

New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

New USGS Map Shows Where Landslides Are Most Likely To Occur In U.S.

The U.S. Geological Survey has released a new nationwide landslide susceptibility map that indicates nearly 44% of the U.S. could potentially experience landslide activity. The new assessment provides a highly detailed, county-by-county picture of where these damaging, disruptive and potentially deadly geologic hazards are more likely as well as areas where landslide hazards are negligible. ...
Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

This book presents a comprehensive coverage of remote sensing technology used to gather information on 12 types of natural hazards in the terrestrial sphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. It clarifies in detail how to yield spatial and quantitative data on a natural hazard, including its spatial distribution, severity, causes, and the likelihood of occurrence. The ...
Mapa Mostra Locais Sensíveis A Deslizamento De Terra

Mapa Mostra Locais Sensíveis A Deslizamento De Terra

Luísa desenvolveu métodos de aprendizagem de máquina, principalmente as Redes Neurais Artificiais. Chamadas de RNA, são técnicas computacionais que apresentam um modelo matemático inspirado na estrutura de organismos inteligentes que adquirem conhecimento através da experiência. “São instrumentos que modelam as precipitações antecedentes a esses desastres”, conta ela, que usou como referência a geomorfologia da Serra ...
On The Trail Of Landslides And Rockfalls Graz University Of Technology Measurement Method Uses Existing Fibre Optic Lines

On The Trail Of Landslides And Rockfalls: Graz University Of Technology Measurement Method Uses Existing Fibre Optic Lines

Landslides and rockfalls are increasingly becoming a real threat to people and infrastructure in light of the changing climate and the associated changes in soil and rock structure. The more precise the measurement, the earlier hazards can be detected, and consequently damage can be limited or even avoided altogether. A team at the Institute of ...
3d-Laserscanning Zeigt Ausmaß Des Fluchthorn-Bergsturzes

3D-Lasers­can­ning Zeigt Aus­maß Des Flucht­horn-Berg­stur­zes

Bereits 48 Stunden nach dem massiven Bergsturz am Fluchthorn in der Silvrettagruppe am 11. Juni 2023 war ein Forscher:innen-Team des Instituts für Geographie in Kooperation mit dem Spinoff-Unternehmen Laserdata und Heli Tirol für das Land Tirol an der Absturzstelle mit dem Hubschrauber im Einsatz. Mit hochpräziser 3D-Laserscanning-Technologie erfassten die Expert:innen 3D-Geodaten, mit denen das Volumen ...
New Zealand Faces ‘Uninsurable’ Future Unless Planning System Overhauled - Expert

New Zealand Faces ‘Uninsurable’ Future Unless Planning System Overhauled – Expert

An expert on landslides and natural hazards warns much of New Zealand may become “uninsurable” in the future. However, quantifying risk from natural hazards is a fraught business – especially when it comes up against property rights. The storm that triggered a massive slip in Lower Hutt last winter and forced the evacuation of three ...
New 3D Maps Reveal Hundreds Of Ancient Landslides South Of Auckland

New 3D Maps Reveal Hundreds Of Ancient Landslides South Of Auckland

Just-released maps have revealed hundreds of ancient landslides around Pukekohe, while offering a multi-dimensional view of the region’s active faults and volcanic features. Capturing more than 830 square kilometres, from Manukau Harbour’s southern shoreline to the lower Waikato River, the new GNS Science-produced maps show Auckland’s rolling southern landscapes as they’ve never been seen. It ...
AI Project Aims To Use Tech To Predict Landslides, Illegal Mining, Erosion And Emissions In Irish Bogs

AI Project Aims To Use Tech To Predict Landslides, Illegal Mining, Erosion And Emissions In Irish Bogs

Irish boffins are exploring how artificial intelligence can be used to predict threats to Irish peat bogs and their impact on the climate. Ireland’s national centre for applied AI, CeADAR, has teamed up with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre in Applied Geosciences iCRAG for a €200k project, AI2Peat. ...
Identify Points Of Threat Of Landslides In Three Roads Of The Country

Identifican Puntos De Amenaza De Deslizamientos En Tres Vías De País

El docente desarrolló una metodología que estima las eventuales amenazas de taludes, información que serviría para diseñar alertas tempranas en estos proyectos de infraestructura. El proceso consiste en cuatro fases del tratamiento de la imagen. En la primera se localiza el tramo o la ruta a investigar mediante Google Earth; en la segunda, con el ...
City Sprawl Responsible For Acceleration Of Deep Landslide Movement, Finds Study

City Sprawl Responsible For Acceleration Of Deep Landslide Movement, Finds Study

An international team of researchers has found that an acceleration in movement of a deep landslide beneath the city of Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is due to city sprawl, not natural forces. In their study, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, the group analyzed satellite imagery and aerial photographs of the ...

Dissesto Idrogeologico: Nuovi Modelli Prevedono L’impatto Delle Colate

Un team di ricercatori dell’ENEA ha sviluppato un nuovo approccio per prevedere l’area di propagazione e l’intensità delle colate rapide, un particolare tipo di frane veloci altamente distruttivo, e sta testando nuove metodologie per stimarne le soglie di innesco in base al contenuto di acqua dei terreni di copertura. Le innovazioni volte al la produzione ...