

China’s MSS Unveils A New Case On Illegal Surveying And Mapping

China’s Ministry of State Security unveiled on Tuesday a new case based on a real-life story about a taxi driver reporting some suspicious activities to the national security authorities. It was discovered that these activities involved illegal surveying and mapping to steal a large amount of sensitive geographic information and classified geological data. The taxi ...

Satellite To GPS To Remote Sensing, Govt Plans To Rope In Tech To Curb Illegal Mining

Taking serious note of the complaints about illegal mining in the state, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed the Department of Geology and Mining to use technology on a large scale to effectively control illegal mining. According to an official, satellite monitoring will be used to watch over areas where illegal mining occurs, and vehicles ...
London Underground Is Testing Real-Rime AI Surveillance Tools To Spot Crime

London Underground Is Testing Real-Rime AI Surveillance Tools To Spot Crime

Thousands of people using the London Underground had their movements, behavior, and body language watched by AI surveillance software designed to see if they were committing crimes or were in unsafe situations, new documents obtained by WIRED reveal. The machine learning software was combined with live CCTV footage to detect aggressive behavior, guns or knives ...

NGA Issues Million Dollar Challenge To Stop Illegal Fishing

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) are looking for people with innovative solutions to help stop illegal fishing. This new challenge has a million-dollar prize pool. Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing is a critical issue threatening the sustainability of marine ecosystems. It contributes significantly to the decline and potential ...

Crowd-sourced Project To Map NSW’s ‘Creepy’ And ‘Safe’ Spots In Bid To Improve Women’s Safety

Dark streets and risky intersections as well as well-lit parks and vibrant night-time destinations will be mapped in New South Wales for the first time in an effort to improve women’s safety. Women and gender diverse people are being asked to contribute to a digital crowd-mapping project by anonymously identifying places where they have felt ...

U.S. Gathers Experts To Tackle Illegal Mining In Ghana

The U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy Ghana, and the University of Mining and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa are convening mining stakeholders from across Ghana to brainstorm tech-enabled solutions to illegal mining. As part of “Tech Camp Takoradi” this week, fifty stakeholders including representatives of mining communities and companies, scientists and innovators, policymakers, environmental activists, ...
Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police Adopts Geospatial Technology To Support Crime Prevention

Merseyside Police is using technology to answer the “where and why” of serious violence across the region, to support crime prevention and to enhance public safety. Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), powered by Simsi, focuses on places, not people, to prevent crime. Simsi is a startup out of Rutgers University in New Jersey. Analysts from Merseyside ...
Open Access To Evidence On Family, Domestic And Sexual Violence

Open Access To Evidence On Family, Domestic And Sexual Violence

From today, anyone around the world will be able to access an Australian-led data initiative aimed at reducing the rates of family, domestic and sexual violence. The Evidence Portal is a new online tool created and maintained by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), one of the leading research organisations in Australia on ...
What Are The Privacy Concerns When Using Satellite Imagery To Solve Crimes

What Are The Privacy Concerns When Using Satellite Imagery To Solve Crimes?

Once the sole domain of meteorologists and geographers, satellite imagery has become an increasingly useful tool for criminal investigations. Law enforcement agencies across the globe have taken advantage of the high-resolution images offered by satellite technology and are using greater quantities of such images than ever before to aid with investigations. In criminal cases where ...

Khanan Prahari App Helping To Curb Illegal Coal Mining Activities Through Public Participation

The mobile app Khanan Prahari, which allows citizens to report incidents of illegal coal mining through geo-tagged photographs and textual information, is a significant step taken by the Ministry of Coal towards curbing illegal coal mining activities. The corresponding web portal called as Coal Mine Surveillance & Management System (CMSMS) has been developed in association ...

City Police Geotagging 23,000-plus Surveillance Cameras In Coimbatore

Feeds from surveillance cameras play a key role in tracing and identifying individuals and vehicles during investigations. But locating cameras in a given location after the occurrence of a crime or accident often causes delay in the investigation. Now, the Coimbatore City Police are in the process of cutting down this delay by geotagging all ...
Partners Team Up To Launch Online Safety Map

Partners Team Up To Launch Online Safety Map

We have launched a new online map for women and girls to use to highlight areas they feel safe or unsafe in Essex. When accessing the map, women and girls can ‘drop a pin’ on a particular area that they have felt unsafe. They can then state why. It can be used on a desktop ...
Better Synthesis Of Geospatial Data May Help Combat Poachers, Scientists Say

Better Synthesis Of Geospatial Data May Help Combat Poachers, Scientists Say

Poaching wild animals poses global environmental risks, from threatening the survival of keystones species to potentially spreading animal-borne diseases to humans. Technology like unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, can help combat poachers, but finding the best way to use the large amounts of geospatial data generated by these tools remains a challenge, according to Penn ...
Policing In Chennai Goes Hi-Tech With GIS Mapping, Analytics Of Crime Zones

Policing In Chennai Goes Hi-Tech With GIS Mapping, Analytics Of Crime Zones

The Greater Chennai Police (GCP) on Tuesday launched mapping of crime zones using Geographic Information System (GIS). Commissioner of Police Shankar Jiwal inaugurated the new initiative at the integrated command and control centre. A special GIS centre has been established and equipped with the latest software tools to collate data from Crime and Criminal Tracking ...
Map Of Crimes In Park Ridge Will Update Every Week, Per Police

Map Of Crimes In Park Ridge Will Update Every Week, Per Police

The Park Ridge Police Department has rolled out an interactive map to track where criminal activity takes place across Park Ridge. The map, available on the Park Ridge Police Department website, is a response to a request from aldermen earlier this year to have a better idea of where crimes are occurring in Park Ridge. ...
El Proyecto Europeo Perivallon, Liderado Por ETRA, Crea Soluciones Frente A Delitos Ambientales

El Proyecto Europeo Perivallon, Liderado Por ETRA, Crea Soluciones Frente A Delitos Ambientales

El proyecto Perivallon (Protecting the EuRopean terrItory from organised enVironmentAl crime through inteLLigent threat detectiON tools), coordinado por Grupo ETRA y cofinanciado por el programa Horizonte Europa, trabaja en el desarrollo de herramientas de inteligencia avanzada para proteger el territorio europeo de los delitos ambientales. En este sentido, trabaja en el desarrollo de herramientas y ...
Brazil Evicts Gold Miners From Amazon Rainforest

Brazil Evicts Gold Miners From Amazon Rainforest

Brazil has ousted almost all illegal gold miners from the Yanomami territory, its largest indigenous reservation, and will remove miners from six more reserves this year, the head of the federal police’s new environmental crimes division said on Tuesday. Enforcement operations supported by satellite imagery and aerial photography have destroyed 250 miner camps – many ...
Crop Hunting Drones Help Police Bust Illegal Drug Farms

Crop Hunting Drones Help Police Bust Illegal Drug Farms

In UK Lincolnshire, Police entered a residential property on December 21 and discovered multiple rooms with various cannabis plants at different stages of growth. The investigation is still ongoing as no one was apprehended and this proves the importance of drones in fighting crime. According to the police thermal imaging from the drones was used ...
New Software To Help With Schenectady Police Patrol Coverage, Give Officers Real-time Street Updates

New Software To Help With Schenectady Police Patrol Coverage, Give Officers Real-time Street Updates

An innovative software program will allow Schenectady police officers to track which streets have been patrolled in the city with real-time updates, the city announced on Tuesday. The new Patrolfinder software was produced by the Transfinder school bus-routing company in partnership with the Schenectady Police Department. The software, which will be deployed in all department ...

Ufes: Estudo Identifica Diferentes Padrões De Criminalidade Em Territórios Da Grande Vitória

Um estudo desenvolvido no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (PPGG) da Ufes identificou que, na Grande Vitória, bairros periféricos têm maior ocorrência de crime contra a pessoa, enquanto bairros mais desenvolvidos possuem maior incidência de crimes contra o patrimônio. A dissertação de mestrado de Willian Carlos Gonçalves, intitulada Os múltiplos territórios da criminalidade na Região ...

Tecnologia Geoespacial Ajuda O Brasil A Combater Crimes Ambientais E Outras Atividades Ilícitas

Mais de 270 instituições públicas do Brasil já realizaram adesão ao Programa Brasil MAIS, coordenado pela Polícia Federal, que disponibiliza imagens de satélites diárias de alta resolução da operadora Planet e alertas de detecção de mudanças via Plataformas Web da SCCON Geospacial. O Projeto é case de sucesso global da operadora Planet pela inovação e ...
Augmented Reality Tech Shows Children How Crime Scene Investigation Works

Augmented Reality Tech Shows Children How Crime Scene Investigation Works

Using Ipad Tablets as their virtual eyes, children can explore a mockup crime scene by walking around a designated area within the science museum at a booth set up by the Malta Police Force’s forensics department. The Ipads uses Augmented Reality technology to display the mock crime scene, essentially overlaying information over the real-world environment ...
Presenta OCL Plataforma De Mapa De Calor De Delitos

Presenta OCL Plataforma De Mapa De Calor De Delitos

El Observatorio Ciudadano de León, presentó el primer Mapa de Calor de delitos patrimoniales a nivel nacional, como una nueva herramienta que utiliza el Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) en el que contempla la información donde destacan los lugares donde se acumula el mayor número de delitos denominadas zonas calientes o rojas. “Es una herramienta ...

Krajowa Mapa Zagrożeń Bezpieczeństwa – Ty Zgłaszasz, My Reagujemy

Krajowa Mapa Zagrożeń Bezpieczeństwa to narzędzie, to które od kilku lat funkcjonuje w Policji. Dzięki otrzymanym zgłoszeniom wiemy co jest najbardziej uciążliwe dla mieszkańców i w jakim zakresie należałoby zwiększyć ilość kontroli czy też współpracę z podmiotami pozapolicyjnym. Przykładem skuteczności funkcjonowania aplikacji i podejmowanych przez nas działań jest wyeliminowanie kierowców za zbyt szybką jazdę w ...

City To Consider Funding For Real Time Crime Center

The Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) recently partnered with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) and the Florida State University Police Department (FSU-PD) to create the Center. The mission of the Center is to enhance communication, intelligence sharing, and coordination among state, county, and city law enforcement agencies within Leon County. The Center will be equipped ...