
OGC Announces New Geo For Metaverse Domain Working Group

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is excited to announce the formation of the OGC Geo For Metaverse Domain Working Group (DWG), which will serve as a forum for the collective geospatial expertise of the OGC community to gather to help build and grow the open Metaverse. The group is open to OGC Members and non-members alike. The OGC Geo For Metaverse DWG will work on pieces of the Metaverse that pertain to geospatial applications and Standards by identifying standardization activities and best practices based on FAIR data principles (making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Given that the Metaverse will be an evolutionary development, the working group will identify both near- and long-term goals that will help ensure interoperability, FAIRness, and openness. Much of the Metaverse is already happening, so collaboration with other partners will be key to its success and will be a grounding principle of this OGC DWG. Specifically, the DWG will be the primary point of contact with the Metaverse Standards Forum, of which OGC is a founding and Principal member.