Central Coast residents can now stay up to date on more than 350 key infrastructure projects thanks to a new interactive map. Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart, said Council is investing $176M in the community, roads and other urban infrastructure, water and sewer, waste, environmental and sport and recreation projects. “This map includes the details, dates, progress and costs of each project, updated monthly,” he said. “This initiative makes it easy for anyone to find works within their street or suburb and is another important way Council is being transparent and open about linking the delivery program with clear information for the community.” Council’s Director Infrastructure Services, Boris Bolgoff, said the map also facilitates a view of projects being undertaken by the NSW Government in the Central Coast Local Government Area. “While the map shows the capital works projects, hundreds more smaller jobs and routine maintenance tasks continue to be delivered every day by Council staff,” he said. “We aim to continually improve this great online tool and will be adding the smaller capital works projects to it over the coming months.