

Mapbox And Hyundai Autoever Collaborate On 3D Navigation With MapGPT

Mapbox And Hyundai Autoever Collaborate On 3D Navigation With MapGPT

Mapbox, a global company in location technology, announces its collaboration with Hyundai Autoever, an automotive software innovation leader of the Hyundai Motor Group. Together, Mapbox and Hyundai Autoever are set to redefine the driving experience by developing an AI-powered digital ecosystem centred around Mapbox MapGPT, a location-intelligent AI voice assistant capable of natural and actionable ...

Esri Integrates 3D Tiles Into The ArcGIS System Of Record, Enhancing 3D GIS Workflows

Advances in imagery collection and photogrammetry techniques have increased demand for digital representations of the physical world, or geospatial digital twins. To meet this demand, Esri will integrate 3D Tiles into its ArcGIS software. With the ability to work with a variety of data types, including open 3D data standards, customers can develop innovative solutions ...
Images Of Simulated Cities Help Artificial Intelligence To Understand Real Streetscapes

Images Of Simulated Cities Help Artificial Intelligence To Understand Real Streetscapes

Recent advances in artificial intelligence and deep learning have revolutionized many industries, and might soon help recreate your neighborhood as well. Given images of a landscape, the analysis of deep-learning models can help urban landscapers visualize plans for redevelopment, thereby improving scenery or preventing costly mistakes. To accomplish this, however, models must be able to ...

Das Geodatenportal Gibt’s Neu Auch In 3D

Das liechtensteinische Geoportal ermöglicht die Suche nach digitalen geographischen Informationen. Es enthält eine Fülle von Informationen übers Land – von sehr spezifischen Fakten wie etwa die Solarengerie-Eignung der Dächer, aber auch allgemeine Basis-Landkarten, raumplanerische Angaben oder Informationen über die Bodennutzung. Wie das Amt für Tiefbau und Geoinformation mitteilt, gibt’s das Ganze jetzt auch dreidimensional. Das ...
Mapbox 3D Mapping Designed To Enhance Location Awareness

Mapbox 3D Mapping Designed To Enhance Location Awareness

Mapbox, a maps and location platform, has released new platform updates to enhance user’s 3D mapping experience by adding powerful dynamic lighting capabilities and landmark 3D buildings. The new ready-to-use platform aims to enhance wayfinding and spatial orientation for users and provides a polished canvas for custom location data. Mapbox Standard is now accessible in ...
Digital Renaissance NVIDIA Neuralangelo Research Reconstructs 3D Scenes

Digital Renaissance: NVIDIA Neuralangelo Research Reconstructs 3D Scenes

Neuralangelo, a new AI model by NVIDIA Research for 3D reconstruction using neural networks, turns 2D video clips into detailed 3D structures — generating lifelike virtual replicas of buildings, sculptures and other real-world objects. Like Michelangelo sculpting stunning, life-like visions from blocks of marble, Neuralangelo generates 3D structures with intricate details and textures. Creative professionals ...
Для Екатеринбурга Создали Реалистичную 3D Модель Парка

Для Екатеринбурга Создали Реалистичную 3D Модель Парка

Компания «2ГИС» приступила к внедрению новых визуальных элементов в свои карты. Теперь на геосервисе будут появляться реалистичные 3D модели знаковых городских зданий, а также скверов и парков. Например, первой обновленной локацией в Екатеринбурге стала площадь Кирова, где высадили 3D деревья. — Иммерсивные карты открывают новые возможности для визуализации городов в геосервисе. Это меняет восприятие карт ...

Woolpert And Ecopia Collaborate To Create 3D Maps Of Australian Metropolitan Areass

Ecopia AI and Woolpert have expanded their partnership to map Australia’s top metropolitan areas in 3D. The resulting vector maps will provide Woolpert’s Asia-Pacific clients with a detailed, accurate and up-to-date foundational layer of geospatial data that represents the dimensional world as we know it. This expanded partnership builds upon Ecopia and Woolpert’s previous collaborations. ...
Rendering Three-dimensional Images From Eye Reflections With NeRF

Rendering Three-dimensional Images From Eye Reflections With NeRF

Vision depends on light entering the eyes through the transparent tissues of the cornea, pupil and lens. When the light reaches the retina, photoreceptors produce signals and transmit them via the optical nerve to the brain, where an image is formed. Some of that light entering the eye is reflected back into the world by ...
Meet The Omnivore Startup Develops App Letting Users Turn Objects Into 3D Models With Just A Smartphone

Meet The Omnivore: Startup Develops App Letting Users Turn Objects Into 3D Models With Just A Smartphone

It lets users capture any object with their smartphone camera and quickly creates a high-quality, detailed 3D model of it for use in any AR or metaverse application. AR-Generation now offers an extension that enables direct export of 3D models from MagiScan to NVIDIA Omniverse, a development platform for connecting and building 3D tools and ...
3D Digital Models Are Resurrecting Lost Neighborhoods

3D Digital Models Are Resurrecting Lost Neighborhoods

Using a revolutionary new AI-powered method, researchers are mining old insurance maps to visually reconstruct “ghost” neighborhoods — with promising results. The process could help with efforts to better estimate the economic loss caused by the demolition of historically diverse neighborhoods nationwide. It could also humanize that oft-forgotten history, bringing it to life in a ...
A Better Way To Match 3D Volumes

A Better Way To Match 3D Volumes

By mapping the volumes of objects, rather than their surfaces, a new technique could yield solutions to computer graphics problems in animation and CAD. In computer graphics and computer-aided design (CAD), 3D objects are often represented by the contours of their outer surfaces. Computers store these shapes as “thin shells,” which model the contours of ...

Raj Govt Approves Proposal To Create GIS-based 3D Models Of 4 Cities

Rajasthan government has approved a proposal for developing Geographic Information System (GIS) based 3D models of Jodhpur, Udaipur, Kota and Ajmer. According to an official statement, the state government will develop GIS-based 3D models of the four cities for better planning and management of urban development. Apart from this, a ‘repository’ of satellite imagery of ...
Enter The Orlandoverse Why The Florida City Built A 3D Map Of The Region

Enter The Orlandoverse: Why The Florida City Built A 3D Map Of The Region

The city of Orlando wants to remind people it has more to offer than theme parks and tourism with a virtual representation of 800 square miles of the city and its surrounding area designed to help establish the region as an emerging tech hub. City officials developed the 3D map in partnership with video game ...
3D “Digital Twin” Showcases Wreck Of Titanic In Unprecedented Detail

3D “Digital Twin” Showcases Wreck Of Titanic In Unprecedented Detail

The RMS Titanic sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic in 1912, but the fate of the ship and its passengers has fascinated the popular imagination for more than a century. Now we have the first full-size 3D digital scan of the complete wreckage—a “digital twin” that captures Titanic in unprecedented detail. Magellan Ltd, ...
Google Releases AR Geospatial Creator For Unity

Google Releases AR Geospatial Creator For Unity

Google has unveiled its Geospatial Creator for Unity platform, allowing developers to preview 3D assets via the Unity Editor. Viewing spatially-linked assets on a hyperrealistic 3D planet map, the toolkit powers ARCore and Photorealistic 3D Tiles via the Google Maps Platform, it said on its website. Users can select locations, retrieve 3D geometry of the ...
3D-Modell Und Sensoren - Memmingen Digital

3D-Modell Und Sensoren – Memmingen Digital

Wieviele Fußgänger sind in Memmingen gerade in der Kramerstraße unterwegs? Wie ist die aktuelle Temperatur am Weinmarkt? Wie voll sind die Wertstoffcontainer am Westertor? Das alles messen neu installierte Sensoren – und ihr könnt diese Infos einfach online über den Digitalen Zwilling der Stadt Memmingen per Maus-Klick abrufen. Das Projekt ist jetzt auch dem Memminger ...
Fotovoltaico Da ENEA Una Mappa Catastale Per Valutare Il Potenziale Di Ogni Città

Fotovoltaico: Da ENEA Una Mappa Catastale Per Valutare Il Potenziale Di Ogni Città

I ricercatori del Centro ENEA di Portici (Napoli), in collaborazione con l’Università Federico II, hanno messo a punto una mappa catastale che stima in modo accurato il potenziale di energia fotovoltaica producibile in città, tenendo conto di geometria degli edifici, aree verdi, inquinamento dell’aria e attività antropiche. Questo “catasto solare” è stato realizzato attraverso mappe ...
OpenAI’s Shap-E Model Makes 3D Objects From Text Or Images

OpenAI’s Shap-E Model Makes 3D Objects From Text Or Images

Recently, we’ve seen AI models that produce detailed text-to-video or use run a chatbot on your phone. Now, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has introduced Shap-E, a model that generates 3D objects you can open in Microsoft Paint 3D or even convert into an STL file you can output on one of the best 3D ...
Per Migliorare La Produzione Del Fotovoltaico Sul Tetto Arriva Il Catasto Solare 3D Di ENEA

Per Migliorare La Produzione Del Fotovoltaico Sul Tetto Arriva Il Catasto Solare 3D Di ENEA

Un potenziale incredibile non sfruttato, è quello rappresentato dalle coperture degli edifici nelle città italiane. Installare il fotovoltaico sul tetto potrebbe contribuire significativamente alla produzione energetica nazionale fornendo addirittura tra i 70 e i 90 GW di potenza complessiva. Per calcolare il potenziale di energia fotovoltaica installabile sui tetti e su ogni superficie urbana idonea, ...

Sanborn, An Authority In 3D Models, Pioneers The Digital Twin Base Map

Developed by leading tech firm The Sanborn Map Company (Sanborn), this innovative technology sets a new standard for urban analysis, implementation of Digital Cities, navigation, and planning with a fundamental transformation from a 2D map environment to a 3D environment. Sanborn’s Digital Twin Base Map is a high-resolution 3D map providing reliable mapping information with ...

Intermap To Supply Indonesia With 3D Digital Elevation Models

Intermap Technologies, a global leader in 3D geospatial products and intelligence solutions, announced a contract to supply 3D digital elevation models (DEMs) to reduce crop loss for an agricultural company in Indonesia. The country is utilising the Intermap’s precision data for monitoring and site assessment over large areas across the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. ...

GIS-expert Ułatwi Planowanie Przestrzenne W 3D

Jak zapewniają twórcy rozwiązania, jego użytkownicy wcale nie muszą znać tajników modelowania 3D. Aplikacja zawiera bowiem kilkadziesiąt gotowych do wykorzystania szablonów trójwymiarowych modeli budynków, zieleni czy małej architektury. Można również skorzystać z bogatej biblioteki modeli z serwisu Sketchfab. Użytkownicy Placemaker3D mogą ponadto ładować modele 3D istniejącej zabudowy oraz usuwać z tej warstwy wybrane obiekty. Ta ...
Ecopia Partners With Nextnav To Equip First Responders With 3D Visualizations

Ecopia Partners With Nextnav To Equip First Responders With 3D Visualizations

Ecopia AI (Ecopia) and NextNav announced a partnership that will enable first responders to visualize situations in 3D and locate where in a building an emergency call is coming from. The partnership combines NextNav’s mission-critical z-axis positioning solution derived from ground stations and barometric calibration with Ecopia’s comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date 3D building data generated ...
Esri Releases Reality Mapping Extension For ArcGIS Pro

Esri Releases Reality Mapping Extension For ArcGIS Pro

A large, new release of Esri’s desktop GIS software ArcGIS Pro has been released. Version 3.1 includes many new features and tools. Perhaps the biggest new feature is a reality mapping toolbox named ArcGIS Reality for ArcGIS Pro. The extension complements ArcGIS Pro’s ortho mapping capability with high-fidelity 2D and 3D product generation. This new ...

Geoportal.Gov.Pl: Aktualizacja Modeli Budynków 3D Dla Kolejnych 3 Województw

W krajowym Geoportalu udostępniono nowe modele budynków w standardzie LoD1 dla obszaru kolejnych województw: dolnośląskiego, opolskiego oraz wielkopolskiego. Aktualne modele 3D budynków w standardzie LoD1 są dostępne w paczkach powiatowych i zostały wygenerowane w sposób automatyczny na podstawie zaktualizowanych w 2022 r. danych BDOT10k oraz chmury punktów ALS i numerycznego modelu terenu dostępnych w Państwowym ...

Cesium Announces Omniverse In Collaboration With NVIDIA

3D geospatial software company Cesium announces the release of “Cesium for Omniverse,” an extension that enables the 3D geospatial capability for NVIDIA Omniverse, a real-time 3D graphics collaboration development platform. Cesium for Omniverse is free and open source under the Apache 2.0 License. Cesium for Omniverse is free and open source under the Apache 2.0 ...
La Startup A-Bim À Monaco Audite Ports Et Structures Immergées En 3D

La Startup A-Bim À Monaco Audite Ports Et Structures Immergées En 3D

La technologie que va utiliser A-Bim pour analyser l’état des ports est la modélisation 3D. Parties immergées comprises. “Le niveau des océans va monter et la majeure partie des ports de la planète sera immergée. “Avec la technologie française que nous utilisons et qui n’existe nulle part ailleurs, nous amenons des informations sur trois axes ...
Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Unveils 3D Digital Twin For VR And Simulation

Maxar Technologies and have collaborated to develop SYNTH3D, a synthetic 3D digital twin of the Earth’s surface that is highly compatible and visually pleasing for use in gaming, simulation, entertainment, virtual reality (VR), smart city, and metaverse applications. This high-performance 3D model, created using’s patented generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology and Maxar’s Vivid ...
Restoration Of Hatay's Damaged Landmarks Made Via 3D Modeling

Restoration Of Hatay’s Damaged Landmarks Made Via 3D Modeling

Teams from Istanbul University started their investigations of historical buildings that were severely damaged. Working in separate groups in the field, the teams make measurements using the photogrammetry technique with the help of drones and performing lidar mapping. “… The first step is the three-dimensional (3D) visualization of the surrounding buildings and the most important ...