

Coastal Cities’ Growing Hurricane Vulnerability Is Fed By Both Climate Change And Unbridled Population Growth

Coastal Cities’ Growing Hurricane Vulnerability Is Fed By Both Climate Change And Unbridled Population Growth

Warm water in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico can fuel powerful hurricanes, but how destructive a storm becomes isn’t just about the climate and weather – it also depends on the people and property in harm’s way. In many coastal cities, fast population growth has left more people living in areas at high ...
New Model Uses Satellite Imagery, Machine Learning To Map Flooding In Urban Environments

New Model Uses Satellite Imagery, Machine Learning To Map Flooding In Urban Environments

A new mapping tool from North Carolina State University uses machine learning and open-source satellite imagery to model flooding in urban environments. The new model could create maps that predict urban area flooding, which traditionally have not been accessible to urban planners. This could help identify potentially flood-prone areas in urban settings, helping officials make ...
Scientists Analyze Record Storm Surges To Help Predict Future Flooding

Scientists Analyze Record Storm Surges To Help Predict Future Flooding

Researchers at the University of Southampton have conducted the most detailed spatial analysis to date of storm surges along the coast of the UK and Ireland. The oceanographers found that coastlines in the north of the Irish Sea experience the longest and largest surges, while those occurring around the southwest coast of England have the ...
How A ‘Citizen Map’ Is Helping Brazil Prepare For Next Big Flood

How A ‘Citizen Map’ Is Helping Brazil Prepare For Next Big Flood

In the wake of last month’s disastrous flooding in southern Brazil, researchers are asking residents to use their smartphone cameras to document the damage and high-water marks. The data collected will help scientists map flood risk and inform decisions on where to rebuild. When Lucas George Wendt arrived in Lajeado in late May, the water ...
Stormwater Hits D.C.'S Poorest Neighborhoods Hardest, Study Finds

Stormwater Hits D.C.’S Poorest Neighborhoods Hardest, Study Finds

A new University of Maryland study suggests that Washington, D.C.’s most socioeconomically vulnerable neighborhoods are less equipped to handle runoff from heavy rainfalls made more frequent by climate change. Published this month in Cities, the study reveals that the most densely populated communities in the District of Columbia, particularly in historically Black Southeast D.C., lack ...

3D Modelling Assists In Post-Flood Rebuild

A comprehensive geospatial mapping project has commenced at the Australian Wildlife Conservancy’s (AWC) Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary (Bunuba and Kija country) in the central Kimberley, to assist in the site’s post-flooding restoration. The newly launched J2 Geospatial Intelligence Service (J2 GIS), a social enterprise of the veteran-led non-for-profit Disaster Relief Australia (DRA), has signed on to ...
Mapas Da UFRGS Mostram Dimensão Da Enchente No Rio Grande Do Sul

Mapas Da UFRGS Mostram Dimensão Da Enchente No Rio Grande Do Sul

Enquanto o Rio Grande do Sul ainda vive a tragédia da maior enchente da história, uma das contribuições necessárias para entender toda a catástrofe é o uso de informações a partir de mapas e análises técnicas do que está acontecendo. Como forma de contribuição acadêmica, pesquisadores da UFRGS e colaboradores lançaram o “Repositório de informações ...
Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

A Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) lançou um mapa interativo que permite visualizar áreas com risco de desastre no Brasil. Nesse sistema, é possível localizar informações sobre áreas com alto e muito alto risco de deslizamentos de terra, inundações, enxurradas e queda de rochas em mais de 1.600 municípios brasileiros. A plataforma interativa ...
Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

This book presents a comprehensive coverage of remote sensing technology used to gather information on 12 types of natural hazards in the terrestrial sphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. It clarifies in detail how to yield spatial and quantitative data on a natural hazard, including its spatial distribution, severity, causes, and the likelihood of occurrence. The ...
Hochwasserschutz In Bayern Interaktive Gefahrenkarten Online

Hochwasserschutz In Bayern: Interaktive Gefahrenkarten Online

Zum besseren Schutz der bayerischen Bevölkerung vor Sturzfluten steht im Internet ab sofort eine landesweite Gefahrenlandkarte zur Verfügung. “Die Hinweiskarte ist ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu einem besseren Umgang mit Sturzflutgefahren. Die Karte gibt allen Verantwortlichen vor Ort die Möglichkeit zu einer ersten Beurteilung des jeweiligen Sturzflutrisikos”, sagte Umweltminister Thorsten Glauber (Freie Wähler) der Nachrichtenagentur ...

Alberta Seeks Public Input On Updated Flood Maps, Even During A Drought

Even as Alberta prepares for a serious drought this spring, government officials continue to update flood mapping studies covering 1,600 kilometres of riverways. The province is asking for public feedback on 27 flood studies across the province, encompassing 600 kilometres of updated mapping and 1,000 kilometres of new mapping. “That’s more flood mapping we are ...

New Flood Evacuation Tool Helps With Preparedness, Evacuation And Response

Four Clemson University researchers are part of a national team that has developed a Flood Evacuation Tool to help forecast floods, identify at-risk roads and verify safe evacuation routes. The tool partners artificial intelligence (AI) with human knowledge. Researchers are using this human-AI teaming (HAT) partnership to create an intelligent model for addressing flood evacuation ...
Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

In August, when heavy rain hit parts of Chile, tens of thousands of people had to evacuate their homes as their communities flooded. Many got a warning a couple of days in advance, thanks to a tool from Google called Flood Hub that rolled out in the country earlier this year. Before Flood Hub existed, ...

La UCLM Y El MNCN Desarrollan Un Método Que Obtiene Mapas Más Fiables Del Riesgo De Las Inundaciones Fluviales

Cuando un río se desborda, inunda los terrenos que lo rodean provocando numerosos daños y situaciones de peligro. La Directiva Europea de Inundaciones regula, entre otras materias, qué se puede cultivar, edificar o programar en las vegas de los ríos con la intención de minimizar los efectos indeseados de un desbordamiento. Un equipo de investigadores ...

NWS Unveils New Experimental Flood Inundation Maps For Much Of East Texas, Central Pennsylvania And Parts Of The Northeast

Flooding is the most frequent severe-weather related threat and the costliest natural disaster in the United States. To improve flood warning communication and help emergency managers prepare for and respond to flooding, the National Weather Service (NWS) has begun to add new experimental flood inundation mapping services to its suite of forecast products. These new ...
Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

A University of Texas at Arlington hydrologist’s study in the Nature journal Scientific Data provides the first-ever global estimate of human destruction of natural floodplains. The study can help guide future development in a way that can restore and conserve vital floodplain habitats that are critical to wildlife, water quality and reducing flood risk for ...
ENEA Un Servizio Per Mappare Aree A Rischio Inondazione

ENEA: Un Servizio Per Mappare Aree A Rischio Inondazione

ENEA ha sviluppato un nuovo servizio in grado di mappare le aree costiere a rischio inondazione per il cambiamento climatico che abbina modelli ad alta risoluzione, tecnologie satellitari e rilievi sul campo. Il nuovo servizio climatico è stato messo a punto da un team di ricercatori composto da climatologi, esperti GIS, oceanografi e geologi ed ...
Minagri Utilizará Imágenes Satelitales Para Identificar Zonas Agrícolas Inundadas

Minagri Utilizará Imágenes Satelitales Para Identificar Zonas Agrícolas Inundadas

Con el objetivo de conocer a la brevedad cuáles son las zonas agrícolas del centro-sur del país que están inundadas a causa del sistema frontal, la subsecretaria de Agricultura, Ignacia Fernández, instruyó al Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales (CIREN), coordinar el procesamiento de imágenes satelitales y la entrega de información geoespacial, a través del ...

USF Receives A $1.5 Million Grant To Develop An App That Identifies Climate Risks In Coastal Communities

The University of South Florida has received a $1.5 million National Science Foundation grant which will allow researchers at the university to develop an application to identify flood risks. The app will combine volunteered geographic information and community crowdsourced data such as photos, and videos, with near real-time data on flooding. Using dynamic modeling and ...
The USGS Estimates Potential Spread Of Invasive Species Carried By Hurricane-induced Flooding

The USGS Estimates Potential Spread Of Invasive Species Carried By Hurricane-induced Flooding

Hurricane-related flooding can result in a slow transformation of ecosystems found on land and in water, as floodwaters can carry invasive wildlife and plant species into new regions, accelerating their spread. When invasive species spread into new areas, there can be environmental, economic and human health effects that can cost the U.S. billions of dollars. ...
Un Approccio Innovativo Per La Mappatura Delle Inondazioni Fluviali

Un Approccio Innovativo Per La Mappatura Delle Inondazioni Fluviali

Le inondazioni rappresentano uno dei disastri naturali più comuni e più impattanti a livello mondiale. Tali eventi aumenteranno ulteriormente in futuro a causa dei cambiamenti climatici, della crescita economica e dell’urbanizzazione. I ricercatori del laboratorio LSD&D (Land Surface Dynamics and Degradation) del CNR-IMAA, unitamente a ricercatori dell’Università Federico II di Napoli, propongono un approccio innovativo ...

29 Villes Et Localités Les Plus Vulnérables Aux Inondations Identifiées : Joal-fadiouth, Mbour, Thiès, Dakar, Louga, Saint-louis Exposées

29 villes et localités du Sénégal ont été identifiées à travers une étude basée sur le Modèle numérique de terrain (Mint), comme étant les plus vulnérables aux inondations, des phénomènes naturels devenus récurrents du fait du changement climatique, a indiqué lundi le directeur de la Pré­vention et de la gestion des inondations (Dpgi), Madické Cissé. ...

INIA Desarrolla Mapas Con Imágenes Satelitales Que Reflejan La Magnitud De Las Zonas Agrícolas Inundadas

Sentinel-1 es un satélite de observación de la Tierra desarrollado por la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), que utiliza tecnología de radar de apertura sintética (SAR, por sus siglas en inglés) para adquirir imágenes de la superficie terrestre. Y gracias a sus registros, el Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) elaboró mapas satelitales que visualizan las zonas ...

Una Nueva Herramienta Explora El Riesgo De Inundaciones Costeras En Garachico

El proyecto Life Garachico, que acaba de finalizar su primera fase, ha presentado una nueva herramienta en línea que sirve para mejorar la vigilancia y el conocimiento sobre el riesgo de inundaciones por temporales marítimos en el casco urbano de Garachico, en la Isla Baja. Se trata del llamado Visor GIS, un mapa interactivo que ...
New Study Reveals The Resilience Patterns Of Human Mobility In Response To Extreme Urban Floods

New Study Reveals The Resilience Patterns Of Human Mobility In Response To Extreme Urban Floods

Resilience can be interpreted as the comprehensive ability of a system to prepare for, absorb, and recover from external or internal disturbances and shocks. In the context of human mobility, resilience therefore refers to the ability of people’s movements within and between cities to cope with and adapt to disruptive events, such as natural disasters. ...
Le Mappe Dei Satelliti Per Pianificare Soccorsi E Ricostruzione Post-alluvione

Le Mappe Dei Satelliti Per Pianificare Soccorsi E Ricostruzione Post-alluvione

Studiomapp, azienda con base a Ravenna specializzata in geo-intelligence e già premiata dal Dipartimento di Difesa degli Stati Uniti per aver vinto una sfida internazionale per velocizzare le operazioni di soccorso dopo disastri naturali analizzando immagini satellitari con l’intelligenza artificiale, ha reso disponibile mercoledì l’ultima mappa aggiornata delle aree colpite dall’alluvione in Romagna. per far ...
Rainfall Extremes Are Becoming More Probable In Parts Of SA – UP Experts

Rainfall Extremes Are Becoming More Probable In Parts Of SA – UP Experts

Researchers at the University of Pretoria have found that the amount of rainfall in certain parts of South Africa has increased or become more extreme over the past 50 years or so. These investigations were part of a study led by Charlotte McBride of the South African Weather Service and a PhD candidate in UP’s ...
New Mapper Opens Up Access To Flood Planning In New York State

New Mapper Opens Up Access To Flood Planning In New York State

An accessible new mapping tool will make it easier for individuals and communities to plan for flooding and sea level rise. Developed by the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) at Columbia Climate School’s CIESIN, the mapper visualizes spatial data for infrastructure across nearly all of New York State, except New York City. The ...
Bundesweite Kartierung Über Die Gefahren Durch Starkregen Gestartet

Bundesweite Kartierung Über Die Gefahren Durch Starkregen Gestartet

Das Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) arbeitet gemeinsam mit Fachbehörden aus Bund und Ländern an einer deutschlandweiten Hinweiskarte zu Starkregengefahren. Zu Jahresbeginn hat das BKG dafür mehrere Projekte auf den Weg gebracht. Nach einer ersten Kartierung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen sollen mit den jetzt gestarteten Projekten zehn weitere Bundesländer kartiert werden. Die Arbeiten sollen bis ...

“폭우 피해 막아라”…서울시, 전국 첫 ‘침수 예·경보제’ 도입

서울시가 올해부터 이상 폭우로 침수가 발생될 것으로 예상되는 지역에 선제적으로 경고하는 ‘침수 예·경보제’를 전국 최초로 시행한다. 침수를 차단하기 위해 각 시설별 맞춤형 방재시설도 설치한다. 서울시는 이 같은 내용의 ‘2023년 풍수해 안전대책’을 11일 발표했다. 지난해 여름 150년 만의 기록적 폭우로 막대한 인명 피해가 발생한 데 따른 추가 조치다. 이를 위해 이달 15일부터 10월15일까지 ‘풍수해 재난안전대책본부’를 24시간 ...