The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) seeks public comment on version 1.3 of the OGC Indexed 3d Scene Layer (I3S) and Scene Layer Package Format Community Standard. Version 1.3 adds support for Building Scene Layers. Building Scene Layers are derived from Building Information Models (BIM) and/or other 3D building data. Comments are due by September 18, 2022. I3S is designed to enable the streaming and storage of arbitrarily large amounts of 3D geographic data. An I3S dataset, referred to as a Scene Layer, can consist of millions of discrete 3D objects with attributes, integrated surface meshes, symbolized points, or point cloud data covering small to extensive geographic areas. Designed for performance and scalability, a scene layer enables the efficient encoding and transmission of 3D geospatial content for an interactive visualization experience on web browsers, mobile, and desktop apps for both offline and online access.