
Heat Island

Oklahoma City Addresses Extreme Heat Using Dynamic GIS-Powered Tools for Climate Action

Oklahoma City Addresses Extreme Heat Using Dynamic GIS-Powered Tools for Climate Action

The Oklahoma City Office of Sustainability’s first deep dive into digital mapping showed just how important spatial awareness can be—especially when it comes to extreme summer heat. For context, this state capital is similar in size to New York City at 621 square miles. But its population of about 750,000 is more spread out than ...
This Is How Much Hotter Urban Sprawl Makes US Cities Feel

This Is How Much Hotter Urban Sprawl Makes US Cities Feel

Nearly 34 million people across 65 US cities — roughly one in 10 Americans — live in a place where the built environment makes temperatures feel at least 8 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than it would without that urban sprawl. That’s according to a new study by the nonprofit Climate Central, which mapped the impact of ...
Urban Tree Canopy Affects How Heat Stress Impacts Residents

Urban Tree Canopy Affects How Heat Stress Impacts Residents

One natural strategy to reduce heat-related deaths is to increase tree coverage in urban areas, which helps lower temperatures. A recent study highlights the disparities in health and energy consumption across the United States, stemming from insufficient urban tree coverage. It also details the potential health and economic advantages that increased tree presence can offer ...

I Dati Satellitari Per Il Controllo Del Microclima Urbano. All’oar Il Convegno Con L’agenzia Spaziale Italiana E Il Politecnico Di Milano

Arrivano dai dati satellitari gli strumenti per mappare il fenomeno dell’isola di calore urbana e capire come la struttura fisica della città e l’uso del suolo influiscano sul microclima urbano. Se ne parla al convegno che si terrà venerdì 23 febbraio presso il complesso monumentale dell’Acquario Romano, sede dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia. ...
Urban Heat Research May Point The Way To Cooling Steamy Cities

Urban Heat: Research May Point The Way To Cooling Steamy Cities

Cities really are hotter than surrounding areas due to the urban heat island effect, first observed in London during the 1800s, explained Binghamton University Associate Professor of Geography Thomas Pingel. The buildings, parking lots and sidewalks absorb heat during the day, releasing it during the night. This excess heat is more than just an annoyance; ...
NOAA Seeks Applications For 2024 Urban Heat Island Initiative

NOAA Seeks Applications For 2024 Urban Heat Island Initiative

NOAA’s National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS), in partnership with CAPA Strategies LLCoffsite link, is now accepting applications from organizations interested in participating in the 2024 Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping campaign program. In the eighth year of the program, NIHHIS and CAPA Strategies will support community science campaigns in cities and counties across ...
New York Will Plant Thousands Of Trees Using New Tech To Maximize Foliage Impact

New York Will Plant Thousands Of Trees Using New Tech To Maximize Foliage Impact

New York City is poised to get a lot more trees. Last month, the city council passed a measure calling for 30% canopy cover by 2035, up from its current cover of 22% – which could mean 250,000 new trees. More trees, with all their cooling benefits, is a clear win for the environmental justice ...
New Heat Map Explores Potential Benefits Of Philly Tree Plan With Block-by-Block Detail

New Heat Map Explores Potential Benefits Of Philly Tree Plan With Block-by-Block Detail

As Philadelphia plants thousands of trees to help cool heat-stricken sections of the city, residents can use a new online tool to see how the decade-long project might help their neighborhoods. You can slide between two overlapping maps of the city: one that reveals how bad the summer heat problem is on a detailed, block-by-block ...
Die Vermessung Der Stadt Per Rad

Die Vermessung Der Stadt Per Rad

Deutschlands Bevölkerung lebt überwiegend in Städten, für die eine enge Bebauung und eine hohe Bevölkerungsdichte charakteristisch sind. Verkehrsprobleme und urbane Hitzeinseln sind häufig damit einhergehende Begleiterscheinungen. Dabei zeigt sich allerdings eine hohe Variabilität: So ist der urbane Hitzeinseleffekt zwar grundsätzlich in hoch verdichteten Innenstädten stärker ausgeprägt, aber auch dort mag ein kleiner Park mit viel ...
El Mapa De Calor Del Ayuntamiento De Madrid Descubre Si Vives En Una Zona Con Temperaturas “Extremadamente Altas”

El Mapa De Calor Del Ayuntamiento De Madrid: Descubre Si Vives En Una Zona Con Temperaturas “Extremadamente Altas”

El Ayuntamiento de Madrid ha publicado un mapa en el que cada vecino puede comprobar si vive en un lugar afectado por su isla de calor o, por el contrario, resulta beneficiado gracias a la cercanía de parques como el Retiro, Casa de Campo o espacios de la periferia como Pradolongo, Entrevías o Valdebebas. Estos ...
Beating The Heat Students Map California Tree Canopy To Cool Cities As Climate Warms

Beating The Heat: Students Map California Tree Canopy To Cool Cities As Climate Warms

This summer, a group of students are embarking on a groundbreaking project: mapping tree canopy cover in California. Tree canopies, which provide shade, can offset the heat island effect in cities. The effect is caused by buildings, roads and other human-made infrastructure absorbing and then re-emitting heat. In a warming climate, the heat island effect ...
We Wrocławiu Powstaje Mapa Koron Drzew. Czemu Ma Służyć

We Wrocławiu Powstaje Mapa Koron Drzew. Czemu Ma Służyć?

Wrocław jako drugie (po Warszawie) miasto w Polsce będzie korzystał z tworzonej właśnie mapy koron drzew, która powinna być gotowa jeszcze w tym roku. Mapa powstaje w ramach nowego, europejskiego projektu LIFECOOLCITY. Jak się ją przygotowuje i w jaki sposób przyczyni się do niwelowania zjawiska miejskich wysp ciepła? Realizacja projektu LIFECOOLCITY pomoże w określeniu „zielonych” ...
How Digital Twins Can Help Turning An Urban Oven Into An Oasis

How Digital Twins Can Help Turning An Urban Oven Into An Oasis

It’s all over the news: Urban areas tend to become extremely hot these days. To properly cool down our cities, “we need digital twins in the early stages of city planning”, says Stefan Trometer, Managing Director at Virtual City Systems. To Southern Europe for a city trip in the summer is becoming increasingly challenging. As ...
Lutter Contre Les Îlots De Chaleur Avec La Géomatique

Lutter Contre Les Îlots De Chaleur Avec La Géomatique

Sur la carte des îlots de chaleur de Montréal de 2019, une tache rouge bordée d’orange apparaît au centre du parc Rutherford, situé sur le flanc du mont Royal. Pourtant, six années auparavant, la zone apparaissait en vert sur la carte produite à partir d’images satellite. C’est qu’entre les deux prises d’images, un terrain sportif ...
'Underground Climate Change' Threatens To Destabilize Buildings

‘Underground Climate Change’ Threatens To Destabilize Buildings

The earth beneath our major cities is heating up, morphing in ways that could damage buildings, bridges, and transport systems. Just ask any passenger sweltering on the London Underground or New York City subway, and they’ll perspire telling you about how underground transport systems are spewing heat. As that heat diffuses into the ground, it’s ...
Manuel Banza Analisou Os Locais Em Lisboa Onde É Prioritário Criar Refúgios Climáticos

Manuel Banza Analisou Os Locais Em Lisboa Onde É Prioritário Criar Refúgios Climáticos

As Ondas De Calor Tem-se Intensificado Em Lisboa. Nestes Dias Extremos, Valorizamos Ruas Com Árvores E Espaços Com Ar Condicionado. Mas Há Zonas Onde Faz Muito Calor Mas Há Poucas Opções Para Nos Refrescarmos – Zonas Onde Seria Urgente Criar Refúgios Climáticos. Manuel Banza, Cientista De Dados, Apaixonado Por Lisboa, Identificou Esses Locais. A viagem ...
Oklahoma City Chosen For NOAA's Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign

Oklahoma City Chosen For NOAA’s Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has selected Oklahoma City along with 17 other communities to participate in the 2023 NOAA Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping campaign. Pending City Council approval, the campaign will kick off this summer, with volunteer citizen scientists using heat sensors mounted on their cars to map the hottest parts ...
New Google Search Advisory Extreme Heat Alerts

New Google Search Advisory: Extreme Heat Alerts

Google has announced a series of measures to provide up-to-date and actionable information to help people and cities cope with rising temperatures due to climate change. These initiatives include new extreme heat alerts on Google Search, the expansion of the Tree Canopy tool for urban planning, and a $5 million investment in the World Resources ...
Studying The Feasibility Of Drones For Collecting Environmental Dat

Studying The Feasibility Of Drones For Collecting Environmental Data

For a feasibility study, Mirjana Bevanda, together with Antonio Castañeda and other colleagues, imaged the Neue Universität on Sanderring and parts of Würzburg’s Ringpark with drones in 2022. Lidar, a form of three-dimensional laser scanning, as well as thermal and multispectral sensors were used. The latter capture five to ten wavelengths of light and thus ...