

High heat is preferentially killing the young, not the old, research finds

High heat is preferentially killing the young, not the old, research finds

Many recent studies assume that elderly people are at particular risk of dying from extreme heat as the planet warms. A new study of mortality in Mexico turns this assumption on its head: it shows that 75% of heat-related deaths are occurring among people under 35―a large percentage of them ages 18 to 35, or ...
What to Know About Google’s Breakthrough Weather Prediction Model

What to Know About Google’s Breakthrough Weather Prediction Model

The Sun’ll come out tomorrow, and you no longer have to bet your bottom dollar to be sure of it. Google’s DeepMind team released its latest weather prediction model this week, which outperforms a leading traditional weather prediction model across the vast majority of tests put before it. The generative AI model is dubbed GenCast, and it ...
Mapping marine heatwaves to understand their impacts

Mapping marine heatwaves to understand their impacts

Marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent in a warming world, as rising ocean temperatures trigger these mysterious and damaging phenomena. The profound effects of marine heatwaves on ecosystems – from coral bleaching to disruptions in biodiversity – explain why scientists believe great urgency is required to understand their development and longevity. As we grapple with the challenges of climate change, ...
New Map Shows The Highest Heat Risk Isn’t Always Where Temperatures Are Hottest

New Map Shows The Highest Heat Risk Isn’t Always Where Temperatures Are Hottest

An interactive map created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rates each ZIP code in the mainland U.S. to identify areas “most likely to experience negative health outcomes from heat.” But CDC’s Heat and Health Index shows that heat risk is about much more than temperatures. Heat vulnerability varies sharply within cities and ...
Scientists Analyze Record Storm Surges To Help Predict Future Flooding

Scientists Analyze Record Storm Surges To Help Predict Future Flooding

Researchers at the University of Southampton have conducted the most detailed spatial analysis to date of storm surges along the coast of the UK and Ireland. The oceanographers found that coastlines in the north of the Irish Sea experience the longest and largest surges, while those occurring around the southwest coast of England have the ...
Planetary Boundary Layer Revealed Satellites Illuminate Atmospheric Mysteries

Planetary Boundary Layer Revealed: Satellites Illuminate Atmospheric Mysteries

Unlocking the secrets of Earth’s planetary boundary layer (PBL), a pivotal zone influencing air quality and climate, a new study offers unprecedented insights into atmospheric thermal contrasts (TC). By scrutinizing satellite data, researchers have shed light on how the surface-to-atmosphere temperature gradient affects the detection of atmospheric pollutants. The endeavor to keep tabs on and ...

NVIDIA Announces Earth Climate Digital Twin

To accelerate efforts to combat the $140 billion in economic losses due to extreme weather brought on by climate change, NVIDIA today announced its Earth-2 climate digital twin cloud platform for simulating and visualizing weather and climate at unprecedented scale. Part of the NVIDIA CUDA-X™ microservices, announced separately today, Earth-2’s new cloud APIs on NVIDIA ...
Detecting Heavy Precipitation Events Directly With GPS Data

Detecting Heavy Precipitation Events Directly With GPS Data

An exceptionally severe storm swept over Zurich on 13 July 2021 shortly before 2 a.m., with howling squalls, constant lightning and torrential rain that awakened people with a start. Benedikt Soja, Professor of Space Geodesy, got little sleep that night. “It was one of the most severe storms I’ve ever witnessed. I woke up in ...
ESA’s Cloud Mission In The Limelight

ESA’s Cloud Mission In The Limelight

Dedicated to delivering a wealth of new information on exactly how clouds and aerosols affect Earth’s climate, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite has had the chance to show off prior to engineers embarking upon the careful task of packing it up for its journey to the launch site in the US. Carrying four different instruments, this remarkable ...

IMD Launches Weather Forecast Portal For Farmers & MAUSAM App

New Delhi, Jan 15 (UNI) India Meteorological Department (IMD) on the 150th year of its establishment, on Monday launched the weather forecast portal ‘Panchayat Mausam Seva for farmers’ to support farmers with timely weather alerts and warnings for planning agricultural activities accordingly. “Through this portal, weather forecasts in English, Hindi and twelve regional languages will ...
Great Frigatebirds Wearing Backpacks Map The Atmosphere

Great Frigatebirds Wearing Backpacks Map The Atmosphere

Great frigatebirds live in tropical regions and routinely fly to 2,000 meters (1.25 miles) in altitude, occasionally reaching heights of 4,000 meters (2.5 miles). A new study shows that great frigatebirds equipped with tiny sensors can give detailed information about the planetary boundary layer (PBL), which is the dynamic atmospheric layer that is closest to ...
Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

In August, when heavy rain hit parts of Chile, tens of thousands of people had to evacuate their homes as their communities flooded. Many got a warning a couple of days in advance, thanks to a tool from Google called Flood Hub that rolled out in the country earlier this year. Before Flood Hub existed, ...
Measuring The Extent Of Global Droughts In Unprecedented Detail

Measuring The Extent Of Global Droughts In Unprecedented Detail

While some parts of the world suffer extreme heat and persistent drought, others are being flooded. Overall, continental water volumes vary so much over time that global sea levels fluctuate significantly too. By combining the hydrological model WaterGAP with GRACE satellite data, a team of geodesists at the University of Bonn have come up with ...

European Satellite Strikes Lightning

ESA along with European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (Eumetsat) today have released the first animations from the Lightning Imager onboard the first Meteosat Third Generation satellite, which launched on 13 December 2022. The Lightning Imager, built by Leonardo, can continuously detect rapid flashes of lighting in Earth’s atmosphere whether day or night ...
Met Office Launches Climate Data Portal

Met Office Launches Climate Data Portal

The Met Office has launched a new online portal to provide government and business organisations with improved access to climate data. The Climate Data Portal has been built using geospatial technology from Esri UK as part of their strategic partnership, and to help users combine Met Office data with their own to assess the future ...

NASA Supercomputer Enables Seasonal Forecasts for High Mountain Asia

Using forecasts run on a NASA supercomputer, scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; the University of California, Berkeley; and the Korea National University of Transportation assessed the ability of NASA’s Goddard Earth Observing System Subseasonal to Seasonal Version 2 (GEOS-S2S-2) forecasting system to predict atmospheric and land surface conditions ...
Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences

Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences: A Comprehensive Approach to Remote Sensing, Climate Science, and Geosciences

Deep learning is a fundamental technique in modern Artificial Intelligence and is being applied to disciplines across the scientific spectrum; earth science is no exception. Yet, the link between deep learning and Earth sciences has only recently entered academic curricula and thus has not yet proliferated. Deep Learning for the Earth Sciences delivers a unique ...
NASA, Rocket Lab Launch Tropical Storm Observing CubeSats

NASA, Rocket Lab Launch Tropical Storm Observing CubeSats

NASA and Rocket Lab launched two of the agency’s CubeSats on Sunday to study tropical cyclones with greater frequency than existing satellites, according to an agency announcement. The CubeSats were launched on an Electron Rocket from Rocket Lab’s Launch Complex in New Zealand at 9pm EDT on Sunday—or 1pm NZST on Monday. The launch was ...
Carbon Brief Interactive Map

Carbon Brief Interactive Map

Carbon Brief reveals visually just how much the world’s most populous regions have been affected by extreme heat since 2013.
Oklahoma City Chosen For NOAA's Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign

Oklahoma City Chosen For NOAA’s Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has selected Oklahoma City along with 17 other communities to participate in the 2023 NOAA Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping campaign. Pending City Council approval, the campaign will kick off this summer, with volunteer citizen scientists using heat sensors mounted on their cars to map the hottest parts ...
New Google Search Advisory Extreme Heat Alerts

New Google Search Advisory: Extreme Heat Alerts

Google has announced a series of measures to provide up-to-date and actionable information to help people and cities cope with rising temperatures due to climate change. These initiatives include new extreme heat alerts on Google Search, the expansion of the Tree Canopy tool for urban planning, and a $5 million investment in the World Resources ...

Previsico Leverages Next-gen Satellite To Enhance Flood Alerts

Live flood alert InsurTech platform Previsico has partnered with the new €4.3bn Meteosat Third Generation satellite system. This new system will allow Previsico to be more accurate and timelier with flood warnings, providing insurers and property owners with more time to mitigate flood impacts. The first satellite of the new generation was launched on 13 ...
Atmospheric River Lashes California

Atmospheric River Lashes California

Just four days after heavy rain hit California, the state was drenched with another atmospheric river on January 4 and 5, 2023. A plume of moisture from the tropical Pacific interacted with a low-pressure system that rapidly strengthened over the northeast Pacific, producing a storm that caused flooding, toppled trees, and downed power lines. This ...
NOAA’s GOES-18 Now GOES West And Fully Operational With L3harris’ Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Aboar

NOAA’s GOES-18 Now GOES West And Fully Operational With L3harris’ Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Aboard

NOAA has declared the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-18 fully operational as GOES West, marking a significant milestone for severe weather detection in the Western Hemisphere. Launched on March 1, 2022, the primary instrument aboard GOES-18 is the L3Harris high-resolution, Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). L3Harris also produced the enterprise ground system which processes the imagery ...

Investigadores De La UAT Crean Sistema Para Detectar Sequía En Tamaulipas, Así Es El Proyecto

Un proyecto sobre la disponibilidad de agua para Tamaulipas y que recoge datos de 30 años a la fecha de nuestra entidad, es desarrollado por investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT). Se trata del Sistema de Información Climatológica y de Riesgos para Tamaulipas (Sicret), que, entre otras herramientas, posibilita construir un sistema de ...

NASA Has Lost Contact With A Hurricane-watching Satellite

NASA is working to reestablish contact with one of the eight spacecraft that make up its Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) constellation, which monitors hurricanes. CYGNSS is the first space-based system to collect frequent measurements of wind speeds from the ocean’s surface near the eye of storms such as tropical cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes. ...
Ferramenta Desenvolvida Pelo Cemaden E O Programa Servir-amazonia Prevê Inundações Com Antecedência

Ferramenta Desenvolvida Pelo Cemaden E O Programa Servir-amazonia Prevê Inundações Com Antecedência

Com a cooperação técnica firmada há um ano entre o Cemaden/MCTI, a Aliança Bioversity-CIAT e o Programa Servir-Amazonia (do Programa Servir-Global), as instituições vêm desenvolvendo os serviços de informação para o monitoramento hidrometeorológico, modelagem de inundações e deslizamentos de terra e lançaram a ferramenta Hydroview para previsão de inundações no Brasil. O lançamento do serviço ...

The First Complete Picture Of Arctic Sea Ice Freeze-thaw Cycle Highlights Sea Ice Response To Climate Change

Years of research show that climate change signals are amplified in the Arctic, and that sea ice in this region is sensitive to increases in Arctic warming. Sea ice greatly modifies the exchanges of heat, momentum and mass between the atmosphere and the ocean. So, the timings of the sea ice melt and freeze onsets, ...

¡Con Tecnología De La NASA! Plataforma De Senamhi Permitirá Mejorar Pronóstico De Inundaciones

El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi) anunció el lanzamiento de Senamhi GEOGloWS, una plataforma que cuenta con tecnología de la Administración Nacional de Aeronáutica y del Espacio (NASA). Con los datos obtenidos se espera optimizar el pronóstico de inundaciones a nivel nacional. Este nuevo sistema ha sido personalizado con las condiciones ...
The Satellite Data Mapping Australia's New Climate Extremes

The Satellite Data Mapping Australia’s New Climate Extremes

For decades, satellites have been keeping a watchful eye on Earth, relaying increasingly precise, detailed and timelier information than ever before. Armed with the right mathematical tools, we can use this information to anticipate and mitigate climate extremes and associated hazards—from floods to landslides. So why isn’t this happening now? To harness its full potential, ...