

Nature Discovery Map Scotland Making The Outdoors Your Classroom

Nature Discovery Map Scotland Making The Outdoors Your Classroom

The Nature Discovery Map Scotland (NDMS) is designed to engage and empower students to maximise their school grounds and improve them for nature and climate resilience. This interactive mapping toolkit has been co-designed with teachers to help support Learning for Sustainability (LfS). This versatile toolkit can be used in many ways and on many levels ...
Remote-Sensing Large-Wood Storage Downstream From Reservoirs After Dam Removal

Remote-Sensing Large-Wood Storage Downstream From Reservoirs After Dam Removal

For nearly a century, two dams on the Elwha River blocked the natural flow of sediment and wood, leading to a highly altered river environment. Removal of the dams unleashed large quantities of sediment and wood that had been trapped behind the reservoirs. This debris was carried downstream, reshaping the river’s course and impacting its ...
A New Remote Sensing Study Spotlights Indian Savannas

A New Remote Sensing Study Spotlights Indian Savannas

New research from the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter examines savanna biome distribution and drivers through the lens of tree cover across India. Using remote sensing (the process of monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its radiation, typically from a satellite), the study analyses tree cover across forests and ...
Estudo Com Participação De Professor Da UFPB Aponta Perda De Habitat Vital Em Rio Nos Estados Unidos

Estudo Com Participação De Professor Da UFPB Aponta Perda De Habitat Vital Em Rio Nos Estados Unidos

Um estudo realizado com a participação de um docente da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) aponta que entre os anos de 2001 e 2019, houve uma perda contínua de habitat vital no rio Mobile-Tensaw do Alabama nos Estados Unidos. Os dados utilizados no estudo foram obtidos por meio de sensoriamento remoto, modelagem geoespacial e análises ...
Las Médulas Impulsan Su Turismo Ecológico Gracias A Una Beca RALBAR

Las Médulas Impulsan Su Turismo Ecológico Gracias A Una Beca RALBAR

Raquel Vega, estudiante del grado en Ingeniería Geomática y Topografía en el campus de Ponferrada de la Universidad de León (ULE), presentó su proyecto ‘Médulas Bioreseve: conservación de la biodiversidad y turismo ecológico’ al programa de Becas RALBAR de la ULE y la Fundación Banco Sabadell y fue seleccionado para desarrollarlo durante este verano en ...

QU Leads Research To Enhance Food, Water Security In Arid Regions

Qatar University (QU) is directing research into improving the sustainability of food and water security in arid regions. Dr Ammar Abulibdeh, an associate professor of geography and GIS (geographic information system) at the QU’s College of Arts and Sciences, leads the research team focused on developing a comprehensive model to interconnect food, water, and ecosystems ...
Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP)

The Geospatial Information Knowledge Platform (GeoIKP) is a collaborative environment designed to support the development and implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for mitigating hydro-meteorological hazards. It facilitates access to data, tools, and knowledge exchange, aiding decision-making for citizens, policymakers, companies, scientists, and other users. Developed within the OPERANDUM project (2018-2022), the platform promotes sustainable solutions ...
Fiscalización Ambiental SMA Asiste A Actividad De Cierre De Proyecto De Cooperación Entre Chile, Perú Y Alemania

Fiscalización Ambiental: SMA Asiste A Actividad De Cierre De Proyecto De Cooperación Entre Chile, Perú Y Alemania

La Superintendenta del Medio Ambiente de Chile y presidenta pro tempore de la Red Latinoamericana de Fiscalización y Cumplimiento Ambiental (REDLAFICA), Marie Claude Plumer, asistió el 13 y 14 de junio a la actividad de cierre del segundo proyecto de cooperación triangular entre la Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente (SMA), el Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización ...
CLCP Develops New Tools To Support Land Protection Decisions In Florida

CLCP Develops New Tools To Support Land Protection Decisions In Florida

The University of Florida’s Center for Landscape Conservation Planning (CLCP) and GeoPlan Center have developed two new tools to support land protection decisions in Florida – a web map viewer and web-based dashboard for the Florida Ecological Greenway Network (FEGN). The FEGN is a statewide database that identifies and prioritizes a functionally connected statewide ecological ...
Chornobyl Reserve Unveils New Online Mapping Portal Providing In-Depth Insights Into Exclusion Zone

Chornobyl Reserve Unveils New Online Mapping Portal Providing In-Depth Insights Into Exclusion Zone

The Chornobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve has launched a geoportal with information on 38 years of activity of various departments on the territory of the exclusion zone: from research and education to accounting for land, forest and water resources, reported the Chornobyl Reserve. “Here you will find a map of modern, anthropogenic landscapes of the territory, ...

The Role Of Gulls In Spreading Olive Seeds Across Balearic Islands

The spread of the olive tree throughout the Balearic Islands is more closely linked to the thriving local gull population than previously thought, a new study indicates. Researchers found that these birds significantly contribute to the dispersal of olive seeds, which are found inside the pit, across the Mediterranean archipelago, with some seeds traveling considerable ...
Mapeamento De Cabo Verde Para Proteger As Tartarugas Do Plástico

Mapeamento De Cabo Verde Para Proteger As Tartarugas Do Plástico

A estudante do Programa Doutoral em Biologia da FCUP, Diana Sousa Guedes, tem estado a mapear, com recurso a um drone, o lixo marinho das praias de Cabo Verde, num trabalho que procura perceber o impacto do plástico nas tartarugas-marinhas. O objectivo é proteger estas espécies ameaçadas de extinção, num cenário cujos resultados não são, ...
New Research Reveals That Only 18 Percent Of Land Critical For Both Human Well-Being And Biodiversity Is Protected

New Research Reveals That Only 18 Percent Of Land Critical For Both Human Well-Being And Biodiversity Is Protected

A new study supported by One Earth and published in Nature Communications sheds light on a critical environmental issue: the balance between human well-being and biodiversity conservation. The research, conducted by an international team of researchers, reveals that conserving approximately half of the global land area is essential to maintain the majority of nature’s contributions ...
To Understand How Animals Roam, Look At Human Movements, Study Says

To Understand How Animals Roam, Look At Human Movements, Study Says

To fully understand animal behavior and conservation, scientists are finding they need to study humans’ daily movements and activities. A paper published in Nature Ecology & Evolution brings together a multidisciplinary group of experts to examine how tracking human movements through landscapes over time can provide insights into wildlife behavior and conservation. This collaborative project ...
¿A Qué Huele Málaga Un Proyecto Permitirá Elaborar El Primer Mapa De Olores De La Ciudad

¿A Qué Huele Málaga? Un Proyecto Permitirá Elaborar El Primer Mapa De Olores De La Ciudad

¿A qué huele Málaga? A esta pregunta tratará de responder la Fundación Aula del Mar Mediterráneo (FAMM), que realizará el primer mapa de olores de la ciudad gracias a la colaboración ciudadana y técnicas de ‘big data’, es decir, de macrodatos. La iniciativa se enmarca en el proyecto LifeWatch Eric y en ella pueden participar ...

Datos Satelitales Abiertos Permiten Desarrollar Modelo Que Conecta Polinización Y Terrenos Con Potencial Agrícola

Un innovador estudio que utiliza datos satelitales abiertos ayudará a desarrollar un modelo que integra la presencia de insectos polinizadores y la restauración de predios agrícolas. El estudio es de Laura Pérez, doctora en Ecología y Biología Evolutiva y postdoctorante de Data Observatory, Centro ANID, quien desarrolla hasta el 2025 esta investigación para una mejor ...

From Tracking Mosquitoes To Trees With Disease, GIS Works

From tracking disease in Ponderosa pines to managing mosquitoes, Geographic Information Systems are doing more and more to help utilities, government and scientists in the Flathead Valley. Flathead Electric Cooperative is using GIS to map vegetation along its powerlines, said Jake Harte, a data specialist with the Co-op during a talk last week that featured ...
Elaboran Mapas Que Predicen El Riesgo De Contraer La Fiebre Del Nilo Occidental

Elaboran Mapas Que Predicen El Riesgo De Contraer La Fiebre Del Nilo Occidental

Científicos de la Universidad de Málaga evidencian que los caballos son buenos indicadores para anticipar su aparición en humanos. Se trata de un patógeno emergente en España que se transmite de aves a personas a través de las picaduras de mosquitos. El virus del Nilo Occidental es un patógeno emergente en España que se transmite ...
New Online Map Helps Track Leesburg Lanternflies In Real Time

New Online Map Helps Track Leesburg Lanternflies In Real Time

According to Leesburg Tree Commission Chair Earl Hower, the lanternfly slowly spread throughout the mid-Atlantic states since it was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. In the last two years, it has been found more commonly in D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. There’s a new invasive species locator map to see where the lanternflies are ...
Interactive Map Depicts Extent Of Worldwide Wildlife Exposure To ‘Forever Chemicals’

Interactive Map Depicts Extent Of Worldwide Wildlife Exposure To ‘Forever Chemicals’

Scientists have documented the widespread exposure of more than 600 animal species to toxic “forever chemicals,” in a new interactive map released on Tuesday. As contaminated wildlife crop up in every corner of the planet, humans may be playing a sentinel role in transmitting the adverse effects of these compounds — known as per- and ...
Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

Study Reveals Human Destruction Of Global Floodplains

A University of Texas at Arlington hydrologist’s study in the Nature journal Scientific Data provides the first-ever global estimate of human destruction of natural floodplains. The study can help guide future development in a way that can restore and conserve vital floodplain habitats that are critical to wildlife, water quality and reducing flood risk for ...
PCSDS Upgrades Coastal Mapping Through Google Earth Engine

PCSDS Upgrades Coastal Mapping Through Google Earth Engine

The Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, along with representatives of different government and public organizations dedicated to environmental conservation in Palawan, attended a training-workshop organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Fish Right program on August 21-23. The workshop consisted of using the features of Google Earth Engine, integrating it with the ...
The USGS Estimates Potential Spread Of Invasive Species Carried By Hurricane-induced Flooding

The USGS Estimates Potential Spread Of Invasive Species Carried By Hurricane-induced Flooding

Hurricane-related flooding can result in a slow transformation of ecosystems found on land and in water, as floodwaters can carry invasive wildlife and plant species into new regions, accelerating their spread. When invasive species spread into new areas, there can be environmental, economic and human health effects that can cost the U.S. billions of dollars. ...
Early Detection Helps States Control Invasive Species Before It’s Too Late

Early Detection Helps States Control Invasive Species Before It’s Too Late

As non-native plants invade new areas, state officials worry about their effects on local ecosystems, infrastructure and recreation. Japanese knotweed, an invasive plant commonly found in the Northeast along roadsides, wetland areas and waterways, for example, can damage highway and water infrastructure, according to a 2021 report from the U.S. Transportation Department. It can grow ...
Butterflies Can Remember Where Things Are Over Sizeable Spaces, Study Finds

Butterflies Can Remember Where Things Are Over Sizeable Spaces, Study Finds

Heliconius butterflies are capable of spatial learning, scientists have discovered. The findings, published in Current Biology, also suggest Heliconius butterflies may be able to learn spatial information at large scales, consistent with the apparent importance of long-range spatial learning for traplining, which involves foraging within a home range of a few hundred square meters. Spatial ...
Spying On Arctic Foxes From Space Reveals The Species Have A Green Thumb Effect On Tundra

Spying On Arctic Foxes From Space Reveals The Species Have A Green Thumb Effect On Tundra

The effects of climate change appear to be driving Arctic fox numbers down in northern Manitoba, threatening their role as “ecosystem engineers” that have a green thumb effect on relatively barren swaths of tundra. That’s according to two separate studies published this summer based on recent research in the Churchill area. “We have classified Arctic ...
Crean Un Mapa De Las Conexiones Que Realizan Las Cigüeñas Entre Vertederos Y Humedales

Crean Un Mapa De Las Conexiones Que Realizan Las Cigüeñas Entre Vertederos Y Humedales

Un equipo de investigación de la Estación Biológica de Doñana del CSIC, ubicado en el Parque Científico Tecnológico Cartuja (Sevilla), el Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos de Castilla la Mancha, el Instituto Max Planck de Comportamiento Animal y la Universidad de Konstanz de Alemania han desarrollado un mapa que cubre más de 1000 kilómetros ...

Índice Ambiental Municipal Pode Ser Acessado No Painel De Indicadores Do Sisema

Maior interatividade, agilidade e acessibilidade. Essas são as características que a consulta ao Índice de Desempenho Ambiental Municipal (Idam) passa a ter no Painel de Indicadores (Power Bi) do Sistema Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos (Sisema). A partir desta segunda-feira (26/6), é possível saber como está o desempenho ambiental das cidades de Minas, ...

Tracasa Desarrolla Para Europa Una Aplicación Que Mide La Calidad Del Aire O El Ruido

La empresa pública navarra Tracasa Global ha desarrollado para la Agencia Europea de Medioambiente la aplicación Atlas Europeo de Medioambiente y Salud, con la que cualquier persona puede consultar la calidad del aire, el nivel de ruido o el número de espacios verdes, entre otros aspectos, en cualquier zona del continente. Esta herramienta interactiva, la ...
Venezuela’s Hidden Runways Bring Both Life And Destruction To Indigenous Lands

Venezuela’s Hidden Runways Bring Both Life And Destruction To Indigenous Lands

Flying over a dense jungle in southern Venezuela, the sea of trees below is suddenly replaced by large patches of bare soil, tree stumps and the turquoise waters of ponds from abandoned gold mines. An airstrip 600 meters long marks the entrance to one of Venezuela’s more than 3,700 gold mines. Only half of the ...