
Climate Change

Mapping marine heatwaves to understand their impacts

Mapping marine heatwaves to understand their impacts

Marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent in a warming world, as rising ocean temperatures trigger these mysterious and damaging phenomena. The profound effects of marine heatwaves on ecosystems – from coral bleaching to disruptions in biodiversity – explain why scientists believe great urgency is required to understand their development and longevity. As we grapple with the challenges of climate change, ...
Investigadores De La Universidad De Sevilla Ponen Fecha A La Desaparición De Doñana

Investigadores De La Universidad De Sevilla Ponen Fecha A La Desaparición De Doñana

Los investigadores de la Universidad de Sevilla José Lázaro Amaro Mellado y Emilio Ramírez Juidias, en colaboración con el Laboratorio de Teledetección de la Universidad Tecnológica de Perú, han publicado un estudio que alerta sobre los efectos del cambio climático en las marismas de Doñana. Según los investigadores, el aumento de las temperaturas junto con ...
Airbus Sentinel-2C satellite is one step closer to launch

Sentinel-2C Earth Observation Satellite Set For Sept 3 Launch

Arianespace has confirmed the launch of the Sentinel-2C satellite, part of the Copernicus Earth observation program, scheduled for September 3. The Sentinel-2C satellite is designed to monitor land and vegetation, providing critical data for agricultural practices, forestry management, and disaster response. The Sentinel-2C satellite will be launched aboard a Vega rocket from the Guiana Space ...
Designing A Decision-Support Tool For Climate Adaptive Urban Planning

Designing A Decision-Support Tool For Climate Adaptive Urban Planning

Heat stress and air pollution ravages cities more and more. In a new Horizon Europe project, researchers will develop a digital twin that supports decision makers to design resilient urban areas that can cope with the changing climate. Researchers from TU Delft and 18 other partners receive the Horizon Europe grant for their project called ...
Earthcare Offers A Sneak Peek Into Earth’s Energy Balance

EarthCARE Offers A Sneak Peek Into Earth’s Energy Balance

Offering a foretaste of what’s to come once it is fully commissioned, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite has returned the first images from its broadband radiometer instrument. These initial images offer a tantalising glimpse into the intricacies of our planet’s energy balance – a delicate balance that governs our climate. Earth’s energy balance accounts the amount of ...

UC Irvine Earth System Scientists Discover Missing Piece In Climate Models

As the planet continues to warm due to human-driven climate change, accurate computer climate models will be key in helping illuminate exactly how the climate will continue to be altered in the years ahead. In a study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, a team led by researchers from the UC Irvine Department ...
How Climate Change Is Altering The Earth's Rotation

How Climate Change Is Altering The Earth’s Rotation

The Earth’s spin axis is not constant. It moves slowly over time relative to the Earth’s crust. This is caused by various processes on the surface and inside the Earth, such as the melting of ice masses or the uplift of land masses, as well as mass shifts in the Earth’s viscous mantle and core. ...
Interactive Map Shows Future Climate Of Your City Based On Emissions Scenarios

Interactive Map Shows Future Climate Of Your City Based On Emissions Scenarios

The impacts of climate change are being felt all over the world, but how will it impact how your hometown feels? An interactive web application from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science allows users to search 40,581 places and 5,323 metro areas around the globe to match the expected future climate in each ...
When In Drought Researchers Map Which Parts Of The Amazon Are Most Vulnerable To Climate Change

When In Drought: Researchers Map Which Parts Of The Amazon Are Most Vulnerable To Climate Change

In the late 2000s, Scott Saleska observed an unusual phenomenon in the Amazon rainforest. A severe drought in 2005 led to increased green growth in vast areas of the Amazon, contrary to field researchers’ observations of browning plants and some dying due to the drought. Recent research published in Nature by Shuli Chen, a doctoral ...
School Of Geosciences Professor Leads Permafrost Thaw Study

School Of Geosciences Professor Leads Permafrost Thaw Study

A research initiative, funded by NASA and the Army Corps of Engineers, is underway to study permafrost thaw in Alaska and its significant impacts on the environment. This project aims to understand the landforms created by thawing permafrost, how it affects methane emissions and whether the rate of permafrost thaw is accelerating. Leading this research ...
Scientists Have Built A ‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth To Predict The Future Of Climate Change

Scientists Have Built A ‘Digital Twin’ Of Earth To Predict The Future Of Climate Change

Scientists have built a highly accurate digital simulation of planet Earth to provide reliable information about extreme weather and climate change. This AI-powered “digital twin” virtually simulates the interaction between natural phenomena and human activities to predict their effect on things like water, food and energy systems. In the past, climate and weather predictions have ...

TRISHNA Mission: Advancing High-Resolution Thermal Imaging For Climate And Resource Management

The TRISHNA (Thermal Infra-Red Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural Resource Assessment) mission, a collaborative endeavor between ISRO and CNES, is engineered to deliver high spatial and high temporal resolution monitoring of Earth’s surface temperature, emissivity, biophysical and radiation variables for surface energy budgeting at regional to global scale. This mission addresses critical water and food ...
Shape And Depth Of Ocean Floor Profoundly Influence How Carbon Is Stored There

Shape And Depth Of Ocean Floor Profoundly Influence How Carbon Is Stored There

The movement of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans and continents — the carbon cycle — is a fundamental process that regulates Earth’s climate. Some factors, like volcanic eruptions or human activity, emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Others, such as forests and oceans, absorb that CO2. In a well-regulated system, the right amount of CO2 ...
Twin NASA Satellites Ready to Help Gauge Earth’s Energy Balance

Twin NASA Satellites Ready to Help Gauge Earth’s Energy Balance

Information from the PREFIRE mission will illuminate how clouds and water vapor in the Arctic and Antarctic influence the amount of heat the poles radiate into space. A pair of new shoebox-size NASA satellites will help unravel an atmospheric mystery that’s bedeviled scientists for years: how the behavior of clouds and water vapor at Earth’s ...
EarthCARE Launched To Study Role Of Clouds And Aerosols In Earth's Climate

EarthCARE Launched To Study Role Of Clouds And Aerosols In Earth’s Climate

ESA’s EarthCARE satellite, poised to revolutionise our understanding of how clouds and aerosols affect our climate, has been launched. This extraordinary satellite embarked on its journey into space on 29 May at 00:20 CEST (28 May, 15:20 local time) aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, US. Just 10 ...

Combining Key Factors To Assess Farming Risks From Climate Change

Climate change stands as one of the most pressing challenges confronting global ecosystems and human livelihoods. The agriculture sector of Anuradhapura district, Sri Lanka, well renowned for its pivotal role in the nation’s food production, faces an increasing threat from the changing climate. A recent study by Millennium City aims to incorporate the indicator system ...

NVIDIA Announces Earth Climate Digital Twin

To accelerate efforts to combat the $140 billion in economic losses due to extreme weather brought on by climate change, NVIDIA today announced its Earth-2 climate digital twin cloud platform for simulating and visualizing weather and climate at unprecedented scale. Part of the NVIDIA CUDA-X™ microservices, announced separately today, Earth-2’s new cloud APIs on NVIDIA ...
IHME, Microsoft, And Planet Collaborate To Map Climate-Vulnerable Populations In Unprecedented Detail

IHME, Microsoft, And Planet Collaborate To Map Climate-Vulnerable Populations In Unprecedented Detail

Climate change intensifies disasters, which drives displacement. That can, among many impacts, push internally displaced people from rural areas into urban slums. That in turn raises the risks of forced evictions and secondary urban displacement, as well as increased risks of public health crises, and so on, in a dispiriting causal chain. Knowing, in detail, ...
Climate Heat Map Of Australia

Climate Heat Map Of Australia

The Climate Council’s Heat Map of Australia is an interactive tool that shows how cutting climate pollution will limit extreme heat in our neighbourhoods. It projects the average number of hot and very hot days, as well as very hot nights, for each suburb by 2050 and 2090, and across three scenarios: no action, continuing ...

Google To Share Oil And Gas Methane Leaks Spotted From Space

Google and environmental group Environmental Defense Fund on Wednesday unveiled a partnership to expose sources of climate-warming emissions from oil and gas operations that will be detected from space by a new satellite. MethaneSAT will launch next month, one of several satellites that are being deployed to monitor methane emissions across the globe to pinpoint ...

I Dati Satellitari Per Il Controllo Del Microclima Urbano. All’oar Il Convegno Con L’agenzia Spaziale Italiana E Il Politecnico Di Milano

Arrivano dai dati satellitari gli strumenti per mappare il fenomeno dell’isola di calore urbana e capire come la struttura fisica della città e l’uso del suolo influiscano sul microclima urbano. Se ne parla al convegno che si terrà venerdì 23 febbraio presso il complesso monumentale dell’Acquario Romano, sede dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia. ...
ESA’s Cloud Mission In The Limelight

ESA’s Cloud Mission In The Limelight

Dedicated to delivering a wealth of new information on exactly how clouds and aerosols affect Earth’s climate, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite has had the chance to show off prior to engineers embarking upon the careful task of packing it up for its journey to the launch site in the US. Carrying four different instruments, this remarkable ...
This US-Indian Satellite Will Monitor Earth’s Changing Frozen Regions

This US-Indian Satellite Will Monitor Earth’s Changing Frozen Regions

NISAR, the soon-to-launch radar satellite from NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), will measure some key Earth vital signs, from the health of wetlands to ground deformation by volcanoes to the dynamics of land and sea ice. This last capability will help researchers decipher how small-scale processes can cause monumental changes in the ...

COP28: NICFI And Bezos Earth Fund To Provide Free Satellite Images

Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) and the Bezos Earth Fund announce a new partnership to continue providing the world with free access to high-resolution satellite data to support efforts to stop the destruction of the world’s rainforests. The partnership adds to the USD 43 million previously granted by NICFI to establish the NICFI ...

IBM Advances Geospatial AI To Address Climate Challenges

IBM today announced new efforts that apply its geospatial AI technologies, including IBM’s geospatial foundation model developed in collaboration with NASA, to climate efforts including analysis of urban heat islands in the United Arab Emirates (UAE); reforestation across Kenya; and climate resiliency in the United Kingdom (UK). IBM continues to advance its AI model strategy ...

ESA And EC To Unite On Climate Action From Space

ESA and the Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action (CLIMA) are, therefore, seizing the opportunity to harness their combined expertise and resources to bring about transformative change, not least in the context of the EU’s Copernicus space programme and ESA’s Space for a Green Future Accelerator. ESA and CLIMA are reinforcing their cooperation by working together ...
How Does Climate Change Threaten Your Neighborhood A New Map Has The Details

How Does Climate Change Threaten Your Neighborhood? A New Map Has The Details.

If you’ve been wondering what climate change means for your neighborhood, you’re in luck. The most detailed interactive map yet of the United States’ vulnerability to dangers such as fire, flooding, and pollution was released in early October by the Environmental Defense Fund and Texas A&M University. The fine-grained analysis spans more than 70,000 census ...

Esri Launches Online GIS Course For Climate Action

As the impacts of climate change increase and intensify around the world, one aspect that has become clear is the geographic nature of the issue. The ability to tackle such a wide-reaching geographic challenge requires technology that gives context, which location intelligence provides. To support the individuals working toward this goal, Esri, the global leader ...
Mapping Methane The Trio Of Sentinel Satellites Targeting Super-emitters From Space

Mapping Methane: The Trio Of Sentinel Satellites Targeting Super-emitters From Space

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and is the second-largest contributor to climate warming after carbon dioxide. A tonne of methane, despite its shorter lifespan of about 10 years in the atmosphere, can retain an astounding 30 times more heat than a tonne of carbon dioxide over the course of a century. This means that ...

Ambiente, Da ENEA Mappa Aree Costiere A Rischio Inondazioni

ENEA ha sviluppato un nuovo servizio in grado di mappare le aree costiere a rischio inondazione per il cambiamento climatico che abbina modelli ad alta risoluzione, tecnologie satellitari e rilievi sul campo. Messo a punto da un team di ricercatori composto da climatologi, esperti GIS, oceanografi e geologi, è stato presentato al XXI Congresso International ...