to both countries. The initial key focus for the companies ...
UPVEHU Submits Algorithm For Mapping Burnt Areas On A Global Scale

UPV/EHU Submits Algorithm For Mapping Burnt Areas On A Global Scale

Using data from two satellites that collect optical images, and from another four that measure high temperatures caused by fires, a publication led by Aitor Bastarrika of the UPV/EHU’s Built Heritage Research Group, is proposing an algorithm to achieve the global mapping of burnt areas with a higher resolution. Obtaining accurate, up-to-date information from fire-affected ...

Arianespace Will Launch The EU’s Copernicus EO Sentinel-1c Satellite

This mission will provide crucial environmental data for the planet, while also carrying out Arianespace’s commitment of guaranteeing Europe’s independent access to space. Sentinel-1C is the 6th Sentinel satellite launched by Arianespace. This VV25 mission will mark the return-to-flight of the Vega C launcher. Arianespace’s next mission is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, at ...
Human Activities Degraded A California-Sized Area Of Tropical Forests In The Last Six Years

Human Activities Degraded A California-Sized Area Of Tropical Forests In The Last Six Years

A new data platform from CTrees, REDD+AI, is the first to measure forest degradation from logging, fire, and road construction across all tropical forests. Enabled by artificial intelligence and advanced satellite data, the system detects change in every 5-meter area of tropical forests worldwide. Forest degradation refers to activities that cause loss of trees, carbon, ...
A Hong Kong University Launched The World’s First Large-Scale AI Model Earth Observation Satellite

A Hong Kong University Launched The World’s First Large-Scale AI Model Earth Observation Satellite

In late September, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) launched an artificial intelligence (AI)-equipped Earth observation satellite, named the “Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Satellite” (香港青年科創號) with support from the ADA Space, a company that is associated with China’s central government and its military-civilian fusion strategy. This cutting-edge satellite – billed by ...
A New Remote Sensing Study Spotlights Indian Savannas

A New Remote Sensing Study Spotlights Indian Savannas

New research from the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter examines savanna biome distribution and drivers through the lens of tree cover across India. Using remote sensing (the process of monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its radiation, typically from a satellite), the study analyses tree cover across forests and ...
China Releases World's First Atlas Of Remote-Sensing Thermal Infrared Images

China Releases World’s First Atlas Of Remote-Sensing Thermal Infrared Images

The world’s first atlas of remote-sensing thermal infrared images was released at the 4th International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals in Beijing on Friday, providing valuable data support for sustainable development research. Released by the Beijing-based International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS), the atlas is based on ...
Investigadores De La Universidad De Sevilla Ponen Fecha A La Desaparición De Doñana

Investigadores De La Universidad De Sevilla Ponen Fecha A La Desaparición De Doñana

Los investigadores de la Universidad de Sevilla José Lázaro Amaro Mellado y Emilio Ramírez Juidias, en colaboración con el Laboratorio de Teledetección de la Universidad Tecnológica de Perú, han publicado un estudio que alerta sobre los efectos del cambio climático en las marismas de Doñana. Según los investigadores, el aumento de las temperaturas junto con ...

Uzma Unveils It Own Earth Observation Satellite

Uzma Berhad has unveiled its satellite project with UzmaSAT-1 a state-of-the-art Earth Observation satellite developed through a collaboration between Uzma and Satellogic. The group said the partnership aims to evolve the landscape of satellite imagery capabilities and geospatial services in Southeast Asia by leveraging access to high-temporal and high-resolution satellite imagery from the largest commercial ...
Transforming Satellite Imagery Innovative Fusion Method For Precision Agriculture

Transforming Satellite Imagery: Innovative Fusion Method For Precision Agriculture

Remote sensing plays a vital role in monitoring agricultural landscapes, yet current satellite sensors often struggle with the trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution. High spatial resolution images, while detailed, are often limited by infrequent captures and cloud interference, reducing their utility in rapidly changing environments. Conversely, images with better temporal resolution lack the necessary ...
India Launches Earth-Observing Satellite On 3rd Mission Of New Rocket

India Launches Earth-Observing Satellite On 3rd Mission Of New Rocket

India launched an advanced Earth-observing satellite Thursday (Aug. 15), on the third-ever mission of its new SSLV rocket. The Indian Space Research Organisation’s EOS-08 spacecraft lifted off atop the 112-foot-tall (34 meters) SSLV — short for Small Satellite Launch Vehicle — from Satish Dhawan Space Centre tonight at 11:47 p.m. EDT (0347 GMT or 9:17 ...
Estudo Com Participação De Professor Da UFPB Aponta Perda De Habitat Vital Em Rio Nos Estados Unidos

Estudo Com Participação De Professor Da UFPB Aponta Perda De Habitat Vital Em Rio Nos Estados Unidos

Um estudo realizado com a participação de um docente da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) aponta que entre os anos de 2001 e 2019, houve uma perda contínua de habitat vital no rio Mobile-Tensaw do Alabama nos Estados Unidos. Os dados utilizados no estudo foram obtidos por meio de sensoriamento remoto, modelagem geoespacial e análises ...
Las Médulas Impulsan Su Turismo Ecológico Gracias A Una Beca RALBAR

Las Médulas Impulsan Su Turismo Ecológico Gracias A Una Beca RALBAR

Raquel Vega, estudiante del grado en Ingeniería Geomática y Topografía en el campus de Ponferrada de la Universidad de León (ULE), presentó su proyecto ‘Médulas Bioreseve: conservación de la biodiversidad y turismo ecológico’ al programa de Becas RALBAR de la ULE y la Fundación Banco Sabadell y fue seleccionado para desarrollarlo durante este verano en ...
Airbus Sentinel-2C satellite is one step closer to launch

Sentinel-2C Earth Observation Satellite Set For Sept 3 Launch

Arianespace has confirmed the launch of the Sentinel-2C satellite, part of the Copernicus Earth observation program, scheduled for September 3. The Sentinel-2C satellite is designed to monitor land and vegetation, providing critical data for agricultural practices, forestry management, and disaster response. The Sentinel-2C satellite will be launched aboard a Vega rocket from the Guiana Space ...
New Model Uses Satellite Imagery, Machine Learning To Map Flooding In Urban Environments

New Model Uses Satellite Imagery, Machine Learning To Map Flooding In Urban Environments

A new mapping tool from North Carolina State University uses machine learning and open-source satellite imagery to model flooding in urban environments. The new model could create maps that predict urban area flooding, which traditionally have not been accessible to urban planners. This could help identify potentially flood-prone areas in urban settings, helping officials make ...