

Use Berkeley’s Emergency Map To Get Critical Information And Act Quickly On Warnings, Orders

Use Berkeley’s Emergency Map To Get Critical Information And Act Quickly On Warnings, Orders

Learn how to use the City’s emergency map to quickly see how neighborhoods, including your own, may be directed to evacuate, shelter in place, or take other protective action. When possible, the City will also use the map to identify evacuation routes, road closures, shelters, or other critical information to guide you to your next ...

New PSGA Data Will Help Speed Up Emergency Response Times

A new selection of location datasets, including two new products, have been released today (Thursday 28 March) as part of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). The new data and products have been delivered by Ordnance Survey (OS) and are set to support customers across a range of markets, including the emergency services, sustainability, land ...

GeoComm And Rapidsos Empower Emergency Communications Centers With Enhanced Indoor Maps

GeoComm, provider of Public Safety Location Intelligence, and RapidSOS, creator of the world’s first intelligent safety platform, are excited to announce the integration of GeoComm Indoor Maps into RapidSOS premium. Currently, telecommunicators in the U.S. are typically provided limited building structure information during a 9-1-1 call. An address point on a map with no additional ...
Binghamton Graduate Student Creates Public Safety Maps To Help Campus Community

Binghamton Graduate Student Creates Public Safety Maps To Help Campus Community

In dire situations, it is important to know where safety resources like blue lights, police stations and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are located across Binghamton University’s multiple campuses. Thanks to the work of Ryan Kinsella, this kind of information is easier to access than ever before. A graduate student in the Geography Department, Kinsella has ...
Students Analyze How U.S. Could Support Allies During Health Emergencies

Students Analyze How U.S. Could Support Allies During Health Emergencies

What if there were a public health crisis facing a U.S. ally? And what if the U.S. and other governments and international organizations were called on to offer humanitarian support? At Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, three students with decades of experience in fields including data science, population health, and national security tackled ...
Austin Peay Team Used Special Technology To Help Tennessee Tornado Victims

Austin Peay Team Used Special Technology To Help Tennessee Tornado Victims

It’s been one month since deadly tornadoes tore through Tennessee counties and left serious devastation. Since then, many have jumped in to help. One team — part of a data center at Austin Peay State University — used a special computer system to get assistance to victims faster. Mike Wilson, the director of the APSU ...
Use Berkeley’s Emergency Map To Find Critical, Real-time Information By Location

Use Berkeley’s Emergency Map To Find Critical, Real-time Information By Location

Learn how to use the City’s Emergency Map to quickly see how neighborhoods, including your own, may be directed to evacuate, shelter in place, or take other protective action during a major emergency. When possible, the City would use the map to also identify evacuation routes, road closures, shelters, or other critical information to guide ...
Hilfe In Der Not Diese Karte Zeigt, Wie Lange Die Polizei Wirklich Braucht

Hilfe In Der Not: Diese Karte Zeigt, Wie Lange Die Polizei Wirklich Braucht

Bei einem Polizeieinsatz kommt es oft auf jede Minute an. Manche Stimmen behaupten jedoch, dass die Polizei in Deutschland meist erst dann komme, wenn es schon zu spät ist. Es scheint ein Gefälle zwischen echter und gefühlter Sicherheit zu geben. Aber ist das alles nur ein Bauchgefühl oder eine belegbare Tatsache? Die Online-Karte zur Erreichbarkeit ...

GPS공간정보와 소방차 출동위치 공유… 소방청-한국도로공사, MOU

고속도로 재난 상황 발생 시 소방대의 신속 도착과 효과적인 현장대응을 위해 소방청과 한국도로공사가 협력키로 했다. 소방청과 한국도로공사는 5일 고속도로 이용객의 생명 보호 및 재난사고 피해 최소화를 위해 ‘고속도로 재난대응 협력체계 구축’을 위한 업무협약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이번 업무협약은 ▲신속도착 협조체계구축 ▲풍수해 및 터널화재 예방·대응정보 공유 ▲친환경차 화재 대응장비 지원 및 소방력 안전확보 등 첨단 인공지능 기술의 ...

Hexagon Modernizará El Sistema 112 De Baleares

El 112 de las Islas Baleares ha seleccionado la división Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial de Hexagon para mejorar la recepción y despacho de llamadas de emergencia en el archipiélago, incluyendo a Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza y Formentera. “El sistema que utilizamos actualmente es de 1995, por lo que está totalmente obsoleto”, ha afirmado Vicente Soria, director ...

GeoComm Announces Availability Of School Mapping Solution Designed To Accelerate School Incident Response

GeoComm, provider of Public Safety Location Intelligence®, is excited to announce the availability of GeoComm School Safety, a digital mapping solution which leverages the latest Esri ArcGIS technology to support faster response to school emergencies. The solution provides detailed indoor maps of schools and surrounding grounds, along with critical information needed by school safety authorities, ...
Meta Quest Pro Becomes A Mobile Emergency Response Center

Meta Quest Pro Becomes A Mobile Emergency Response Center

A new software solution called “Headwall XR Command Center” displays geographic and spatial information of accident sites in virtual reality. Using VR headsets, first responders can quickly and easily access all relevant data, such as 3D maps or live video feeds. This would make emergency centers on site much more compact. The technology aims to ...
El Presidente Alberto Fernández Participó De La Presentación Del Nuevo 911 Federal

El Presidente Alberto Fernández Participó De La Presentación Del Nuevo 911 Federal

El presidente Alberto Fernández encabezó esta tarde, junto al ministro de Seguridad, Aníbal Fernández, la presentación del nuevo 911 Federal, una iniciativa para mejorar la seguridad en todo el país a través de la actualización tecnológica del Sistema Federal de Atención de Emergencias de alcance nacional. El llamado Proyecto 911 Federal GIS ya se encuentra ...
Ecopia Partners With Nextnav To Equip First Responders With 3D Visualizations

Ecopia Partners With Nextnav To Equip First Responders With 3D Visualizations

Ecopia AI (Ecopia) and NextNav announced a partnership that will enable first responders to visualize situations in 3D and locate where in a building an emergency call is coming from. The partnership combines NextNav’s mission-critical z-axis positioning solution derived from ground stations and barometric calibration with Ecopia’s comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date 3D building data generated ...
Heigit Disaster Portal Erfolgreich Nach Erdbeben In Der Türkei Und In Syrien Eingesetzt

Heigit Disaster Portal Erfolgreich Nach Erdbeben In Der Türkei Und In Syrien Eingesetzt

Das Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) hat im Februar 2023 mit Input des GIS-Team Nahost der Médecins Sans Frontières (Ärzte ohne Grenzen/MSF) sein Disaster Portal für die betroffene Region eingerichtet. Das Portal ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug für Hilfsorganisationen wie MSF und hilft mit seinen Echtzeitinformationen, die Einsätze der Helfer:innen vor Ort effizient zu planen. ...

Prepared Partners With NextNav On Vertical Location Intelligence

Prepared, the provider of mission-critical emergency multimedia services, has partnered with NextNav Pinnacle to power its z-axis location ecosystem. Prepared’s software currently enables 9-1-1 dispatch centers to livestream from the scene of an incident. It receives multimedia content, and pinpoint mobile callers’ location data to build real-time, big-picture assessments and improve overall emergency responses. Through ...

GeoComm And Esri Canada Collaborate On Indoor Mapping Capabilities For Better 9-1-1 Emergency Response

GeoComm, provider of Public Safety Location Intelligence®, and Esri Canada, a provider of geographic information system (GIS) solutions, have introduced a proof-of concept (PoC) solution that improves locating 9-1-1 callers inside buildings during an emergency event. The solution, unveiled at the Esri Partner Conference on March 6, 2023 in Palm Springs, California, aims to solve ...
Geographic Information Systems Help Fire And Rescue Analyze Data In Real-Time

Geographic Information Systems Help Fire And Rescue Analyze Data In Real-Time

Our Fire and Rescue Department is constantly updating the ways it provides service to meet the needs of residents, including processing data that allows data-informed decisions about staffing and response. To meet these data goals, the department launched RescueVision to provide real-time situational awareness and decision support at the 911 dispatch center. RescueVision is a ...

Missouri 911 Service Board Initiates First Ever 6-inch Resolution Statewide Imagery Program With Extensive Buy-up Options

Recognizing the importance to public safety and to many other government operations of high-quality aerial imagery, the Missouri 911 Service Board has partnered with the Department of Conservation, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Missouri GIS Advisory Council to launch a statewide imagery collection program. The imagery will be available at no charge through ...