

A New Remote Sensing Study Spotlights Indian Savannas

A New Remote Sensing Study Spotlights Indian Savannas

New research from the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter examines savanna biome distribution and drivers through the lens of tree cover across India. Using remote sensing (the process of monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its radiation, typically from a satellite), the study analyses tree cover across forests and ...
CopernicusLAC Chile Lanza Inéditos Servicios De Mapas De Cobertura Y Uso De Suelos Y Atlas Urbano Para América Latina Y El Caribe

CopernicusLAC Chile Lanza Inéditos Servicios De Mapas De “Cobertura Y Uso De Suelos” Y “Atlas Urbano” Para América Latina Y El Caribe

De libre acceso, inicialmente con 12 tipos de superficies de datos (7 de suelos y 5 de ciudades) y diseñados en el Centro de Modelamiento Matemático de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile. El Centro Regional Copernicus para América Latina y el Caribe (CopernicusLAC Chile), anunció el inicio de ...
Planetary Boundary Layer Revealed Satellites Illuminate Atmospheric Mysteries

Planetary Boundary Layer Revealed: Satellites Illuminate Atmospheric Mysteries

Unlocking the secrets of Earth’s planetary boundary layer (PBL), a pivotal zone influencing air quality and climate, a new study offers unprecedented insights into atmospheric thermal contrasts (TC). By scrutinizing satellite data, researchers have shed light on how the surface-to-atmosphere temperature gradient affects the detection of atmospheric pollutants. The endeavor to keep tabs on and ...
New US Map Shows The Abandoned Farms That Could Help Fight Climate Change

New US Map Shows The Abandoned Farms That Could Help Fight Climate Change

Farmland is often a battleground in the fight against climate change. Solar panels and energy crops are pitted against food production, while well-intended policy choices can create incentives for farmers to till up new lands, releasing even more heat-trapping gas into the atmosphere. That’s why strategies for sustainable plant-based fuels focus on marginal lands — ...

Saudi Arabia Completes First Phase Of Desertification Assessment

The National Center for Vegetation Development and Combating Desertification (NCVC) has completed a significant step in its fight against desertification: the first phase of a project to assess the state of land degradation across the Kingdom, which resulted in the creation of 246 detailed maps. These maps provide valuable insight into desertification trends and the ...
CLCP Develops New Tools To Support Land Protection Decisions In Florida

CLCP Develops New Tools To Support Land Protection Decisions In Florida

The University of Florida’s Center for Landscape Conservation Planning (CLCP) and GeoPlan Center have developed two new tools to support land protection decisions in Florida – a web map viewer and web-based dashboard for the Florida Ecological Greenway Network (FEGN). The FEGN is a statewide database that identifies and prioritizes a functionally connected statewide ecological ...

Esri Releases Latest Land Cover Map With Updated Sentinel-2 Satellite Data

Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, in its partnership with Impact Observatory, has released an updated global land-use/land-cover map of the world based on the most up-to-date 10-meter Sentinel-2 satellite data. In the update, the Sentinel-2 10m Land Use/Land Cover Time Series includes new data from 2023, expanding the series to include global coverage ...
Grupo Do Inpe Aprimora Método Para Mapear Uso E Cobertura Do Solo A Partir De Imagens De Satélite

Grupo Do Inpe Aprimora Método Para Mapear Uso E Cobertura Do Solo A Partir De Imagens De Satélite

Imagens de satélite são usadas para diversos fins, entre os quais o mapeamento de uso e cobertura do solo (Lulc, na sigla em inglês). Segundo um grupo de pesquisadores do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe), o uso dessas “fotografias” pode ser aperfeiçoado se esse material passar pelo crivo de experts antes de ser analisado ...
Online Mapping Tool Offers Land Use Information

Online Mapping Tool Offers Land Use Information

A new online tool allows users to examine agricultural land use across the country. Developed by ALCES for the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute, the Agriculture Web Mapping Application Tool offers maps and datasets about land use, management practices and agri-environmental indicators. Census, crop production and land use data can be viewed individually or overlaid. Tyler ...
Mapping How Deforested Land In Africa Is Used

Mapping How Deforested Land In Africa Is Used

Africa’s forested areas—an estimated 14 % of the global forest area—are continuing to decline at an increasing rate—mostly because of human activities to convert forest land for economic purposes. As natural forests are important CO2 and biodiversity reservoirs, this development has a significant impact on climate change and affects the integrity of nature. To intervene ...

El Estudio Que Revela Posibles Vínculos Entre Incendios Forestales Y Expansión Urbana En Chile

Apartir de la catástrofe sobre los recientes incendios forestales que afectaron a distintos sectores de la Región de Valparaíso, nuevamente se ha puesto la atención sobre la eventual relación que tendrían estos siniestros con el interés inmobiliario por ocupar los espacios que fueron damnificados. En el estudio “Construyendo sobre cenizas. ¿Son utilizados los incendios forestales ...
A New, Rigorous Assessment Of Remote Sensing Tool's Accuracy For Supporting Satellite-Based Water Management

A New, Rigorous Assessment Of Remote Sensing Tool’s Accuracy For Supporting Satellite-Based Water Management

Sustainable water management is an increasing concern in arid regions around the world, and scientists and regulators are turning to remote sensing tools like OpenET to help track and manage water resources. OpenET uses publicly available data produced by NASA and USGS Landsat and other satellite systems to calculate evapotranspiration (ET), or the amount of ...
English Peak District Harnesses AI For Aerial Landscape Mapping

English Peak District Harnesses AI For Aerial Landscape Mapping

The UK’s Peak District National Park Authority is pioneering the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the production of highly detailed land cover maps, in a project in partnership with Cranfield University and The Alan Turing Institute. Land cover was classified from the Bluesky photography using Convolutional Neural Networks, a deep-learning AI method that ...
To Understand How Animals Roam, Look At Human Movements, Study Says

To Understand How Animals Roam, Look At Human Movements, Study Says

To fully understand animal behavior and conservation, scientists are finding they need to study humans’ daily movements and activities. A paper published in Nature Ecology & Evolution brings together a multidisciplinary group of experts to examine how tracking human movements through landscapes over time can provide insights into wildlife behavior and conservation. This collaborative project ...

L’occupation Des Sols, Thème Central Du Nouvel Atlas Des Cartes De “L’anthropocène” De L’ign

Publiée ce 4 octobre, la deuxième édition de l’atlas “Cartographier l’anthropocène” réalisée par l’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) aborde la question de l’occupation des sols face au changement climatique. Histoire, aménagement du territoire, environnement : la thématique est déclinée sous trois angles. Après une première édition sortie il y a un an, ...
CTrees Launches Forest Disturbance Alert System For Global Monitoring

CTrees Launches Forest Disturbance Alert System For Global Monitoring

Non-profit organization CTrees launched Land Use Change Alert (LUCA), the world’s first global radar-based forest disturbance alert system. Unique in its ability to cover all forest biomes, LUCA leverages data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel 1 radar satellite system to fill a critical gap in global forest monitoring. It revolutionizes the understanding of forest ...

Disponible El Sistema De Información Sobre Ocupación Del Suelo En España De Alta Resolución

El Sistema de Información sobre Ocupación del Suelo en España (SIOSE) de alta resolución, completado y publicado por el Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana (Mitma), describe la superficie terrestre de España en términos de cubiertas y usos del suelo. Esta información es fundamental para la gestión del territorio en aplicaciones públicas y privadas. ...
Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

A University of Texas at Arlington hydrologist’s study in the Nature journal Scientific Data provides the first-ever global estimate of human destruction of natural floodplains. The study can help guide future development in a way that can restore and conserve vital floodplain habitats that are critical to wildlife, water quality and reducing flood risk for ...
AI2 Researchers Introduce Satlas A New AI Platform For Exploring Global Geospatial Data Generated By Artificial Intelligence From Satellite Imagery

AI2 Researchers Introduce Satlas: A New AI Platform For Exploring Global Geospatial Data Generated By Artificial Intelligence From Satellite Imagery

Manual curation of geospatial data, especially in the realm of renewable energy infrastructure and natural resource monitoring, involves a thorough process of aggregating, cleaning, and correcting datasets from various sources, often across multiple countries. This challenge has hindered efforts in emissions reduction, disaster relief, urban planning, and more, where precise geospatial insights are paramount. While ...
PCSDS Upgrades Coastal Mapping Through Google Earth Engine

PCSDS Upgrades Coastal Mapping Through Google Earth Engine

The Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, along with representatives of different government and public organizations dedicated to environmental conservation in Palawan, attended a training-workshop organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Fish Right program on August 21-23. The workshop consisted of using the features of Google Earth Engine, integrating it with the ...

MapBiomas Publica Coleção De Mapas Com 10 Metros De Resolução Espacial

O MapBiomas publicou sua primeira coleção de mapas anuais de cobertura e uso da terra do Brasil feita a partir de imagens de satélite com resolução espacial de 10 metros. A coleção MapBiomas 10 Metros beta produzida com dados dos satélites Sentinel-2 traz os anos de 2016 a 2022 e utiliza um método semelhante e ...

Program For Monitoring Vegetation Cover Using Remote Sensing Techniques And AI Launched

The Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman Al-Fadhli, who is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Vegetation Development and Combating Desertification (NCVC), has launched a program to monitor, evaluate and study the vegetation cover areas using remote sensing techniques and artificial intelligence. The program will also ...
Spatial Regionalization Algorithm Shows Promising Results In Complex Datasets

Spatial Regionalization Algorithm Shows Promising Results In Complex Datasets

In the paper, “Extended SLIC superpixels algorithm for applications to non-imagery geospatial rasters,” published in the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, researchers from Adam Mickiewicz University and University of Cincinnati proposed an improved version of the popular SLIC algorithm for image segmentation, known as extended SLIC, to be applicable on multidimensional spatial ...
Geoscientists Aim To Improve Human Security Through Planet-scale POI Modeling

Geoscientists Aim To Improve Human Security Through Planet-scale POI Modeling

Through an intelligent combination of geotagged social media, global location and natural language data, ORNL’s Junchuan Fan and Gautam Thakur developed MapSpace, a publicly available, scalable land-use modeling framework. By providing data characteristics broader and deeper than satellite imagery alone, MapSpace can generate population analytics invaluable for urban planning and disaster response. The researchers’ findings ...
Mapping The Conflict Between Farming And Biodiversity

Mapping The Conflict Between Farming And Biodiversity

Food is one of society’s great moral quandaries. Its production pushes many species to the brink of extinction and the grazing of land that destroys ecosystems. For governments, industry, and communities to effectively balance agricultural needs with environmental needs, however, quantitative information is required. Researchers in Japan, including the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature ...

Türkiye’nin Su Kıtlığı Ve Arazi Tahribatı Haritası Hazırlandı

Bartın Üniversitesi (BARÜ) öncülüğünde iklim değişikliği üzerine 3 yıldır sürdürülen TÜBİTAK’ın desteklediği proje kapsamında, su kıtlığı ve arazi tahribatı haritası hazırlandı. Proje yürütücüsü BARÜ Orman Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Ayhan Ateşoğlu, “Haritaların bir sonraki aşamada özellikle iklim değişikliği temelinde, arazi ve arazi kullanımına yönelik farklılıklara da destek vereceğini söyleyebiliriz. Haritalar sadece ormancılık değil, tarım, ...
New Map Gives Insight Into Ireland’s Land Cover Types

New Map Gives Insight Into Ireland’s Land Cover Types

Data from a new map has provided up-to-date insights on the types of land in Ireland, and how much of the country is covered by each of them. Ordinance Survey Ireland (OSI) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) started a new national land cover mapping programme in 2018. The work was completed in September 2022, ...
국립공원 보전관리 업무에 국토위성영상 활용

국립공원 보전관리 업무에 국토위성영상 활용

국립공원공단(공단)과 국토지리정보원(정보원)은 21일, 공단 본사(강원 원주시)에서 국립공원 보전‧관리 강화를 위한 공간정보 협력확대를 목적으로 업무협약을 체결했다. 이번 업무협약은 국가 보호지역의 보전․관리에 있어 국가공간정보 활용성 제고를 위해 추진되었으며, 협약식에는 공단 송형근 이사장과 정보원 조우석 원장이 참석했다. 공단은 정보원에서 제공하는 국토위성 1호가 촬영한 위성영상 등 고품질의 공간정보를 자연자원조사, 재난위험 안전관리, 기후위기 대응 등을 위해 공단에서 추진 중인 각종 ...
SEI Lança Novos Aplicativos De Geoinformação Em Evento On-line

SEI Lança Novos Aplicativos De Geoinformação Em Evento On-line

A plataforma SEIGEO, portal oficial de geoinformação da Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais da Bahia (SEI), disponibiliza para os usuários dois novos aplicativos: o Storymap da Base Cartográfica de Referência do Estado da Bahia e o Mapa Interativo do Uso e Cobertura das Terras. As ferramentas serão lançadas em evento on-line, a ser realizado ...

Tracking Land Use And Deforestation In The Amazon

Scientists monitoring the region via satellite found that between 2000 and 2021, the average deforestation rate in nonprotected areas was about 14 times higher than in protected areas and Indigenous lands. The research contributes to an ongoing conversation about conservation of the Amazon, said study lead author Yuanwei Qin, a research scientist at the University ...