

Kanton Schwyz Zugang Zu Touristischen Orten Soll Auf Barrierefreiheit Untersucht Werden

Kanton Schwyz: Zugang Zu Touristischen Orten Soll Auf Barrierefreiheit Untersucht Werden

Ist die Ausstellung ebenerdig, mit Lift oder nur über eine Treppe erreichbar? Wie breit ist die Eingangstüre des Restaurants? Auf welcher Höhe sind die Bedienungstasten im Aufzug? Diese und ähnliche Fragen stellen sich Menschen mit Behinderung und ältere Menschen mit Rollatoren, bevor sie ihr Zuhause verlassen. Damit sie am öffentlichen Leben teilnehmen können, ist es ...
Erdbeben In Türkei Und Syrien Hat Gelände Langfristig Verändert

Erdbeben In Türkei Und Syrien Hat Gelände Langfristig Verändert

Nun vermeldet die Europäische Raumfahrtbehörde (ESA), dass die Erdbeben offenbar das Terrain in der Katastrophenregion langfristig verändert haben. So habe sich die Küstenstadt İskenderun stellenweise abgesenkt, was zu Überschwemmungen geführt habe. Zudem drohen in der Region zahlreiche Hänge abzurutschen. Nach dem Beben stellten 17 Weltraumorganisationen insgesamt 350 Satellitenbilder aus der Krisenregion zusammen, damit die Schäden ...
Identifier Les Déserts Médicaux La Question Sous-estimée De L’accès Des Patients Aux Soins

Identifier Les Déserts Médicaux : La Question Sous-estimée De L’accès Des Patients Aux Soins

En France, l’accessibilité aux soins et les difficultés qu’elle présente pour les citoyens sont tous les jours un peu plus au centre du débat public … Les principales mesures des difficultés d’accès aux soins utilisées en France reposent essentiellement sur des indicateurs de densité médicale et de temps d’accès au professionnel de santé le plus ...
Museu Virtual Interativo Reúne Vida E Obra De José Antonio Da Silva

Museu Virtual Interativo Reúne Vida E Obra De José Antonio Da Silva

Em uma plataforma digital interativa e com ações gamificadas, em que visitantes podem explorar os materiais de diversas maneiras, o museu virtual proporciona visualização tridimensional e sonoridade em 360 graus imersiva. Isso possibilita uma experiência completa na visitação online, que é gratuita e de fácil acesso a qualquer aparelho com internet, como computador, smarthphone, tablet ...
Google Lança Plataforma Que Prevê A Proliferação De Mosquitos Por Região Do País

Google Lança Plataforma Que Prevê A Proliferação De Mosquitos Por Região Do País

A plataforma “OFF!Cast Previsão de Mosquitos” já está no ar e mostra quais as chances de uma região no país ter maior ou menor presença de mosquitos. A ideia é prevenir a proliferação desses vetores, que trazem doenças como dengue, febre amarela, zika, malária e chikungunya. A OFF!Cast Previsão de Mosquitos é resultado de uma ...
Deprem Hasar Tahmin Uygulaması Depremriskim

Deprem Hasar Tahmin Uygulaması: Depremriskim

Başarsoft tarafından geliştirilen DepremRiskim, binanın zarar görebilirliğine ilişkin bir tahmin raporu oluşturulabilmesi için geliştirilmiş, bir deprem hasar tahmin uygulaması olarak faaliyet gösteriyor. DepremRiskim, binanın zarar görebilirliğine ilişkin bir tahmin raporu oluşturulabilmesi için geliştirilmiş, bir deprem hasar tahmin uygulaması olarak faaliyet gösteriyor. Uygulamada zemin ile ilgili resmî gazetede depremsellikle ilgili yayınlanmış veriler (E-devlet’te 2018 yılında yayınlanan ...
Two New Drone LidarImagery Systems From TrueView

Two New Drone Lidar/Imagery Systems From TrueView

From the floor of Geo Week 2023, LiDAR mapping hardware & software company GeoCue announced new products for geospatial professionals. Frank Darmayan, CEO of GeoCue explains “Our new TrueView 535 builds upon the success of our best-selling TrueView 515 with several improvements; the upgraded LiDAR sensors adds a 3rd return which increases our ability to ...

Ursa Space Launches Python Toolbox API On Esri ArcGIS Pro

Ursa Space Systems announced the release of a Python toolbox for satellite analytics and data ordering within Esri ArcGIS Pro, a full-featured professional desktop GIS application. Ursa Space leverages the world’s most comprehensive and progressive satellite data virtual constellation, comprising synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Optical, and radio frequency (RF) sensing from multiple commercial sources and ...

Missouri 911 Service Board Initiates First Ever 6-inch Resolution Statewide Imagery Program With Extensive Buy-up Options

Recognizing the importance to public safety and to many other government operations of high-quality aerial imagery, the Missouri 911 Service Board has partnered with the Department of Conservation, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Missouri GIS Advisory Council to launch a statewide imagery collection program. The imagery will be available at no charge through ...

Maxar Signs Agreement With Umbra For Direct Access To Radar Imaging Satellites

Maxar has signed a contract with satellite imagery startup Umbra to get dedicated access to the company’s radar imaging constellation, the companies announced Feb. 14. The partnership will allow Maxar to directly task Umbra’s satellites and integrate synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data into its portfolio of Earth intelligence products and services, Tony Frazier, head of ...

Air Quality Map For Dublin City Released As Part Of Google’s Project Air View

Dublin City Council has launched the results of Google’s Project Air View initiative, which measured the air quality of Dublin City’s streets over a period of 16 months and gathered over 50 million pieces of data. The project was delivered in partnership with the City Council’s Smart Dublin programme, with data captured by Google’s first ...
China Releases Latest Standards For Maps, Requiring Accurate Reflection Of State Territory

China Releases Latest Standards For Maps, Requiring Accurate Reflection Of State Territory

China’s Ministry of Natural Resources on Tuesday issued the latest standards for the contents of maps, in order to strengthen map management, safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests and promote the healthy development of the geographic information industry. The regulations said that a map of China should always accurately reflect the scope of China’s ...