
Digital Twin

India's first AI-powered airport digital twin launched at Hyderabad airport

India’s first AI-powered airport digital twin launched at Hyderabad airport

India’s aviation sector has marked a significant milestone with the launch of the country’s first AI-powered airport digital twin at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad. Developed by GMR Airports, this transformative platform is complemented by the newly introduced next-generation Airport Predictive Operation Centre (APOC), setting new benchmarks in airport management, operational efficiency, and passenger satisfaction. ...
Innovative 3D globe system aims to help UCalgary researchers better understand Earth’s data

Innovative 3D globe system aims to help UCalgary researchers better understand Earth’s data

The Earth is large and always changing. Throughout history we’ve used maps to visualize our planet, and everyone has used Google Maps to get from Point A to B.  Researchers at the University of Calgary are raising the bar even further than Google, developing a software system that can do more than just visualize the ...
Digital twin model enables precise simulation of forest landscapes, depicting a forest in 100 years

Digital twin model enables precise simulation of forest landscapes, depicting a forest in 100 years

Forest ecosystems of the future will have to cope with very different conditions to those of today. For this reason, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) state that a strategic approach to forest management is crucial. To this end, the research team has developed iLand: a simulation model that can compute long-term developments ...
Designing A Decision-Support Tool For Climate Adaptive Urban Planning

Designing A Decision-Support Tool For Climate Adaptive Urban Planning

Heat stress and air pollution ravages cities more and more. In a new Horizon Europe project, researchers will develop a digital twin that supports decision makers to design resilient urban areas that can cope with the changing climate. Researchers from TU Delft and 18 other partners receive the Horizon Europe grant for their project called ...
Project To Show Insights Into New Zealand’s Exotic Forests

Project To Show Insights Into New Zealand’s Exotic Forests

A research project to capture an inventory of all exotic planted forests in New Zealand could provide a valuable tool for commercial forestry decisions. Crown Research Institute Scion showed Forest Insights at its stand at Mystery Creek in June, as part of the 2024 Fieldays Forestry Hub. Grant Evans is Scion’s new value digital forests ...
China And Malaysia Collaborate On “Digital Twin Cities” Project To Drive Data Innovation

China And Malaysia Collaborate On “Digital Twin Cities” Project To Drive Data Innovation

China’s Lingang New Area and Malaysia’s Cyberjaya have joined forces to launch the “Digital Twin Cities” project, marking a significant step forward in global data innovation collaboration. This initiative, signed on July 9th, establishes a framework for cooperation in eight key areas, including data economy, cross-border data flows, and policy support. The project leverages the ...
Scientists Have Built A ‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth To Predict The Future Of Climate Change

Scientists Have Built A ‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth To Predict The Future Of Climate Change

Scientists have built a highly accurate digital simulation of planet Earth to provide reliable information about extreme weather and climate change. This AI-powered “digital twin” virtually simulates the interaction between natural phenomena and human activities to predict their effect on things like water, food and energy systems. In the past, climate and weather predictions have ...

NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models And Streaming Data Techniques For Forecasting Fire And Smoke

NASA’s “Wildfire Digital Twin” project will equip firefighters and wildfire managers with a superior tool for monitoring wildfires and predicting harmful air pollution events and help researchers observe global wildfire trends more precisely. The tool, developed with funding from NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office and NASA’s FireSense Program, will use artificial intelligence and machine learning ...

Belfast To Spearhead UK’s Digital Revolution With £37m Digital Twin Centre

UK government has unveils a significant investment in its digital future with the announcement of a brand new £37.6 million National Digital Twin Centre to be established in Belfast. This state-of-the-art facility, led by the government-backed innovation agency Digital Catapult, promises to not only accelerate the adoption of digital twins but also bridge the gap ...

Microsoft, Siemens Join Forces To Standardize Digital Twin Languages

In a collaborative move with the W3C Consortium, Siemens and Microsoft have announced their commitment to converge the Digital Twin Definition Language (DTDL) with the Thing Description standard from international standards organization, W3C. By unifying both languages, customers are offered consistent modeling experiences, mitigating fragmentation in an evolving IoT landscape. With customers typically deploying a ...

NVIDIA Announces Earth Climate Digital Twin

To accelerate efforts to combat the $140 billion in economic losses due to extreme weather brought on by climate change, NVIDIA today announced its Earth-2 climate digital twin cloud platform for simulating and visualizing weather and climate at unprecedented scale. Part of the NVIDIA CUDA-X™ microservices, announced separately today, Earth-2’s new cloud APIs on NVIDIA ...
3D Digital Twins May Soon Offer Filmmakers Virtual Access To Spain’s Historical Sites, Protected Natural Wonders

3D Digital Twins May Soon Offer Filmmakers Virtual Access To Spain’s Historical Sites, Protected Natural Wonders

Spain’s cultural and historical heritage and its diverse natural landscapes, from Moorish castles and royal palaces to snowy peaks, vast deserts and rugged coastlines, have made the country a prime location for international films and series. In the last decade, Spain’s national government and key regions – the Canary Islands and the Basque Country’s Bizkaia ...
Fujitsu And Carnegie Mellon University Develop AI-Powered Social Digital Twin Technology With Traffic Data From Pittsburgh

Fujitsu And Carnegie Mellon University Develop AI-Powered Social Digital Twin Technology With Traffic Data From Pittsburgh

Fujitsu Limited and Carnegie Mellon University today announced the development of a new technology to visualize traffic situations, including people and vehicles, as part of joint research on Social Digital Twin that began in 2022. The technology transforms a 2D scene image captured by a monocular RGB camera (1) into a digitalized 3D format using ...
New 'Digital Twin' Earth Technology Could Help Predict Water-Based Natural Disasters Before They Strike

New ‘Digital Twin’ Earth Technology Could Help Predict Water-Based Natural Disasters Before They Strike

The water cycle looks simple in theory—but human impacts, climate change, and complicated geography mean that in practice, floods and droughts remain hard to predict. To model water on Earth, you need incredibly high-resolution data across an immense expanse, and you need modeling sophisticated enough to account for everything from snowcaps on mountains to soil ...
Tendrá Monterrey Su “Gemelo Digital”

Tendrá Monterrey Su “Gemelo Digital”

El Gobierno de la Ciudad y el Tecnológico de Monterrey firmaron un convenio de colaboración para desarrollar una réplica virtual del territorio del municipio, comúnmente conocida como “gemelo digital”. Se trata de una representación virtual de la ciudad que será construida a partir de la cartografía con la que cuenta el Gobierno Municipal en conjunto ...

Mapbox Unveils Digital Twin In Partnership With Snowflake And Maxar

Mapbox, the leading location data platform for mobile and web applications, announced a partnership with Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, and Maxar Intelligence, aimed at delivering a cutting-edge digital twin solution for the telecommunications industry. This collaboration leverages Snowflake’s geospatial capabilities and Maxar’s high-resolution 3D terrain and satellite imagery, combined with Mapbox’s powerful rendering capabilities ...
Il «Gemello Digitale» Di Brescia Pronto A Nascere Al Via La Sperimentazione Sulla Linea 3 Del Tram

Il «Gemello Digitale» Di Brescia Pronto A Nascere: Al Via La Sperimentazione Sulla Linea 3 Del Tram

Il gemello digitale di Brescia è pronto a vedere la luce. Entro l’autunno il Comune si doterà infatti dell’infrastruttura di base (il software) che verrà popolata e modellata a seconda delle esigenze che verranno individuate e ritenute importanti. E una sperimentazione è già attiva e fa riferimento al tracciato della ipotetica linea 3 del tram ...

DCU, Bentley Partner For 3D Smart City Research Initiative

Dublin City University (DCU) has partnered with Bentley Systems to create an advanced digital twin of its campus as part of its Smart DCU initiative. The partnership combines artificial intelligence (AI) and immersive digital twin technology. The campus will be used as a testing ground for innovative smart city solutions, with the aim of creating ...

Cyfrowy Bliźniak Pomoże Ograniczyć Emisję Dwutlenku Węgla

Naukowcy z Instytutu Geodezji i Geoinformatyki UPWr pracują nad projektem DigiTwins4PEDs, który do modelowania aspektów energetycznych miast wykorzysta cyfrowego bliźniaka miasta. To krok w kierunku miast neutralnych pod względem emisji dwutlenku węgla i zrównoważonej przyszłości energetycznej. Badania finansuje Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Project „Utilisation of urban digital twins to co-create flexible positive energy systems for districts” ...

Endesa Aplica La Inteligencia Artificial Para Crear “Gemelos Digitales” De Sus Centrales Hidroeléctricas

Endesa aplica la inteligencia artificial para crear “gemelos digitales” de sus centrales hidroeléctricas, lo que permite realizar visitas virtuales en 3D y elaborar diagnósticos preventivos sobre el funcionamiento de estas instalaciones fundamentales en el sistema energético. El primer piloto de gemelo digital para realizar visitas virtuales se lanzó en 2023 en la central hidroeléctrica de ...

India’s Genesys To Digitally Map Mecca’s Holy City

Genesys International Corporation’s subsidiary in Saudi Arabia, Genesys Middle East Ltd., has been awarded the prestigious contract for the 3D Digital Twin mapping of the Holy City of Mecca by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This pioneering project, valued at Rs. 26 crores in this phase marks a historic venture into utilizing digital twin mapping ...

In A First, Survey Of India Joins Hands With Private Mapping Firm For ‘Digital Twins’

In a first-of-its-kind initiative, the Survey of India (SoI), historically the custodian of India’s maps, has signed an agreement with a Mumbai-based private company, Genesys International, to prepare three-dimensional maps of several cities and towns. Called ‘Digital Twins,’ these maps are three-dimensional representations of cities and when coupled with high-resolution images, can be used in ...
Naver To Build Digital Twin Platform For Saudi Cities

Naver To Build Digital Twin Platform For Saudi Cities

South Korean internet giant Naver said Tuesday it has secured a large-scale deal in Saudi Arabia to build a cloud-based digital twin platform for the kingdom’s futuristic smart city project. The deal signing ceremony was held in Saudi capital Riyadh on Monday upon President Yoon Suk Yeol’s state visit. Naver didn’t reveal the exact size ...
KICT Develops Scan To BIM For Reverse Engineering From 3D Vision Data

KICT Develops Scan To BIM For Reverse Engineering From 3D Vision Data

Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT, President Kim Byung-suk) has developed building scan to BIM (Building Information Modeling)-based reverse engineering technology required for 3D geospatial information modeling domains such as digital twin information modeling. Scan to BIM-based reverse engineering technology was studied to prevent errors and rework caused by manual work when ...

Politechnika Lubelska Opracowuje Cyfrowego Bliźniaka Zamościa

Model cyfrowego bliźniaka Zamościa powstaje w ramach międzynarodowego projektu naukowego „Zero energy buildings for zero energy neighbourhoods ZEB4ZEN”. Jego budżet to ponad 2 miliony euro. Głównym celem przedsięwzięcia jest opracowanie ponadnarodowej metodologii i regionalnych planów działania, które pokażą, jak do roku 2050 przekształcić historyczne dzielnice miejskie w dzielnice o niemal zerowym zużyciu energii. „Miasta idealne” ...
New Pittsburgh Database Can Help You Find Recycling Locations

사천시, 디지털트윈 스마트도시 구축 현실화

사천시가 지난 13일 한국국토정보공사(LX) 경남지역본부(본부장 배종욱)와 ‘디지털트윈 기반 스마트도시 구축을 위한 업무협약’을 체결했다고 14일 밝혔다. 양 기관은 이번 협약을 통해 디지털트윈(가상모형) 플랫폼 구축 및 서비스, 인프라 지원·협력과 3차원 데이터 구축 등에 대한 상호협력을 약속했다. 주요 내용은 △디지털트윈 기반 스마트도시 실현을 위한 정보 및 기술 공유 △한국국토정보공사(LX) 플랫폼 기반 행정 및 산업서비스 모델 공동 활용 △스마트 ...
El Metro De Granada Y El Trambahía Recibirán Una Inversión De 2,2 Millones En Transformación Digital Por La Junta

El Metro De Granada Y El Trambahía Recibirán Una Inversión De 2,2 Millones En Transformación Digital Por La Junta

La Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda invierte 2,2 millones de euros en la implantación de un gemelo digital en el Metro de Granada y en el Trambahía, un novedoso sistema de realidad virtual que permite recrear situaciones que permitan planificar un óptimo mantenimiento de esta infraestructura y mejorar los parámetros de calidad ...

안동시, 국내 석학 초청해 공간정보 발전 포럼 개최

안동시는 지난 29일 국내 공간정보 분야 석학을 초청해 ‘안동시 공간정보 발전 포럼’을 29일 시청 웅부관 청백실에서 개최했다. 시는 최근 국토교통부 ‘디지털 트윈 국토사업’과 국토지리정보원 ‘고정밀 전자지도 챌린저 공모사업’에 선정됐다. 디지털 트윈으로 대표되는 3차원 공간에 안동의 문화유산 콘텐츠와 수자원 인프라 등을 구현해 문화시설과 콘텐츠를 담은 고정밀 전자지도를 구축하고 홍수와 가뭄 등 재해에도 선제적으로 대응하는 다양한 시정 ...
“Digitaler Zwilling” Online Stadt Trier Als Virtuelle Welt

“Digitaler Zwilling” Online: Stadt Trier Als Virtuelle Welt

Stadtplan war gestern: Die Straßen, Gebäude und Grünflächen von Trier wurden jetzt in ihren Höhen vermessen und zu einem dreidimensionalen „digitalen Zwilling” der Stadt zusammengesetzt. Auch die Bürgerinnen und Bürger können mit ihm am Bildschirm die Stadt aus allen Blickrichtungen neu erleben. Über 100.000 Gebäude wurden für das 3D-Portal in ihrer räumlichen Darstellung automatisiert erfasst, ...
Bluesky Metrovista 3D City Model Underpins Nottingham’s Digital Twin

Bluesky Metrovista 3D City Model Underpins Nottingham’s Digital Twin

Nottingham City Council is a step closer to achieving its vision of creating a digital twin for the city. In what’s believed to be a UK first they are combining the intricate, rich MetroVista 3D mesh with existing photogrammetric 3D modelling within the same application. This enables the visualisation of new developments in an immersive ...