
Natural Hazard

High heat is preferentially killing the young, not the old, research finds

High heat is preferentially killing the young, not the old, research finds

Many recent studies assume that elderly people are at particular risk of dying from extreme heat as the planet warms. A new study of mortality in Mexico turns this assumption on its head: it shows that 75% of heat-related deaths are occurring among people under 35―a large percentage of them ages 18 to 35, or ...
New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

The U.S. Geological Survey has released a new nationwide landslide susceptibility map that indicates nearly 44% of the U.S. could potentially experience landslide activity. The new assessment provides a highly detailed, county-by-county picture of where these damaging, disruptive and potentially deadly geologic hazards are more likely as well as areas where landslide hazards are negligible. ...
SAMUDRA App Benefitting Fishing Communities

SAMUDRA App Benefitting Fishing Communities

The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), operating under the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), has launched a mobile application named ‘SAMUDRA’ (Smart Access to Marine Users for Ocean Data Resources and Advisories). “SAMUDRA” is envisioned to give easy access for users to the ocean information and advisory services. This app serves as ...
Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

The Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP) is a collaborative environment designed to support the development and implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for mitigating hydro-meteorological hazards. It facilitates access to data, tools, and knowledge exchange, aiding decision-making for citizens, policymakers, companies, scientists, and other users. Developed within the OPERANDUM project (2018-2022), the platform promotes sustainable solutions ...
How A Texas Man Turned Whataburger Into The State’s Power Outage Tracker

How A Texas Man Turned Whataburger Into The State’s Power Outage Tracker

Hurricane Beryl had pummeled Southeast Texas on Monday, leaving millions in the Houston area without power. But with technical issues plaguing the tracker for the city’s main energy provider, there was no way to check the status of power outages — or find the still-lit pockets where residents could buy food, gas and other necessities. ...
When In Drought Researchers Map Which Parts Of The Amazon Are Most Vulnerable To Climate Change

When In Drought: Researchers Map Which Parts Of The Amazon Are Most Vulnerable To Climate Change

In the late 2000s, Scott Saleska observed an unusual phenomenon in the Amazon rainforest. A severe drought in 2005 led to increased green growth in vast areas of the Amazon, contrary to field researchers’ observations of browning plants and some dying due to the drought. Recent research published in Nature by Shuli Chen, a doctoral ...
Remote Sensing Characterization Of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery

Remote Sensing Characterization Of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery

Remote sensing is a powerful tool to measure fire’s effects on plant life. How severe was the damage to vegetation? How quickly can a landscape recover? A new project is looking at those questions from a before, during, and after fire perspective, and the Wildland Fire Team at EROS investigates how using different remote sensing ...
How A ‘Citizen Map’ Is Helping Brazil Prepare For Next Big Flood

How A ‘Citizen Map’ Is Helping Brazil Prepare For Next Big Flood

In the wake of last month’s disastrous flooding in southern Brazil, researchers are asking residents to use their smartphone cameras to document the damage and high-water marks. The data collected will help scientists map flood risk and inform decisions on where to rebuild. When Lucas George Wendt arrived in Lajeado in late May, the water ...
Mapas Da UFRGS Mostram Dimensão Da Enchente No Rio Grande Do Sul

Mapas Da UFRGS Mostram Dimensão Da Enchente No Rio Grande Do Sul

Enquanto o Rio Grande do Sul ainda vive a tragédia da maior enchente da história, uma das contribuições necessárias para entender toda a catástrofe é o uso de informações a partir de mapas e análises técnicas do que está acontecendo. Como forma de contribuição acadêmica, pesquisadores da UFRGS e colaboradores lançaram o “Repositório de informações ...
Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

A Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) lançou um mapa interativo que permite visualizar áreas com risco de desastre no Brasil. Nesse sistema, é possível localizar informações sobre áreas com alto e muito alto risco de deslizamentos de terra, inundações, enxurradas e queda de rochas em mais de 1.600 municípios brasileiros. A plataforma interativa ...

NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models And Streaming Data Techniques For Forecasting Fire And Smoke

NASA’s “Wildfire Digital Twin” project will equip firefighters and wildfire managers with a superior tool for monitoring wildfires and predicting harmful air pollution events and help researchers observe global wildfire trends more precisely. The tool, developed with funding from NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office and NASA’s FireSense Program, will use artificial intelligence and machine learning ...
Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

This book presents a comprehensive coverage of remote sensing technology used to gather information on 12 types of natural hazards in the terrestrial sphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. It clarifies in detail how to yield spatial and quantitative data on a natural hazard, including its spatial distribution, severity, causes, and the likelihood of occurrence. The ...
Satellite Shows Hazards of US Winter Rivers

Satellite Shows Hazards of US Winter Rivers

Researchers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks have developed a new technology using synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) to detect hazardous sections of open water in frozen rivers in Alaska during winter. This technology can also be applied across the Arctic, where open water zones pose similar dangers. By identifying these open water zones, researchers hope to ...
HKU Remote Sensing And Landscape Scholars Reveal Global Wildfire Risk Trends In Wildland-Urban Interface Areas (1985-2020)

HKU Remote Sensing And Landscape Scholars Reveal Global Wildfire Risk Trends In Wildland-Urban Interface Areas (1985-2020)

Wildfires present complex socio-economic and ecological challenges, as they devastate vegetation, endanger communities, and cause extensive environmental, wildlife, and human health impacts. These consequences include severe air pollution and soaring firefighting costs. Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas, which are transition zones between wilderness and human-developed land, are particularly susceptible to wildfires. The risk is heightened due ...
Detecting Heavy Precipitation Events Directly With GPS Data

Detecting Heavy Precipitation Events Directly With GPS Data

An exceptionally severe storm swept over Zurich on 13 July 2021 shortly before 2 a.m., with howling squalls, constant lightning and torrential rain that awakened people with a start. Benedikt Soja, Professor of Space Geodesy, got little sleep that night. “It was one of the most severe storms I’ve ever witnessed. I woke up in ...
New 'Digital Twin' Earth Technology Could Help Predict Water-Based Natural Disasters Before They Strike

New ‘Digital Twin’ Earth Technology Could Help Predict Water-Based Natural Disasters Before They Strike

The water cycle looks simple in theory—but human impacts, climate change, and complicated geography mean that in practice, floods and droughts remain hard to predict. To model water on Earth, you need incredibly high-resolution data across an immense expanse, and you need modeling sophisticated enough to account for everything from snowcaps on mountains to soil ...
Inaccurate Government Data May Be Stoking Wildfires UBC Study

Inaccurate Government Data May Be Stoking Wildfires: UBC Study

Wildfire fighting and forest management decisions are potentially being hampered by inaccurate government data that misrepresents forest fuel loads in British Columbia’s Interior, a new study has found. The B.C. government says the provincial wildfire service is working with the study’s lead author and others to close the data gap, which involves “mismatches” between remotely-sensed ...

Combining Big Data And Machine Learning To Predict Power Outages And Help Consumers Prepare

Unplanned power outages due to environmental conditions (wind, lightning, tree growth, etc.) leave those without power on their own, sometimes for long periods of time. Utility companies lack the ability to predict when forced outages will occur, so no mitigation measures targeting consumers are deployed ahead of time to reduce the impact of an outage. ...
IHME, Microsoft, And Planet Collaborate To Map Climate-Vulnerable Populations In Unprecedented Detail

IHME, Microsoft, And Planet Collaborate To Map Climate-Vulnerable Populations In Unprecedented Detail

Climate change intensifies disasters, which drives displacement. That can, among many impacts, push internally displaced people from rural areas into urban slums. That in turn raises the risks of forced evictions and secondary urban displacement, as well as increased risks of public health crises, and so on, in a dispiriting causal chain. Knowing, in detail, ...

Geographic Information System To Assess And Mitigate Natural Disasters

Southampton University has partnered with three of Egypt’s top institutions in a project aiming to assess and mitigate natural disasters through geographic information system (GIS) mapping technology. The project, ‘Seismic Resilience of Egypt’s Built Environment: A GIS-Based Framework for Assessment and Mitigation’ (Egypt-SeReAM), has received £133.5K from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) ...
Municipality Maps Commercial Buildings That Could Have Distressed, Potentially Dangerous Roofs

Municipality Maps Commercial Buildings That Could Have Distressed, Potentially Dangerous Roofs

Municipal engineers released a new online resource on Thursday meant for commercial building owners to identify if their building in the Anchorage area contains a roof type that has been blamed for numerous snow-induced collapses. The resource comes as the municipality says the snow load on buildings is approaching 90% of the 40 pounds per ...

The Impact Of Wildfire Smoke On Rooftop PV

Researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia have investigated the effects of wildfires on the electricity production of rooftop PV systems and have concluded that residential solar arrays could be used for wildfire detection and monitoring, due to their sensitivity to smoke. In the study “Quantifying the impact of wildfire smoke ...
Hochwasserschutz In Bayern Interaktive Gefahrenkarten Online

Hochwasserschutz In Bayern: Interaktive Gefahrenkarten Online

Zum besseren Schutz der bayerischen Bevölkerung vor Sturzfluten steht im Internet ab sofort eine landesweite Gefahrenlandkarte zur Verfügung. “Die Hinweiskarte ist ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu einem besseren Umgang mit Sturzflutgefahren. Die Karte gibt allen Verantwortlichen vor Ort die Möglichkeit zu einer ersten Beurteilung des jeweiligen Sturzflutrisikos”, sagte Umweltminister Thorsten Glauber (Freie Wähler) der Nachrichtenagentur ...
Auckland Tsunami Map Refreshed

Auckland Tsunami Map Refreshed

Fewer Auckland residents would be at risk in the event of a tsunami than the council previously thought. Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) has updated the region’s tsunami map in the wake of new data which it says showed less of the city’s coastline would be at threat. AEM head of operations John Cranfield said the ...
Counting Canada’s Hidden Tundra Fires

Counting Canada’s Hidden Tundra Fires

In wildfire season, sometimes you can’t see the tundra for the trees. Most Northwest Territories communities facing any kind of wildfire threat are the ones in the boreal forest. For obvious reasons, the forest gets all the attention. That’s where the fuel and danger is. As a result, nobody has really been counting the tundra ...

İzmir’in Tsunami Haritası Çıkarılacak

İzmir Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi (DEÜ) Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi ve Deprem Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkez (DAUM) Müdürü Doç. Dr. Ökmen Sümer, İzmir iç ve dış körfezindeki tüm kıyıların ve koyun geometrisini çıkartıp, depremlerin tsunami etkilerini araştırdıklarını belirtip, sonunda oluşturulacak tsunami baskın haritalarıyla, risklerin azaltılmasına imkan sağlanacağını söyledi. Doç. Dr. Sümer, “Bu proje ...
New Map Shows Where Damaging Earthquakes Are Most Likely To Occur In US 

New Map Shows Where Damaging Earthquakes Are Most Likely To Occur In US 

Nearly 75% of the U.S. could experience damaging earthquake shaking, according to a recent U.S. Geological Survey-led team of more than 50 scientists and engineers. This was one of several key findings from the latest USGS National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM). The model was used to create a color-coded map that pinpoints where damaging earthquakes ...

Alberta Seeks Public Input On Updated Flood Maps, Even During A Drought

Even as Alberta prepares for a serious drought this spring, government officials continue to update flood mapping studies covering 1,600 kilometres of riverways. The province is asking for public feedback on 27 flood studies across the province, encompassing 600 kilometres of updated mapping and 1,000 kilometres of new mapping. “That’s more flood mapping we are ...

New GISTDA App Warns Of Hot Spots To Reduce Wildfire Risks

The GISTDA is continuing to develop its application called FAIPA, “Forest Fire” in English, to notify hotspots at the sub-district, district, and provincial levels, using real-time or near real-time satellite data for primary users, including agencies like the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, volunteer groups, and local residents. The application provides nationwide hotspot data, ...
Austin Peay Team Used Special Technology To Help Tennessee Tornado Victims

Austin Peay Team Used Special Technology To Help Tennessee Tornado Victims

It’s been one month since deadly tornadoes tore through Tennessee counties and left serious devastation. Since then, many have jumped in to help. One team — part of a data center at Austin Peay State University — used a special computer system to get assistance to victims faster. Mike Wilson, the director of the APSU ...