

EuroGeographics And BKG Sign Agreement For Pan-European Datasets

EuroGeographics And BKG Sign Agreement For Pan-European Datasets

Germany’s Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) will continue to manage production of pan-European datasets after signing a new agreement with EuroGeographics. As a result, BKG is responsible for three open datasets available via the Open Maps For Europe (OME) user interface, as well as a database of administrative boundaries and 1:250 000 topographic ...
The Interactive Map That Shows You How To Pronounce Welsh Placenames

The Interactive Map That Shows You How To Pronounce Welsh Placenames

Happening on the Welsh version of Wikipedia has led one man to create a brilliant online tool that allows people to learn how to pronounce Welsh placenames. Dafydd Elfryn has created Map Llais (Voice Map) which features more than a thousand audio files of placenames in Wales, pronounced in local dialect. It has become a ...
IBGE Lança Manual E Contribui Para A Padronização Dos Nomes Geográficos

IBGE Lança Manual E Contribui Para A Padronização Dos Nomes Geográficos

O IBGE lançou hoje (17) o Manual de Coleta de Nomes Geográficos, que detalha a metodologia desenvolvida e utilizada pelo órgão no processo de coleta dos nomes de lugares. O Manual, desenvolvido a partir da experiência dos técnicos do IBGE em campanhas de mapeamentos ocorridas em diferentes épocas e locais do território brasileiro, tem como ...

Startup Danti Unveils Search Engine For Geospatial Data

A new startup, Danti, came out of stealth June 21 with a search engine designed for users of geospatial data. Danti is among a growing number of startups that are riding the artificial intelligence wave. Its search engine relies on natural language models to help users of its search engine find relevant information about places ...
City Of Peterborough Online Tool Verifies Official Addresses To Assist Emergency, Postal, Hydro

City Of Peterborough Online Tool Verifies Official Addresses To Assist Emergency, Postal, Hydro

The City of Peterborough has launched an interactive online tool to verify officially recognized addresses in the city. Created by the City of Peterborough’s geomatics/mapping division, the “myAddress Verification,” the tool verifies a property address and also ensures that additional units at a single address are accounted for. The city says official addresses are used ...
ChatGPT and Geospatial Tasks

ChatGPT and Geospatial Tasks

Answering the question How does ChatGPT work? requires introducing some basic concepts such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Language Modeling (LM), and Reinforcement Learning (RL). After defining the concepts and providing some examples, the proposed approach by OpenAI will be explained ...
Un Google Maps De La Historia De España

Un Google Maps De La Historia De España

Localizar y vincular a cada personaje histórico con los acontecimientos que vivió, la época, el lugar y el motivo, o lo que es lo mismo, saber el «quién», el «cuándo», el «dónde» y el «qué» de cada pasaje de nuestro devenir, ese el objetivo del nuevo Portal Digital de Historia Hispánica presentado ayer por la ...

Depremzedelerin Yerini Gösteren Portal

Başarsoft, Kahramanmaraş depreminde kullanılmak üzere “Depremde Yardım İhtiyaçları Haritalandırma Portalı” kurdu. Portal, depremde yollar ve binaların yıkıldığı, adres tabelalarının kaybolduğu durumlarda koordinata dayalı ulaşım sağlıyor ve yardım ekiplerini yardım istenen enkazlara yönlendiriyor. Depremin ilk anından itibaren Başarsoft Ankara’dan 40 kişilik bir ekip Twitter’a ve diğer sosyal medya ağlarına düşen yardım taleplerini tarayarak adresleri ve talep ...

Melissa Partners With TomTom For Geospatial Location Precision To Maximize Business Value Of Global Customer Address Data

By leveraging TomTom Maps, Points of Interest, 7-digit postal codes, address points, and Routing API, Melissa provides a best-of-breed address engine critical to business needs worldwide. Multi-language and multi-format support is key to postal addressing, as not every country is alike. TomTom ingests country data into one global standardized dataset, while supporting multiple languages. They ...
Tweets Provide Insights On How Invasive Insects Sprea

Tweets Provide Insights On How Invasive Insects Spread

A new study led by North Carolina State University has found that Twitter and online new articles could be used effectively to track the timing and location of invasive insect spread in the United States and globally. These findings suggest that such sources are promising for filling gaps when official data are not widely available. ...

Ki-unterstütztes Datenprodukt Wertet Standortanalysen Auf Digitalen Landkarten Auf

„Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich auch im Handel gern”, sagt Marc Urner, Senior Manager bei WIGeoGIS, einem der führenden Anbieter von Geomarketing und GIS-Software in Europa. „So wird man zum Beispiel in einer Luxusmeile keinen Hermes Paketshop finden, dafür aber einen Hermès Paris“, erklärt er. Anders gesagt: Handel, Gastronomie und konsumnahe Dienstleister suchen für ihre ...

«کدپستی» و «نشانی مکان محور»، مبنای سرشماری ثبتی ۱۴۰۵ می‌شوند

مدیرعامل شرکت ملی پست گفت: بر اساس تصمیماتی که برای سرشماری سال ۱۴۰۵ گرفته شده است، اطلاعات کدپستی و نشانی مکان محور پست به همراه نقشه‌های پارسل‌بندی شده مبنای سرشماری قرار می‌گیرند. منظور از سرشماری ثبتی مبنا به زبان ساده این است که اطلاعات کدپستی و نشانی مکان محور که به نقشه های پارسل بندی ...

مؤتمر عربي يبحث توحيد الأسماء الجغرافية وتفصيح الحرف والبناء

بدأت اليوم فعاليات المؤتمر التاسع للخبراء العرب في الأسماء الجغرافية بعنوان “التكامل الجغرافي المكاني بين الاسم والموقع: الأهمية والأثر” الذي تستضيفه سلطنة عُمان ممثلة بالهيئة الوطنية للمساحة بوزارة الدفاع بالتعاون مع الشعبة العربية للأسماء الجغرافية والمركز الجغرافي الملكي بالمملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، وذلك برعاية معالي السيد حمود بن فيصل البوسعيدي وزير الداخلية، ويستمر عدة أيام.وبدأ افتتاح ...
Dive into Deep Learnin

Dive into Deep Learning

Testing the potential of deep learning presents unique challenges because any single application brings together various disciplines. Applying deep learning requires simultaneously understanding (i) the motivations for casting a problem in a particular way; (ii) the mathematical form of a given model; (iii) the optimization algorithms for fitting the models to data; (iv) the statistical ...

Gazetteer of Australia

The Composite Gazetteer of Australia is a cloud-based system allowing users to easily discover, interrogate and download place names information from Australia and its external territories. It is developed as a partnership between contributing agencies of the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) and is built on modern infrastructure providing automated ingestion and validation, ...

TGN: The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names

TGN is a thesaurus. TGN is not a geographic information system (GIS), although it may be linked to existing major, general-purpose, geographic databases and maps. While most records in TGN include coordinates, these coordinates are approximate and are intended for reference (“finding purposes”) only (as is true of coordinates in most atlases and other resources, ...


The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license. It contains over 27 million geographical names and consists of over 12 million unique features whereof 4.8 million populated places and 15 million alternate names. All features are categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further ...

Rejestr Polskich Nazw Geograficznych Świata Zaktualizowany

Główny Urząd Geodezji I Kartografii Udostępnił Właśnie Do Pobrania Zaktualizowane Dane Państwowego Rejestru Nazw Geograficznych (PRNG) W Części Dotyczącej Rejestru Polskich Nazw Geograficznych Świata. „Rejestr Polskich Nazw Geograficznych Świata” Został Opracowany Na Podstawie „Urzędowego Wykazu Polskich Nazw Geograficznych Świata” Oraz Uchwał Komisji Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznych Poza Granicami Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Działającej Przy Głównym Geodecie Kraju.

بارگذاری اطلاعات مکانمند شرکت آب بر روی پلاک‌های آبی هوشمند در اصفهان

مدیرعامل سازمان فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات شهرداری اصفهان از بارگذاری اطلاعات مکانمند شرکت آب بر روی پلاک‌های آبی هوشمند مناطق 8 و 12 شهرداری اصفهان خبر داد. وی تصریح کرد: طی جلسات کارشناسی که با حضور نمایندگان شهرداری و شرکت آب و فاضلاب استان اصفهان برگزار شد، درخصوص توسعه زیرساخت اطلاعات مکانی یکپارچه در قالب ...
Crearon El Sistema Único De Direcciones Que Permitirá Brindar Datos Exactos Y Agilizar Operativa

Crearon El Sistema Único De Direcciones Que Permitirá Brindar Datos Exactos Y Agilizar Operativa

La herramienta implica la elaboración de una base actualizada, de alta calidad, para asegurar que todas las viviendas, locales y objetos físicos que requieran ser identificados incluyan una dirección en formato interoperable con un código único nacional y estén disponibles como datos abiertos. El lanzamiento del Sistema Único de Direcciones se realizó este miércoles 10 ...

주소와 거리 데이터만으로도 도시 예산을 절감할 수 있다

주소 및 거리 데이터를 제대로 활용하는 것만으로도 지자체 예산을 크게 절감할 수 있다는 내용의 보고서가 발표돼 관심을 끈다. 한 지역에 국한된 조사 결과지만 모든 도시에서 공통적으로 적용될 수 있다는 점에서 서울 등 한국의 도시들도 참고할 내용이 있는 것으로 보여진다. 지오플레이스(GeoPlace LLP)가 의뢰하고 위치전략 회사인 컨설팅웨어(ConsultingWhere)가 수행한 연구 보고서에 따르면 위치 정보를 사용함으로써 잉글랜드와 웨일스 지방 ...