

Satellite Methods Provide Drought Detection From Space

Satellite Methods Provide Drought Detection From Space

Observing sites such as the Amazon basin from space has underscored the capability of satellites to better detect signs of drought, according to a new study. Led by Military University of Technology Poland and Griffith University, the researchers combined two advance satellite-based methods to improve monitoring of hydrological droughts.  Advance satellite-based methods, such as the ...

Space Force Launching Lasers In 2025 To Help Pinpoint The Center Of Earth

The U.S. Space Force aims to better pinpoint the location of Earth’s true center using lasers on GPS satellites slated to launch in 2025. A set of laser retroreflector arrays, or LRAs, will be installed onto two GPS III satellites, called SV9 and SV10, as part of NASA’s Space Geodesy Program space sensor network. The ...
How Climate Change Is Altering The Earth's Rotation

How Climate Change Is Altering The Earth’s Rotation

The Earth’s spin axis is not constant. It moves slowly over time relative to the Earth’s crust. This is caused by various processes on the surface and inside the Earth, such as the melting of ice masses or the uplift of land masses, as well as mass shifts in the Earth’s viscous mantle and core. ...
Beidou Helping Tajikistan Prep For Temblors

Beidou Helping Tajikistan Prep For Temblors

Along with providing stable navigation services worldwide, the Beidou global satellite navigation system developed by China has been monitoring the deformation of Lake Sarez in the seismically active zone of the Pamir Plateau in eastern Tajikistan for nearly three years, predicting potential earthquakes. “Forty donkeys, 10 scientists and 30 others spent 10 days transporting the ...
Iran, Tajikistan Sign MoU To Boost Coop. In Geomatic Sciences

Iran, Tajikistan Sign MoU To Boost Coop. In Geomatic Sciences

The director general of the National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC) Ali Javidaneh and the chairman of the State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy of Tajikistan inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Tehran aimed at developing cooperation in the field of the geomatic sciences. Javidaneh said the MoU is a turning point in ...

New Proposals To Help NASA Advance Knowledge Of Our Changing Climate

NASA has selected four proposals for concept studies of missions to help us better understand Earth science key focus areas for the benefit of all including greenhouse gases, the ozone layer, ocean surface currents, and changes in ice and glaciers around the world. These four investigations are part of the agency’s new Earth System Explorers ...
New Geological Map Reveals Secrets Of Greenland's Icy Interior

New Geological Map Reveals Secrets Of Greenland’s Icy Interior

A team of international scientists involving the Durham University Geography department has unveiled a new map of the geological provinces hidden beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. This comprehensive synthesis, published in Geophysical Research Letters, promises to advance our understanding of this critical component of the global climate system. The new subglacial geology map provides an ...

Conferenza Nazionale Di Geomatica E Informazione Geografica #ASITA2024 Primo Annuncio E Call For Abstract

ASITA è il luogo dove professionisti, docenti, ricercatori, tecnici e professionisti, soggetti istituzionali e territoriali, società commerciali e più in generale tutti coloro che operano nei diversi campi della Geomatica possono confrontarsi su temi specifici, promuovendo una visione multidisciplinare e integrata del settore della Geomatica nel tentativo di delineare le cosiddette “best practices” utili ad ...
„E-Geodezja II – Cyfrowy Zasób Geodezyjny Województwa Lubelskiego”

„E-Geodezja II – Cyfrowy Zasób Geodezyjny Województwa Lubelskiego”

20 lutego starosta Tomasz Marzęda i geodeta powiatowy Zbigniew Bojanowski brali udział w podpisaniu umowy o przystąpieniu do dofinansowaniu projektu: „e-Geodezja II – uzupełnienie cyfrowego zasobu geodezyjnego województwa lubelskiego” – zadania wpisanego na listę operacji o znaczeniu strategicznym w programie Fundusze Europejskie dla Lubelskiego 2021 – 2027. Projekt jest kontynuacją zrealizowanego w latach 2016-2021 projektu ...

NGS Multi-year CORS Solution 3 Coming Later This Year

In order to maintain consistency with the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service (IERS) and the International GNSS Service (IGS) reference frames, NGS has been working to implement the new International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2020 (ITRF2020) and IGS20 realizations in the U.S. National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). This will result in updated North American ...
Student Geodezji Na UWM Z Nagrodą Za Badania Nad Jonosferą

Student Geodezji Na UWM Z Nagrodą Za Badania Nad Jonosferą

Nie trzeba wcale lecieć w Kosmos, żeby badać jonosferę. Marek Czołpiński, student z Wydziału Geoinżynierii UWM za badania nad jonosferą otrzymał nagrodę w konkursie organizowanym przez Stowarzyszenie Geodetów Polskich oraz Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii. „Analiza gęstości elektronów na wysokości orbity Swarm w kontekście sejsmicznych zaburzeń jonosferycznych” to tytuł pracy inżynierskiej, za którą Marek Czołpiński ...
DLR Develops Mobile Station For Satellite Laser Ranging

DLR Develops Mobile Station For Satellite Laser Ranging

Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) is a very precise, laser-based method for determining the distance between a satellite and Earth with an accuracy of a few millimetres. SLR is primarily used in geodesy. This is because the precise measurement of satellite orbits helps to determine changes in Earth’s structure and rotation. The SLR method also makes ...
Major 'Magnetic Anomaly' Discovered Deep Below New Zealand's Lake Rotorua

Major ‘Magnetic Anomaly’ Discovered Deep Below New Zealand’s Lake Rotorua

New maps have revealed a hidden hydrothermal system beneath a legendary lake in New Zealand. The Rotorua area is well known for hydrothermal activity, with the Tourism New Zealand website stating that clouds of steam drift around the lake’s shore, and that sulfur gives a “magical green-blue” color to the water. Researchers at GNS Science, ...

Launch Of The Geospatial Innovation Awards 2024

Geovation, Ordnance Survey’s (OS) award-winning open innovation hub, has opened nominations for round two of its Geospatial Innovation Awards to showcase the best in geospatial innovation and the impact it has on people, places and planet. The 2024 awards, which are open to international entries, build on the success of the inaugural awards earlier this ...

Oregon State University To Receive $6.5 Million For Geospatial Coordinate System Update Work

Oregon State University will receive $6.5 million in federal funding over a five-year period for research related to updating the National Spatial Reference System, a coordinate system that defines geographical elements ranging from longitude and latitude to height and orientation, the college said. OSU officials said common uses for the NSRS include surveying and mapping ...
New Technique Could Improve GPS

New Technique Could Improve GPS

A new scientific technique could significantly improve the reference frames that millions of people rely upon each day when using GPS navigation services, according to a recently published article in Radio Science. For the first time, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin’s Applied Research Laboratories and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center have formed ...

Porozumienie GGK Ze Stowarzyszeniem Geodetów Polskich

Główny Geodeta Kraju Alicja Kulka zawarła porozumienie ze Stowarzyszeniem Geodetów Polskich (SGP), w którym wyrażono wolę i gotowość dalszej współpracy na rzecz rozwoju geodezji i kartografii w Polsce. Porozumienie, które zawarto 18 października 2023 r. dotyczy współpracy między innymi w zakresie: rozwoju geodezji i kartografii w Polsce, a w szczególności wykorzystania w pracach geodezyjnych oraz ...
Mapping Altitudes In The Alpine Region

Mapping Altitudes In The Alpine Region

Gravitational acceleration measurements were conducted in the Allgäu region of southern Germany by the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) in September this year. In high-altitude locations, helicopters were utilized to access the measurement points. These measurements play a crucial role in enhancing altitude determination through satellite-based methods such as GNSS. The elevations derived ...
A Laser Gyroscope Measured Tiny Variations In The Lengths Of Days On Earth

A Laser Gyroscope Measured Tiny Variations In The Lengths Of Days On Earth

Using a laser gyroscope, scientists have measured variations in Earth’s rotation rate smaller than a millionth of a percent. The technique could help scientists understand the complex flows of water and air that cause the tiniest of tweaks to the planet’s spin. Earth’s rotation isn’t perfectly steady. The planet speeds up and slows down as ...
python packages for geovisualization

Python Packages for Geovisualization

This list includes all geovisualization (static and interactive) python packages. The list updates weekly.
В Анапе Разработают Мобильное Приложение Для Геологов

В Анапе Разработают Мобильное Приложение Для Геологов

Образовательная программа «Юная смена геологов» стартовала во Всероссийском детском центре «Смена». Проект объединил 150 школьников из 29 регионов России от 11 до 17 лет. В рамках программы сменовцы освоят базовые дисциплины и получат практические навыки по направлениям топография, ориентирование на местности, минералогия, кристаллография, петрография, палеонтология, основы горного дела, экология и геодезия. Образовательные занятия для проведут ...
Measuring The Extent Of Global Droughts In Unprecedented Detail

Measuring The Extent Of Global Droughts In Unprecedented Detail

While some parts of the world suffer extreme heat and persistent drought, others are being flooded. Overall, continental water volumes vary so much over time that global sea levels fluctuate significantly too. By combining the hydrological model WaterGAP with GRACE satellite data, a team of geodesists at the University of Bonn have come up with ...
Naukowcy Z WAT Proponują, By Wykorzystać GPS W Monitorowaniu Poziomu Wód Podziemnych

Naukowcy Z WAT Proponują, By Wykorzystać GPS W Monitorowaniu Poziomu Wód Podziemnych

Naukowcy z Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej zaproponowali innowacyjną metodę pomiaru ubożenia wód podziemnych opartą na pomiarach GPS. To, jak zmienia się poziom wód podziemnych, będzie można monitorować zdalnie – nawet w najbardziej odległych częściach świata. Mimo że techniki teledetekcyjne się rozwijają, a obserwacje naziemne stają się coraz dokładniejsze, modele opisujące poziom wód gruntowych nadal nie są ...

Buenos Aires Albergará Las Jornadas De Geociencias Para Ingeniería

Durante los días 1 y 2 de noviembre de este año, tendrá lugar la cuarta edición de las Jornadas de Geociencias para la Ingeniería. El evento es organizado por el Instituto de Geodesia y Geofísica Aplicadas y el Departamento de Agrimensura de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y tendrá lugar ...
A True Partnership To Improve Position, Navigation And Timing Services In Australia

A True Partnership To Improve Position, Navigation And Timing Services In Australia

“We need to use an external frame of reference when making measurements of the Earth’s position, tilt and speed of rotation, and that these supermassive black holes are our best indicator as they don’t really move.” These measurements, called Earth Orientation Parameters, are used by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites to help geodesists understand ...
On The Trail Of Landslides And Rockfalls Graz University Of Technology Measurement Method Uses Existing Fibre Optic Lines

On The Trail Of Landslides And Rockfalls: Graz University Of Technology Measurement Method Uses Existing Fibre Optic Lines

Landslides and rockfalls are increasingly becoming a real threat to people and infrastructure in light of the changing climate and the associated changes in soil and rock structure. The more precise the measurement, the earlier hazards can be detected, and consequently damage can be limited or even avoided altogether. A team at the Institute of ...
Giant ‘Gravity Hole’ In The Ocean May Be The Ghost Of An Ancient Sea

Giant ‘Gravity Hole’ In The Ocean May Be The Ghost Of An Ancient Sea

There’s a massive “hole” in the Indian Ocean, researchers say—but it’s not the kind that could drain away all that water. Instead it’s a term geologists use to describe a spot where Earth’s gravity is lower than average. And a new study may have finally revealed its origins: it appears to be caused by plumes ...
Underground Navigation May Be Possible With Cosmic-ray Muons, Research Shows

Underground Navigation May Be Possible With Cosmic-ray Muons, Research Shows

Superfast, subatomic-sized particles called muons have been used to wirelessly navigate underground for the first time. By using muon-detecting ground stations synchronized with an underground muon-detecting receiver, researchers at the University of Tokyo were able to calculate the receiver’s position in the basement of a six-story building. As GPS cannot penetrate rock or water, this ...
Universidad Participa En El 'VI Congreso Nacional De Estudiantes De Geomática, Geodesia Y Geoinformática'

Universidad Participa En El ‘VI Congreso Nacional De Estudiantes De Geomática, Geodesia Y Geoinformática’

La jefa de posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Ambientales de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, Emily García Montiel, compartió detalles sobre el “Sexto Congreso nacional de estudiantes de geomática, geodesia y geoinformática”, que tuvo lugar del 17 al 20 de mayo. En este evento, estudiantes e investigadores del núcleo básico ...

O Dronach W Geodezji Na Bezpłatnym Webinarze

Akademia UAV i SkySnap zapraszają na bezpłatny webinar dotyczący procesu wdrażania dronów w geodezji. Spotkanie odbędzie się 6 czerwca o godz. 17.00. Program wydarzenia obejmuje następujące zagadnienia: (1) Jak wdrażać drony w firmie geodezyjnej – tworzenie własnych zasobów czy zlecenia podwykonawcom? (2) Prawo dronowe – o czym warto wiedzieć i na co zwrócić uwagę przy ...