

BISim And Blackshark.Ai Join Forces: A Major Step Toward The Military Metaverse

Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim), a leading global developer of military simulation and training software, is pleased to announce a partnership with, the developer of a 3D Digital Twin of Earth and a range of AI-based geospatial technologies. Together, they plan to deliver unprecedented realism in whole-Earth terrain generation through combing BISim’s Mantle ETM and ...

Vollautomatische Leitungsauskunft Bei Den Stadtwerken Waldkirchen

Die Stadtwerke Waldkirchen haben sich dem Infrest Leitungsauskunftsportal angeschlossen. Durch die direkte Anbindung an das unternehmenseigene Geoinformationssystem (GIS) können die über das Infrest-Portal eingehenden Leitungsanfragen vollautomatisch abgewickelt werden. Die über das Infrest Portal eingehenden Anfragen werden dabei über eine standardisierte WMS (WebMapService) Schnittstelle direkt in das Geoinformationssystem (GIS) der Stadtwerke weitergeleitet. Die dort automatisch erzeugten ...
Drone De Asa Fixa Com Sensor Multiespectral Por Valor Promocional Na Feira Droneshow 2023

Drone De Asa Fixa Com Sensor Multiespectral Por Valor Promocional Na Feira Droneshow 2023

A empresa G drones estará presente na feira MundoGEO Connect, DroneShow e SpaceBR Show, que acontece de 9 a 11 de maio no Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca, em São Paulo (SP). A G drones está com uma promoção do Disco Mapir para a DroneShow. O asa fixa está com valor de R$ 16.800,00. O ...

Le Congo-Brazzaville Lance Une Opération De Recensement De La Population

Selon la ministre du Plan, de la Statistique et de l’Intégration régionale, Ingrid Ghislaine Olga Ebouka-Babackas, cette enquête démographique va mobiliser d’importants moyens humain, matériel et financier avec au moins 6.700 agents recenseurs qui seront déployés sur l’ensemble du territoire congolais. Le résultat du RGPH-5 devra aboutir sur une cartographie géo-référencée des localités et des ...
Quart De Poblet Facilitará Información Urbanística A Través De Una Aplicación Web

Quart De Poblet Facilitará Información Urbanística A Través De Una Aplicación Web

Los vecinos y vecinas de Quart de Poblet dispondrán de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), una tecnología que ofrece mapas y datos cartográficos y geográficos referenciados del municipio a través de una aplicación web. En este caso, la información se orienta hacia el urbanismo y se integrará en una infraestructura de datos especiales de ...
El Presidente Alberto Fernández Participó De La Presentación Del Nuevo 911 Federal

El Presidente Alberto Fernández Participó De La Presentación Del Nuevo 911 Federal

El presidente Alberto Fernández encabezó esta tarde, junto al ministro de Seguridad, Aníbal Fernández, la presentación del nuevo 911 Federal, una iniciativa para mejorar la seguridad en todo el país a través de la actualización tecnológica del Sistema Federal de Atención de Emergencias de alcance nacional. El llamado Proyecto 911 Federal GIS ya se encuentra ...

Saudi Geospatial Authority To Align With UN Framework For Better Ground Information

The General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information participated in the inaugural meeting of the international advisory committee of its UN counterpart between April 20 and 22 in Deqing, China. During the meeting, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia presented the experience of the GASGI in developing a national strategy in line with global standards prescribed ...
How Just 1% Of Farmland Could Meet One Third Of Canada’s Energy Needs

How Just 1% Of Farmland Could Meet One Third Of Canada’s Energy Needs

Recent research into “agrivoltaics” — putting solar panels on a parcel of land that grows food — suggests that this isn’t always a dealbreaker. In fact, according to the paper, setting up certain types of solar panels alongside commercial plant crops can play a huge role in generating renewable energy in Canada. To study this, ...
How Much Do We Value Healthy Rivers And Streams

How Much Do We Value Healthy Rivers And Streams?

The economic benefit of water quality improvements depends on where those improvements occur. But which water quality changes do New England residents value the most, and where would they prefer these changes to occur across large river and stream networks? Robert J. Johnston, director of the George Perkins Marsh Institute and professor of economics, and ...
Seasonal Effects On Aboveground Biomass Estimation In Mountainous Deciduous Forests

Seasonal Effects On Aboveground Biomass Estimation In Mountainous Deciduous Forests

Researchers from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have found that the proportion of sunlit background visible in remote sensing images controls the vertical distribution of stereoscopic point clouds. The higher the proportion of visible sunlit background, the stronger the ability to detect the understory terrain. The team ...