
Product Updating

How You Can Use Google Maps To Track Wildfires And Air Quality

How You Can Use Google Maps To Track Wildfires And Air Quality

Climate change has brought an increasing number of wildfires and air quality problems. In the US, the West Coast has seen more than its fair share of fires over the past several years. Here on the East Coast, we were affected by wildfires in Canada last year, creating a haze across the skies and warnings ...
Felt Upgrades GIS Platform

Felt Upgrades GIS Platform

Felt has introduced Felt 3.0, which includes new features and native database integrations to improve Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capabilities. The goal of Felt 3.0 is to make data more accessible and actionable for stakeholders. It provides modern GIS tools for teams to visualize, analyze and present important insights and map data relevant to their ...
Tecnología Geoespacial Aplicada A La Eficiencia Ganadera

Tecnología Geoespacial Aplicada A La Eficiencia Ganadera

Un equipo de especialistas del grupo de Recursos Naturales de la Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Corrientes del INTA junto con la Subsecretaría de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información de la Provincia de Corrientes, desarrolló una plataforma web que permite conocer la superficie ganadera útil con el fin de calcular y establecer de manera más eficiente ...
Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

Mapa Interativo Mostra As Regiões Do Brasil Com Risco De Inundação

A Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) lançou um mapa interativo que permite visualizar áreas com risco de desastre no Brasil. Nesse sistema, é possível localizar informações sobre áreas com alto e muito alto risco de deslizamentos de terra, inundações, enxurradas e queda de rochas em mais de 1.600 municípios brasileiros. A plataforma interativa ...

Google Maps Is Getting Geospatial AR Content Later This Year

At its annual Google I/O 2024 conference, Google announced that users will soon be able to access geospatial augmented reality (AR) content directly on Google Maps on their phones. The feature will first appear in Singapore and Paris as part of a pilot program launching later this year. Users will be able to access the ...
PIX4D Upgrades PIX4DCatch With Augmented Reality Features

PIX4D Upgrades PIX4DCatch With Augmented Reality Features

Pix4D has launched PIX4Dcatch 2.0: a new and improved version of Pix4D’s terrestrial scanning iOS mobile app that adds professional-grade augmented reality (AR) and compatibility with a multitude of RTK devices. Pix4D is one of the leading providers of drone and terrestrial mapping and photogrammetry solutions. PIX4Dcatch is a mobile 3D scanning and AR visualization ...

Esri Releases Latest Land Cover Map With Updated Sentinel-2 Satellite Data

Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, in its partnership with Impact Observatory, has released an updated global land-use/land-cover map of the world based on the most up-to-date 10-meter Sentinel-2 satellite data. In the update, the Sentinel-2 10m Land Use/Land Cover Time Series includes new data from 2023, expanding the series to include global coverage ...

New PSGA Data Will Help Speed Up Emergency Response Times

A new selection of location datasets, including two new products, have been released today (Thursday 28 March) as part of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). The new data and products have been delivered by Ordnance Survey (OS) and are set to support customers across a range of markets, including the emergency services, sustainability, land ...
Scientific Systems Advances Navigation Software

Scientific Systems Advances Navigation Software

Scientific Systems has released upgrades for ImageNav, an image-based navigation software designed for GPS-denied or compromised environments. With more than a decade of development, ImageNav offers a robust alternative to traditional GPS navigation for military operations, particularly in contested environments where jamming poses a threat to GPS reliability. The demand for such technology has become ...
Google Maps Tests Showing Building Entrances

Google Maps Tests Showing Building Entrances

Google Maps has become an invaluable tool to navigate and to find the best spots to eat, get coffee, or to see sights. But with some bigger buildings and attractions, it can get hard to find the entrance. That’s where a new experiment comes in that Google appears to be testing with a few users ...

Google Maps Is Finally Making Glanceable Directions Widely Available

Google developers have invested significant efforts in improving the navigation experience in Maps throughout 2023, as we witnessed with the journey behind creating Immersive View. Efforts like this make Maps one of our favorite navigation apps on Android, but along the way, it also announced features like glanceable directions, which we haven’t seen on our ...
Access Over 181,000 USGS Historical Topographic Maps

Access Over 181,000 USGS Historical Topographic Maps

In collaboration with the US Geological Survey (USGS), we recently updated Esri’s online USGS historical topographic map collection with over 1,745 new maps, bringing the total number of maps in our collection to over 181,000 (181,008 to be exact). We also corrected a number of maps that our users reported as having georeferencing or other ...
Ginan Version 3 Open-Source Toolkit Released

Ginan Version 3 Open-Source Toolkit Released

Version 3 of Australia’s free Ginan service, an open-source toolkit for determining precise point positioning with centimetre-level accuracy based on GNSS observations, has been released. Version 3 enables users to use Ginan to determine precise orbits for low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, knowledge which in turn is used to boost the accuracy of positioning measurements ...
Mapy Małopolski - Nowy Geoportal Województwa Zastąpił MIIP

Mapy Małopolski – Nowy Geoportal Województwa Zastąpił MIIP

Nowy geoportal zwiększa dostępność i jakość e-usług publicznych w zakresie informacji przestrzennej. Mieszkańcy Małopolski poza dostępem do nowoczesnych rejestrów geodezyjnych i przeglądaniem map będą mogli korzystać z dodatkowych e-usług. Aplikacje mapowe znajdziemy przechodząc do zakładki Katalog Zasobów. Użytkownicy zarejestrowani, którzy założą konto w systemie będą mogli skorzystać z rozszerzonego pakietu dostępnych narzędzi umożliwiających tworzenie ...
Karte Des Monats Februar Infrarot-Luftbilder 2023

Karte Des Monats Februar: Infrarot-Luftbilder 2023

Zur Gewinnung von Luftbildern des Stadtgebiets wird Frankfurt jährlich beflogen. Dabei entstehen neben den herkömmlichen Luftbildern auch Infrarot-Aufnahmen. Spezielle Sensoren nehmen dabei den Infrarot-Kanal auf, der mit bloßen Augen nicht wahrgenommen werden kann. Dieser wird für die bessere Erkennbarkeit fototechnisch überarbeitet und in der Farbe Rot dargestellt. Als Ergebnis liefern die Infrarotluftbilder wertvolle Informationen über ...
Auckland Tsunami Map Refreshed

Auckland Tsunami Map Refreshed

Fewer Auckland residents would be at risk in the event of a tsunami than the council previously thought. Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) has updated the region’s tsunami map in the wake of new data which it says showed less of the city’s coastline would be at threat. AEM head of operations John Cranfield said the ...

نقشه‌های هوایی کلانشهر اصفهان پس از ۱۰ سال به‌روزرسانی می‌شود

وحید مهدویان، معاون شهرسازی و معماری شهرداری اصفهان گفت: تهیه تصاویر و به‌روزرسانی نقشه‌های هوایی این کلانشهر پس از یک دهه به‌وسیله هواپیمای تخصصی پایش و نظارت بر اراضی انجام خواهد شد. برنامه ریزی لازم به‌منظور تصویربرداری هوایی و پوششی از کل شهر با استفاده از هواپیمای تخصصی مستقر در فرودگاه شهید بهشتی در سال ...
Neue Luftbilder Der Stadt Bern Sind Verfügbar

Neue Luftbilder Der Stadt Bern Sind Verfügbar

Drei Jahre nach den letzten Aufnahmen hat die Stadt Bern neue Luftbilder der gesamten Gemeinde erstellt. Sie setzt damit eine Zeitreihe mit Aufnahmen von 1999, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 sowie 2020 fort. Die Luftaufnahmen wurden am 30. Mai 2023 gemacht und anschliessend zu einem Orthofotomosaik verarbeitet. Künftig dienen sie als Hintergrund- und Referenzdaten für Arbeiten ...

Google Maps For Android Now Supports Bluetooth Beacons For Tunnel Navigation

GPS makes it possible to navigate the globe with relative ease, but tunnels have long been a sore spot for apps like Google Maps. But, widely available now, Google Maps now supports Bluetooth beacons to fill in the gap left by tunnels. Bluetooth beacons are not really a new idea. Google-owned Waze has supported the ...

Cartografia E Telerilevamento, Online L’aggiornamento Dei Dati Territoriali

Si aggiorna e si sviluppa il patrimonio foto-cartografico della Toscana. Sono disponibili online nuovi prodotti derivati dai più recenti rilievi aerei che consentiranno una conoscenza ancora più approfondita di tutto il territorio regionale e delle sue trasformazioni. Questo grazie a specifici progetti di telerilevamento realizzati con risorse interamente regionali. Si tratta, nello specifico, di aggiornamenti ...

Esri Releases 2023 Update Of Ready-To-Use US Census Bureau Data For ArcGIS Users

The United States Census Bureau recently released its annual update to its American Community Survey (ACS) data. Many federal agencies are required to use this ACS data, and many non-profits rely on it when applying for grants for their operations and decision-making. To help meet this need, Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, has ...
University Of Richmond ‘Mapping Inequality’ Project Releases New Redlining Maps And Other Features

University Of Richmond ‘Mapping Inequality’ Project Releases New Redlining Maps And Other Features

The Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond has released an updated version of its popular “Mapping Inequality” project. The award-winning, open-access project focuses on redlining — the practice of denying financial services to residents based on race or ethnicity. Mapping Inequality is the largest collection of maps produced by the Home Owners’ Loan ...

Esri Integrates 3D Tiles Into The ArcGIS System Of Record, Enhancing 3D GIS Workflows

Advances in imagery collection and photogrammetry techniques have increased demand for digital representations of the physical world, or geospatial digital twins. To meet this demand, Esri will integrate 3D Tiles into its ArcGIS software. With the ability to work with a variety of data types, including open 3D data standards, customers can develop innovative solutions ...

Trimble Monitoring Software Expands Sensor Support To Deliver Broader Rail And Structural Deformation Analytics

Trimble announced today at the INTERGEO conference the latest release of Trimble® 4D (T4D) Control™ software, version 6.5, expanding rail track monitoring capabilities to address a wider range of standards and specifications. This update also adds support for Syscom Instruments acceleration sensors for event-based monitoring of ground motion, as well as updating authentication methods for ...

L’occupation Des Sols, Thème Central Du Nouvel Atlas Des Cartes De “L’anthropocène” De L’ign

Publiée ce 4 octobre, la deuxième édition de l’atlas “Cartographier l’anthropocène” réalisée par l’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) aborde la question de l’occupation des sols face au changement climatique. Histoire, aménagement du territoire, environnement : la thématique est déclinée sous trois angles. Après une première édition sortie il y a un an, ...
Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

Google Launches Flood Hub In The U.S., Which Predicts When Rivers Will Flood And Warns People To Evacuate

In August, when heavy rain hit parts of Chile, tens of thousands of people had to evacuate their homes as their communities flooded. Many got a warning a couple of days in advance, thanks to a tool from Google called Flood Hub that rolled out in the country earlier this year. Before Flood Hub existed, ...

FAO Broadens Scope Of Innovative Water Monitoring Tool To Include The Whole World

WaPOR, as it is widely known, is expanding its geospatially driven coverage to the whole world, following six years of successful use in Africa and the Near East. The new and improved version was launched today at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) at the 2nd Rome Water Dialogue and on ...

NWS Unveils New Experimental Flood Inundation Maps For Much Of East Texas, Central Pennsylvania And Parts Of The Northeast

Flooding is the most frequent severe-weather related threat and the costliest natural disaster in the United States. To improve flood warning communication and help emergency managers prepare for and respond to flooding, the National Weather Service (NWS) has begun to add new experimental flood inundation mapping services to its suite of forecast products. These new ...
Photogrammetry App In Major New Release Of Smart Drone Survey Software

Photogrammetry App In Major New Release Of Smart Drone Survey Software

Virtual Surveyor has added drone photogrammetry capabilities to the latest release of its popular Virtual Surveyor smart drone surveying software. The new Terrain Creator app photogrammetrically processes drone photos to generate survey-grade terrains which then transfer seamlessly into the traditional Virtual Surveyor workspace where the real survey work can be performed. “Virtual Surveyor software is ...
Esta Ferramenta Mostra A Cobertura Das Operadoras De Redes Em Tempo Real

Esta Ferramenta Mostra A Cobertura Das Operadoras De Redes Em Tempo Real

Já está disponível a plataforma Geoespacial, um novo instrumento que permite conhecer em tempo real a cobertura de redes de comunicações – de todos os operadores – no território nacional. Até agora a aplicação tem.REDE? fornecia informação apenas sobre a cobertura móvel. Já a nova plataforma agrega informação mais completa e com maior grau de ...