

‘Mother of All Philippine Maps’ presented at Malacañang

‘Mother of All Philippine Maps’ presented at Malacañang

A nearly three-century-old map that helped the Philippines win its territorial dispute against China was formally received at the Malacañang Palace on Friday, December 6, with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. hailing it as a historic document that has “defined the Philippines.”   The Murillo Velarde map of 1734 — officially titled “Carta Hydro-graphica y Choro-graphica ...
Felt Upgrades GIS Platform

Felt Upgrades GIS Platform

Felt has introduced Felt 3.0, which includes new features and native database integrations to improve Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capabilities. The goal of Felt 3.0 is to make data more accessible and actionable for stakeholders. It provides modern GIS tools for teams to visualize, analyze and present important insights and map data relevant to their ...

Nueva Alianza Entre Organismos Nacionales Para Mejorar La Información Geográfica Marítima Y Terrestre

El Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible ha anunciado la firma de un protocolo con el Ministerio de Defensa, específicamente con la Armada, para fomentar la colaboración entre el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN), su Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG) y el Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM). Esta alianza estratégica busca compartir y mejorar ...
Google Maps Tests Showing Building Entrances

Google Maps Tests Showing Building Entrances

Google Maps has become an invaluable tool to navigate and to find the best spots to eat, get coffee, or to see sights. But with some bigger buildings and attractions, it can get hard to find the entrance. That’s where a new experiment comes in that Google appears to be testing with a few users ...
Access Over 181,000 USGS Historical Topographic Maps

Access Over 181,000 USGS Historical Topographic Maps

In collaboration with the US Geological Survey (USGS), we recently updated Esri’s online USGS historical topographic map collection with over 1,745 new maps, bringing the total number of maps in our collection to over 181,000 (181,008 to be exact). We also corrected a number of maps that our users reported as having georeferencing or other ...
Esri Launches Maps.Com, A Content Platform For Creators Demonstrating The Power Of Maps

Esri Launches Maps.Com, A Content Platform For Creators Demonstrating The Power Of Maps

Created by Esri, the global leader in mapping and location intelligence software, the new website is a platform for sharing and discussing visually engaging maps that inspire, challenge, educate, reward, and provoke across a range of topics and formats. The site will serve as a celebration of science and art, presenting maps that captivate not ...
University Of Richmond ‘Mapping Inequality’ Project Releases New Redlining Maps And Other Features

University Of Richmond ‘Mapping Inequality’ Project Releases New Redlining Maps And Other Features

The Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond has released an updated version of its popular “Mapping Inequality” project. The award-winning, open-access project focuses on redlining — the practice of denying financial services to residents based on race or ethnicity. Mapping Inequality is the largest collection of maps produced by the Home Owners’ Loan ...

The Federal Geographic Information Center Launches The General Map Of The UAE

As the official reference for geographic information at the federal level and the authoritative body responsible for issuing official maps, the Federal Geographic Information Center proudly announces the launch of the General Map of the United Arab Emirates in both Arabic and English. This milestone symbolizes a commitment to geographical accuracy and national pride. Part ...

Oregon State University To Receive $6.5 Million For Geospatial Coordinate System Update Work

Oregon State University will receive $6.5 million in federal funding over a five-year period for research related to updating the National Spatial Reference System, a coordinate system that defines geographical elements ranging from longitude and latitude to height and orientation, the college said. OSU officials said common uses for the NSRS include surveying and mapping ...

Survey And Geospatial Information Authority Releases Official Map Of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information announced on Monday that it is the national authority responsible for producing the official map of the Kingdom with approved international borders. It also said it is responsible for providing maps to all government agencies, the private sector, the academic sector, individuals, and the media, Saudi ...
Kaleiçi’ndeki Haritalandırma Çalışması Tamamlandı Kaynak Kaleiçi’ndeki Haritalandırma Çalışması Tamamlandı

Kaleiçi’ndeki Haritalandırma Çalışması Tamamlandı Kaynak: Kaleiçi’ndeki Haritalandırma Çalışması Tamamlandı

Türkiye’nin ilk sakin şehri Seferihisar’ın, tarihi Kaleiçi bölgesi ile ilgili yapılan haritalandırma çalışması tamamlandı. Kaleiçi’ne gelen ziyaretçiler, giriş noktalarına yerleştirilen haritalar üzerindeki karekodu okutarak, gitmek istedikleri adrese kolaylıkla ulaşabilecekler.Seferihisar Belediyesi, Sığacık’ta bulunan tarihi Kaleiçi bölgesi ile ilgili haritalandırma çalışması yaptı.Her yıl, on binlerce yerli ve yabancı turistin ziyaret ettiği ve araç girişinin olmadığı bölgede, adreslerin ...
Create Your Maps With IMAGE, Our Map Generator Tool

Create Your Maps With IMAGE, Our Map Generator Tool

The Interactive Map Generator (IMAGE) is a web-based tool that allows users to quickly make professional statistical maps in several predefined map layouts. You can add your data, or load data directly from the Eurostat database. What’s special about our map generator is that it offers a wide variety of options. For example, you can ...

Ordnance Survey Reveals Top Map Symbol Requests

Ordnance Survey (OS) has revealed the top four new symbols people would like to see added to its leisure maps following a survey. The Southampton-based mapping agency said, of more than 2,400 responses, the top symbol more than half want added is gate and stile fence crossings. Nick Giles, managing director of Ordnance Survey Leisure ...
python packages for geovisualization

Python Packages for Geovisualization

This list includes all geovisualization (static and interactive) python packages. The list updates weekly.
Mapbox 3D Mapping Designed To Enhance Location Awareness

Mapbox 3D Mapping Designed To Enhance Location Awareness

Mapbox, a maps and location platform, has released new platform updates to enhance user’s 3D mapping experience by adding powerful dynamic lighting capabilities and landmark 3D buildings. The new ready-to-use platform aims to enhance wayfinding and spatial orientation for users and provides a polished canvas for custom location data. Mapbox Standard is now accessible in ...
INFOMAR Launches Blue Scale Map Series Showcasing Ireland’s Coastal Depths In Unprecedented Detail

INFOMAR Launches Blue Scale Map Series Showcasing Ireland’s Coastal Depths In Unprecedented Detail

INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource) has launched the Blue Scale Map Series, a collection of 18 high-resolution bathymetric maps of Ireland’s coastal waters. Developed by a dedicated team of hydrographers, data processors and cartographers, the maps highlight the topography of the coast in unprecedented detail. Ireland’s coastline is 3,171km ...

Kazakhstan Spends $125,000 On Maps With Three New Regions

The government spent 56 million tenge (almost $125,000) on compiling a new political and administrative map of Kazakhstan. This was announced at a briefing by representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, Informburo reports. “A political and administrative map of Kazakhstan at a scale of 1:1,500,000 was created after a lot ...
A NEW ‘Bird’s Eye View’ Map Of Glasgow Has Been Created By A City Artist – Almost 160 Years After The Original Caused A Sensation.

A NEW ‘Bird’s Eye View’ Map Of Glasgow Has Been Created By A City Artist – Almost 160 Years After The Original Caused A Sensation.

Will Knight used drones to help him make the artwork, which is an incredibly detailed snapshot of modern Glasgow, while his predecessor, Thomas Sulman, did his research in a hot air balloon. Now, both the Sulman map of 1864 and the Knight map are being displayed side by side in an exhibition at the New ...
Instituto Pereira Passos E Rice University Firmam Acordo De Cooperação Para Enriquecer Atlas Digital Sobre O Rio De Janeiro

Instituto Pereira Passos E Rice University Firmam Acordo De Cooperação Para Enriquecer Atlas Digital Sobre O Rio De Janeiro

O Instituto Pereira Passos, órgão da Prefeitura do Rio, anunciou nesta terça-feira (02/05) um acordo com a Rice University, instituição de ensino superior americana sediada em Houston, para cooperação em cima da plataforma imagineRio, um atlas digital pesquisável que ilustra a evolução social e urbana da cidade ao longo de toda a sua história. Com ...

Aragón Ya Dispone De Una Cartografía 1:5.000 Con Información Sobre Relieve, Red Hidrográfica Y Sistema Parcelario

Aragón ya cuenta con la Base Cartográfica de Aragón 1:5.000, constituida por conjuntos de datos espaciales de carácter topográfico y en los que se recoge la información de relieve, infraestructuras de comunicación, red hidrográfica, construcciones, poblamiento, sistema parcelario y toponimia. El consejero de Vertebración del Territorio, Movilidad y Vivienda, José Luis Soro, ha indicado que ...

Rząd Szykuje Ograniczenia W Dostępnie Do Geodanych

Zapowiedź ta padła podczas wtorkowego (18 kwietnia) posiedzenia Państwowej Rady Geodezyjnej i Kartograficznej. Jak poinformowała pełniąca obowiązki głównego geodety kraju Alicja Kulka, nad stosownymi zmianami w prawie pracuje specjalnie powołany w tym celu międzyresortowy zespół. Szykowana nowelizacja Pgik ma być odpowiedzią na postulaty podnoszone po wybuchu wojny w Ukrainie, a dotyczące tego, że zbyt łatwa ...
Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization, Fourth Edition

Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization

This comprehensive and well-established cartography textbook covers the theory and the practical applications of map design and the appropriate use of map elements. It explains the basic methods for visualizing and analyzing spatial data and introduces the latest cutting-edge data visualization techniques. The fourth edition responds to the extensive developments in cartography and GIS in ...
국토지리정보원, 국가기본도 고도화 추진…‘디지털 대한민국’ 앞당긴다

국토지리정보원, 국가기본도 고도화 추진…‘디지털 대한민국’ 앞당긴다

국가기본도가 다양한 공공·민간 데이터를 활용으로 최신성이 강화되고, 일관성 있는 데이터베이스로써 보다 폭넓은 분야와의 연계·활용이 가능해질 전망이다. 국토교통부 국토지리정보원은 29일 서울 영등포구 중소기업중앙회 K-Biz홀에서 ‘국가기본도 비전 선포식’을 개최했다고 밝혔다. 국토지리정보원에 따르면, 디지털 트윈 기술의 발전을 위해 지도의 최신성과 정확성이 강화되고 호환성이 향상돼야 한다는 요구가 커지고 있는 상황에서 자율주행이 가능하고 휠체어와 로봇이 자유롭게 이동할 수 있도록 현실 ...
SEI Lança Novos Aplicativos De Geoinformação Em Evento On-line

SEI Lança Novos Aplicativos De Geoinformação Em Evento On-line

A plataforma SEIGEO, portal oficial de geoinformação da Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais da Bahia (SEI), disponibiliza para os usuários dois novos aplicativos: o Storymap da Base Cartográfica de Referência do Estado da Bahia e o Mapa Interativo do Uso e Cobertura das Terras. As ferramentas serão lançadas em evento on-line, a ser realizado ...
China Releases Latest Standards For Maps, Requiring Accurate Reflection Of State Territory

China Releases Latest Standards For Maps, Requiring Accurate Reflection Of State Territory

China’s Ministry of Natural Resources on Tuesday issued the latest standards for the contents of maps, in order to strengthen map management, safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests and promote the healthy development of the geographic information industry. The regulations said that a map of China should always accurately reflect the scope of China’s ...

Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kartograficzna Uczci Jubileusz Polskiego Przeglądu Kartograficznego

Metody kartograficzne i geomatyczne w badaniach interdyscyplinarnych – pod takim hasłem odbędzie się tegoroczna XLV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kartograficzna. Będzie to kolejna odsłona dorocznych spotkań środowiska kartografów i sympatyków map, które są organizowane od 1968 roku. Tym razem organizatorzy chcą skupić uwagę na związkach kartografii i geomatyki z innymi dziedzinami nauki. Problematyka konferencji ma obejmować takie ...
Le Tavolette IGM Al 25000 Ritrovano Nuovo Vigore Nelle Attuali Sezioni Aggiornate Dinamicament

Le Tavolette IGM Al 25000 Ritrovano Nuovo Vigore Nelle Attuali Sezioni Aggiornate Dinamicamente

L’Istituto Geografico Militare portò a termine alla fine degli anni ’90, l’impianto delle famose “tavolette” che, nella scala 1:25.000, hanno rappresentato il riferimento cartografico per l’intero territorio italiano sin dall’unità d’Italia. Per il suo carattere fortemente dinamico il territorio alla base della Carta Topografica d’Italia, ha subito molte variazioni che, oltre alle adozioni di diversi ...

Bursa’nın Tarihi Haritaları Emin Ellerde

Tarihi ve kültürel miras alanındaki çalışmalarıyla Türkiye’ye örnek olan Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi, kentin tarihi haritalarını konservasyon çalışmalarıyla koruma altına alıyor. Bursa Kent Müzesi koleksiyonunda yer alan ancak zamanla yıpranan tarihi haritalar da ‘konservasyon sürecinin ardından’ müzede sergileniyor. İçlerinde Bursa şehir merkezini gösteren 1862 Suphi Bey Bursa Nazım planının ve 1960 tarihli Piccinato Şehir Planı’nın da ...