

Al Via La Prima Mappa Delle Coste Italiane

Il progetto MER è la prima campagna di monitoraggio delle coste dell’Italia. L’intento è fornire dati ad altissima risoluzione volti a migliorare il processo decisionale dei governi locali per la protezione degli habitat e delle specie marine di interesse conservazionistico. A gestire il bando l’ISPRA che ha assegnato al consorzio guidato da Fugro l’azione di ...
„E-Geodezja II – Cyfrowy Zasób Geodezyjny Województwa Lubelskiego”

„E-Geodezja II – Cyfrowy Zasób Geodezyjny Województwa Lubelskiego”

20 lutego starosta Tomasz Marzęda i geodeta powiatowy Zbigniew Bojanowski brali udział w podpisaniu umowy o przystąpieniu do dofinansowaniu projektu: „e-Geodezja II – uzupełnienie cyfrowego zasobu geodezyjnego województwa lubelskiego” – zadania wpisanego na listę operacji o znaczeniu strategicznym w programie Fundusze Europejskie dla Lubelskiego 2021 – 2027. Projekt jest kontynuacją zrealizowanego w latach 2016-2021 projektu ...
ماهواره پارس۱ از پایگاه فضایی وستوچنی روسیه پرتاب شد

ماهواره پارس۱ از پایگاه فضایی وستوچنی روسیه پرتاب شد

ماهواره سنجشی پارس۱ صبح پنج شنبه توسط پرتابگر روسی سایوز از پایگاه وستوچنی در شرق این کشور پرتاب شد. به گفته حسن سالاریه، رئیس سازمان فضایی ایران، ماهواره پارس یک، ماهواره سنجش از دور است که به سه محموله تصویربرداری تجهیز شده است: دوربین رنگی با دقت ۱۵ متر، دوربین مادون‌قرمز موج کوتاه با دقت ...
Tendrá Monterrey Su “Gemelo Digital”

Tendrá Monterrey Su “Gemelo Digital”

El Gobierno de la Ciudad y el Tecnológico de Monterrey firmaron un convenio de colaboración para desarrollar una réplica virtual del territorio del municipio, comúnmente conocida como “gemelo digital”. Se trata de una representación virtual de la ciudad que será construida a partir de la cartografía con la que cuenta el Gobierno Municipal en conjunto ...
IHME, Microsoft, And Planet Collaborate To Map Climate-Vulnerable Populations In Unprecedented Detail

IHME, Microsoft, And Planet Collaborate To Map Climate-Vulnerable Populations In Unprecedented Detail

Climate change intensifies disasters, which drives displacement. That can, among many impacts, push internally displaced people from rural areas into urban slums. That in turn raises the risks of forced evictions and secondary urban displacement, as well as increased risks of public health crises, and so on, in a dispiriting causal chain. Knowing, in detail, ...

NGS Multi-year CORS Solution 3 Coming Later This Year

In order to maintain consistency with the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service (IERS) and the International GNSS Service (IGS) reference frames, NGS has been working to implement the new International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2020 (ITRF2020) and IGS20 realizations in the U.S. National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). This will result in updated North American ...
Synspective + Dynamic Map Platform Selected For Enterprise Innovation Promotion Program

Synspective + Dynamic Map Platform Selected For Enterprise Innovation Promotion Program

Synspective Inc. (Synspective) and Dynamic Map Platform Co., Ltd. (Dynamic Map Platform) have been selected by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the Small and Medium Enterprise Innovation Promotion Program. This project leverages SAR satellite technologies and Synspective’s Land Displacement Monitoring (LDM) solution and aims to integrate these technologies with HD ...

MoSPI Signs MoU With ISRO On Urban Frame Survey Using Bhuvan

The NSSO (FOD) under Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) under the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to facilitate Urban Frame Survey (UFS) in a digital mode using the state-of-the-art Geo ICT tools and techniques using Bhuvan Platform. The ...

GeoComm And Rapidsos Empower Emergency Communications Centers With Enhanced Indoor Maps

GeoComm, provider of Public Safety Location Intelligence, and RapidSOS, creator of the world’s first intelligent safety platform, are excited to announce the integration of GeoComm Indoor Maps into RapidSOS premium. Currently, telecommunicators in the U.S. are typically provided limited building structure information during a 9-1-1 call. An address point on a map with no additional ...
Biodiversity Survey Tool For Meeting New Net Gain Obligations

Biodiversity Survey Tool For Meeting New Net Gain Obligations

Esri UK partner Temple has created a biodiversity assessment tool, which could assist construction and engineering firms in meeting the biodiversity net gain (BNG) legislation that came into effect in England earlier this year. Environment, planning and sustainability consultancy Temple has joined geographic information system (GIS) software provider Esri UK’s partner network. This allows Temple ...

AGI Launch Awards For Geospatial Excellence

The Association for Geographic Information (AGI) has re-launched its highly popular awards for excellence within the geospatial sector. Entries for the awards are being sought from organisations and individuals, working in or with geospatial, who want to showcase innovation, achievements and best practice. The AGI 2024 Awards Categories are the ‘Chairperson’s Award for Outstanding Service ...
Ant Group Launches Multimodal Remote Sensing Model “SkySense”

Ant Group Launches Multimodal Remote Sensing Model “SkySense”

According to the Chinese media outlet Sina Tech, Ant Group has launched a 2 billion parameter multimodal remote sensing base model called SkySense. This is the latest research achievement of Ant’s Bailing large model in the multimodal field, and its paper has been accepted by the top computer vision conference CVPR 2024. SkySense can be ...

Poor Spatial Navigation Could Predict Alzheimer’s Disease Years Before The Onset Of Symptoms

People at risk of Alzheimer’s disease have impaired spatial navigation prior to problems with other cognitive functions, including memory, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. The research, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, used virtual reality to test the spatial navigation of 100 asymptomatic midlife adults, aged 43-66, from the PREVENT-Dementia prospective cohort study. ...
Mosaic, Movella Improve Mobile Mapping And Geospatial Analysis

Mosaic, Movella Improve Mobile Mapping And Geospatial Analysis

Mosaic and Movella have collaborated to combine the Mosaic 51 and Mosaic X camera systems with Movella’s Xsens Vision Navigator (XVN). The collaboration aims to bolster GIS platform integration and allow for extensive and precise 3D reconstruction. It uses inertial measuring unit (IMU) data generated by XVN and directly connects to the OBD port. The ...