

NavVis Releases VLX 3 Mobile Mapping System

On Tuesday, NavVis, one of the leaders in wearable mobile mapping technologies, unveiled their next generation of wearable technology, the NavVis VLX 3. This is, as the name implies, the third generation of their wearable VLX system, with the NavVis VLX 2 having been released almost two years ago in July of 2021. In their ...
인파 밀집 ‘위험 경보’ 시스템 만든다…5분 단위로 데이터 수집

인파 밀집 ‘위험 경보’ 시스템 만든다…5분 단위로 데이터 수집

행정안전부는 기지국 접속 정보와 공간 정보 등을 수집, 분석해 밀집도를 모니터링하는 현장인파관리시스템 구축사업을 이달 중 착수해 올해 안에 완료하겠다고 10일 밝혔다. 지난달 4월 27일 국회를 통과한 뒤 9일 국무회의에서 의결된 ‘재난안전법’ 개정안은 기지국 접속 정보를 정부나 지방자치단체가 요청할 경우 이동통신사가 즉시 제공할 수 있도록 하는 내용을 담고 있다. 행안부가 구상하는 ‘현장인파관리시스템’은 이 개정안을 근거로 유동인구를 ...

Nowa Aplikacja Bukle App Do Planowania Podróży Komunikacją Miejską

Najważniejszą funkcją systemu to możliwość dodania do niego rozkładów jazdy dowolnej firmy transportowej. Celem projektu jest dotarcie do lokalnych przewoźników i przekonanie ich do umieszczenia i (regularnego) aktualizowania swoich rozkładów jazdy, ponieważ serwis pozwala na samodzielne zarządzanie rozkładem przez firmy transportowe. Aplikacja wyznacza połączenia między dwoma miejscami z możliwymi przesiadkami, pozwala zobaczyć czasy odjazdów czy ...
3D-Modell Und Sensoren - Memmingen Digital

3D-Modell Und Sensoren – Memmingen Digital

Wieviele Fußgänger sind in Memmingen gerade in der Kramerstraße unterwegs? Wie ist die aktuelle Temperatur am Weinmarkt? Wie voll sind die Wertstoffcontainer am Westertor? Das alles messen neu installierte Sensoren – und ihr könnt diese Infos einfach online über den Digitalen Zwilling der Stadt Memmingen per Maus-Klick abrufen. Das Projekt ist jetzt auch dem Memminger ...

Gemeinsam Zum Ziel: Citizen Science Liefert Wertvollen Beitrag Zur Verhaltensbeobachtung Von Vögeln

Langfristige Aufzeichnungen von Daten über das Verhalten von Tieren stellen für die Wissenschaft wichtige Quellen für die Entwicklung von neuen, überprüfbaren Hypothesen dar. Für die Erfassung solcher Langzeitdaten ist die Einbeziehung und Beteiligung von Bürgerwissenschafter*innen ein Gewinn für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Inwieweit die so erhobenen Daten auch verlässlich sind, hat ein Forschungsteam rund um Didone ...
Un Sistema Basado En Sensores Ópticos Y Algoritmos Detectará Fisuras En Las Vías Férreas

Un Sistema Basado En Sensores Ópticos Y Algoritmos Detectará Fisuras En Las Vías Férreas

La Escola de Enxeñaría Aeronáutica e do Espazo del campus de Ourense reunió este martes a expertos en infraestructuras y mantenimiento en el sector ferroviario para conocer los avances del proyecto RIIM, en el que trabajan investigadores del grupo de Ingeniería Física de este centro y la empresa Copasa. El objetivo de esta investigación, explicaron, ...
Map Of Crimes In Park Ridge Will Update Every Week, Per Police

Map Of Crimes In Park Ridge Will Update Every Week, Per Police

The Park Ridge Police Department has rolled out an interactive map to track where criminal activity takes place across Park Ridge. The map, available on the Park Ridge Police Department website, is a response to a request from aldermen earlier this year to have a better idea of where crimes are occurring in Park Ridge. ...
NASA, Rocket Lab Launch Tropical Storm Observing CubeSats

NASA, Rocket Lab Launch Tropical Storm Observing CubeSats

NASA and Rocket Lab launched two of the agency’s CubeSats on Sunday to study tropical cyclones with greater frequency than existing satellites, according to an agency announcement. The CubeSats were launched on an Electron Rocket from Rocket Lab’s Launch Complex in New Zealand at 9pm EDT on Sunday—or 1pm NZST on Monday. The launch was ...
Submerged Lidar Acquires 3D Images Underwater

Submerged Lidar Acquires 3D Images Underwater

A project from Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh has now developed what it says is the first fully submerged lidar underwater transceiver system based on single-photon detection, and published the results in Optics Express. Heriot-Watt employed a CMOS-fabricated silicon single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) detector to measure photon time-of-flight using picosecond resolution time-correlated single-photon ...
I Turisti Mappati Dal Cellulare

I Turisti Mappati Dal Cellulare

I dati di telefonia mobile possono aiutare la gestione dei flussi turistici, attraverso la produzione di statistiche complementari a quelle ufficiali esistenti, che possono innovare e migliorare le stesse. È la conclusione, che conferma le sperimentazioni internazionali, alla quale sono arrivati i ricercatori che, sulla base della collaborazione tra Istat e Vodafone Business Italia. I ...
Using Reflections To See The World From New Points Of View

Using Reflections To See The World From New Points Of View

A new computer vision system turns any shiny object into a camera of sorts, enabling an observer to see around corners or beyond obstructions. researchers from MIT and Rice University have created a computer vision technique that leverages reflections to image the world. Their method uses reflections to turn glossy objects into “cameras,” enabling a ...
SAS Seeks Crowd-driven AI To Protect Endangered Sea Turtles In Galapagos

SAS Seeks Crowd-driven AI To Protect Endangered Sea Turtles In Galapagos

As an organization dedicated to responsible innovation and using technology to ignite positive change, SAS will apply crowd-driven AI and machine learning to help protect endangered sea turtles. Similar to SAS’ recent project to help track deforestation in the Amazon, the analytics leader is now working with the UNC Center for Galapagos Studies (CGS) to ...
Earth’s Climate Is Changing. IBM’s New Geospatial Foundation Model Could Help Track And Adapt To A New Landscape

Earth’s Climate Is Changing. IBM’s New Geospatial Foundation Model Could Help Track And Adapt To A New Landscape

Nearly a quarter of the world’s population now lives in a flood zone, and that number is expected to climb as rising seas and heavier storms triggered by a changing climate put more people at risk. The ability to accurately map flooding events can be key to not only protecting people and property now but ...

NORTH51 Heads To Banff For The 5th Annual Geospatial Ideas Conference

NORTH51 Conference, a boutique event dedicated to geospatial ideas is set to take place on May 10-12, 2023 at the Rimrock Resort in Banff. The conference will bring together industry leaders, experts, professionals, and enthusiasts from around the world to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and discuss the latest trends and advancements in the world of ...
Locate23 From Lands To Seas To Stars

Locate23: From Lands To Seas To Stars

The Australian geospatial industry’s most important annual event, Locate, is on once again, this time in Adelaide from 10-12 May 2023 and with a distinctly spacey feel. With the city now recognised as the nation’s ‘space capital’ — home of the Australian Space Agency, the SmartSat CRC and numerous space-related companies — and with the ...

Torna L’appuntamento Con La Conferenza Esri Italia 2023

Il 10 e 11 maggio 2023, in un rinnovatissimo Auditoriumdel Massimo di Roma, torna l’appuntamento con la Conferenza Esri Italia, l’evento più importante per imprese, pubbliche amministrazioni, ricercatori, professionisti e appassionati delle tecnologie GIS, che raccoglie da oltre 20 anni l’interesse di migliaia di persone. Per l’edizione 2023 il tema della Conferenza è “GeoDigital Twin ...